Story Forum Community Lounge (Part 1)

Save Gotham? Impossible! Saving the Eastern Seaboard requires Joker to being around to keep the other crazies in check and if he gets lucky he takes out Gotham, loses his sense of purpose due to Batman being dead or having abandoned Gotham and abandons his Joker persona.

If you are worried about a continually rising death count due to Joker’s existence then Movie Ra’s al Ghul’s remedy is what you are looking for. As he stated Gotham is beyond saving! Best evacuate everyone good out of the city, have Raven send it through a portal to a planet with no intelligent life and let Joker destroy it while Batman monitors the situation!

Well he wasn’t wrong. As a place Gotham has just become a symbol of death and madness. It is too far gone to ever save. Trying to kill everyone, innocent or not, is the wrong approach but the place is a blight on the world and should be extinguished.

It needs to be evacuated en mass! Ra’s tried to wipe out all the city’s inhabitants which was wrong because there were non-crazies in the area.

Get most people out of the city and reduce it(aside from Wayne Manor and the Bat Cave) to a deep hole leading straight to molten lava that can’t be fixed and there will be no place for the crazies(who should be dumped on another planet with non sapient animals to hunt) to rally around.

Without Gotham Batman will be stuck with helping the Justice League and simmer down over time.

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Oh that’s pretty soon, neat. Probably going to be in the middle of the night or something ridiculous for us unwashed Australian plebs.

Just makes me sad. Not because of anything in it (since there’s nothing, yet). Just because, once upon a time, I would have been excited for this. And now I’m just… not.

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Not being excited for things isn’t the worst thing in the world. If it isn’t any good, no harm done. But if it is better than you thought it leaves a lot of room to be impressed.


I am just excited to see Zin-Azshari and some fish !

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At this point, I have a pretty high threshold to be impressed. Basically, only New Teldrassil will do :joy:

They do know all the secrets :thinking:

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At this point I recognise anything I actually want is unlikely to happen. If they do surprise me great, I love having my expectations subverted when I’m thinking the worst. Like in the game Tacoma, those game devs played me excellently.

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This forum discord is fun :smiley:



Is there a reason you keep posting this?

At least he can. I got put in time-out too many times.

Speaking of, do suspensions like “fall off your record” or some such, after a certain period of time? Or am I just never going to be able to get the next rank, ever?

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I wondered that myself but couldn’t find an answer. All the people I saw were saying that it goes up each time but not that it’s ever removed if you’re good for a long time. What do the ranks on the forum require you to do anyway?

Basically, just interact with the forum, without racking up suspensions.

I know for rank 3, you have to read X number of posts, visit so many hours, reply so many times, and some more I can’t remember, within 100 days.

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Ahaha I’m never going to get that. I make too many dirty minded comments.

Is there a reason not to?

I guess not. I just have no idea what it is and I keep seeing you post it in random places.

Why does the Pink Arcane Elemental have a feather equipped to it’s head?

Rafaam just destroyed Dalaran’s beautiful fountain!

A new type of Shadow Elemental! The most we see are Void Revenants, Voidwalkers, Voidwraiths and Void Spawn…

Dalaran has it’s own Treasure Elemental!

Why don’t we have pure Azerite Elementals!?!

Despite being Crystal he still uses Life Magic!?!

Why isn’t this guy in WoW!?!