Story Forum Community Lounge (Part 1)

Dominic Ratetto is the main charater of The Rat and The Furious franchise, starring Vin Ratsel alongside Michelle Ratriguez

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I think Iā€™m only as up to date as that we face Heta and the Mandalorians but I didnā€™t get the impression they were going to call back to Vitiate but would be interesting I suppose.

Iā€™m not that interested in the two siblings this expansion introduced theyā€™re kind of annoying to me as characters, but I have enjoyed Shae getting spotlight, the Torian and Arcann dialogue, I want to see if anything ever comes from peopleā€™s theory that Vaylin is back low key

Darth Null has the ability to awaken Force Potential by bridging over to a Force Sensitiveā€™s Mind with a latent Force Sensitive having their Force Sensitivity activated.

Considering the voice telling you to grab the Holocron in the Final Battle of Knights of the Eternal Throne I really donā€™t think Vitiateā€™s really dead. If he is alive and someone tries Darth Nullā€™s technique on the Alliance Commanderā€¦

I was at a friends house for a cookout last summer and his like 13 year old cousin outright refused to believe me when I explained those movies used to be about stealing DVD players from truck trailers.

Because when you say it outloud it does sound like youā€™re screwing with someone. Because now I think those movies about Ludicrous using a sedan as a spacecraft or whatever.

Be like finding out the Marvel Cinematic Universe started out as documentaries about Tupperware that just sorta got outā€™ve hand.

TBF the MCU did start with fighting terrorists in the Middle East, then it became about aliens, and now weā€™re dealing with the multiverse. Iā€™m on The Punisher now and itā€™s kinda odd to me that it exists in the same universe. DHS exists and Iā€™m not sure how different their function is from SHIELD, I suppose one uses holographic technology while the other doesnā€™t. The MCU is all over the place when it comes to themes like that. Meaning of, Iā€™d have loved a small scene in No Way Home of The Punisher trying to kill Spider-Man as a callback to the comics.

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The MCU actually managed to represent the comics extraordinarily well. Because just like with the comics I got very confused what was going on and wasnā€™t going to sign myself up for the paid homework assignment to remedy that.

Seriously if Marvel had just decided to take a 4 year hiatus after Endgame and came back with a new movie lineup I think they wouldā€™ve crushed even more box office records.

But at this point itā€™s diminishing returns due to itā€™s sheer relentlessness. It used to be one to two movies a year. Now itā€™s one to three movies a year and two to seven full length seasons of television shows and also random holiday specials.

Seriously the one thing DC did right was just not worrying how this stuff fit together. Ya didnt have to watch Shazam to know what was happening in Peacemaker. Hell the idea of continuity is actually played for laughs in Peacemaker.

So far Gunn hasnt given me a reason to doubt him. But I really hope they continue to keep things loose. So you can have dour character dramas like Joker and absurd ish like Aquaman and nobody cares how or if these things fit together.

It is interesting how the MCU is basically just onscreen comics at this point. Itā€™s not too far from soap operas that have been going 60+ years. I use to watch General Hospital, every now and then Iā€™ll look at that show and see thereā€™s a bunch of characters who I donā€™t know about that are involved in plots which I canā€™t understand at a glance. I stopped watching that show whenever they introduced angels and vampires; I found out that a character that was half-angel got written off the show via a drug addict arc, he became a jerk that betrayed the good characters then died from an overdose. I do like the MCU though partly because of paid off investment without being as complicated as that.

The amount of television shows isnā€™t that bad, the problem is more so that theyā€™re on Disney+ which limits who can watch them. Theyā€™re usually either 6 episodes or 9 episodes, which is short. The netflix series are 13 episodes with multiple seasons, and Agents of SHIELD has 7 seasons which are 22 episodes each. The problem use to be worse, people just complain now because most of them only paid attention to the movies. People who donā€™t know what Runaways or Helstrom is.

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Let me tell you, when you said that I was definitely not expecting;

I reread that like three times to make sure I wasnā€™t missing something. I thought that was a hospital drama about hot doctors. Now itā€™s about drug addled celestials?

I swear to God at a certain point I think writers get bored and basically dare the studio to fire them.

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I did quite like that Werewolf By Night thing they did. That and Multiverse of Madness were the last things I watched. And the ladder only because Iā€™d probably watch my own parentā€™s sex tape if you told me Sam Raimi directed it.

The Werewolf one was pretty fun though. Iā€™m actually pretty partial to that 1940s Wolfman throwback style of lycanthrope.

And I get they did that because the technology to make a bipedal wolf monster look convincing just was not on the table. But idk. I think thereā€™s a certain charm to that style.

I know the words realistic donā€™t really have purchase when discussing shape-shifters. But idk. A wolfish person just seems more feasible to me.

Otherwise you think werewolves would be easy to spot. Iā€™m 30 and already have a permanent weak spot in the back of my neck after injuring it twice first in construction and second at the gym. Now that just flares up whenever I do something stupid.

If I was turning into a damn four legged creature once a month Iā€™d probably need a walker by now. That just cannot be easy on your knees.

The show during the 80s became about mobsters and still is, The Corinthos Crime Family has been having mafia wars for control of Port Charles for decades. There was a spinoff in the 90s that was about the angel and vampire stuff which didnā€™t affect the main show at all, it was about how there was a secret world hidden away from everyday society which is a cool concept. General Hospital got a new showrunner which is when it started going to crap, he brought in those angels and vampires 20 years later for some bizarre reason. One of the longrunning villains was killed off only to be brought back as a zombie and kept going like everything was fine. My favorite storyline will always be the two-part special arc where James Franco is a serial killing artist who is obsessed with his mafia enforcer half-brother and made cryptic crime scenes as clues to get his attention.

Oh, I almost forgot, the girl with the AIDs arc became best friends with an alien, UFO and all. That was a short storyline that happened for no reason.

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Wasnā€™t there a daytime soap that was balls-to-wall crazy with vampires and aliens or something? I seem to remember some friends raving about it back in maybe the late 90ā€™s/early aughts.


If itā€™s the same one Iā€™m talking about then itā€™s called Port Charles, which is also the name of the city in General Hospital

Dark Shadows I think. My boomer mom was a huge fan of that back in the day.

Tim Burton made a truly bizarre movie out of it awhile back. Itā€™s objectively a bad movie that clearly was cut down pretty heavily. Seriously a character is revealed to be a werewolf at one point with approximately 0 build up or even vague indication that was supposed to be a thing.

Itā€™s basically just a goth softboi Johnny Depp being harassed by a cast of increasingly horny monstrosities.

So obviously I like it but Iā€™m not going to pretend itā€™s actually a good movie.

I found it! It was Passions. Dark Shadows I remember from working at a video store around the same time (late 90ā€™s/early aughts) and we had some episodes on VHS. It seemed pretty fun. There was this veryā€¦ interesting guy that would rent and re-rent all of the Dark Shadows VHS we had and would explain in full detail the plot to us when he returned them. Well, just to me really because I was the only one who would humor him and listen. Loved him some Barnabas.

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Kinda a shame those stores went the way of the dodo by the time I was just starting to hit the job market. Iā€™ve heard a lot of interesting stories from people who worked in them, and thatā€™s actually were people like Kevin Smith and Quentin Tarantino credit getting a lot of both film knowledge and story inspiration from.

Iā€™ve heard Alamo Drafthouse was experimenting with attaching throwback video stores attached to their theaters which sounded interesting to me. Unfortunately after the theater apocalypse that was 2020 I think they nixed the idea for budgetary reasons.

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Hoping that Indiana Jones movie is good.

It remains objectively hilarious to me that canonically in that setting, the USA straight up has essentially God, just in a box in a warehouse somewhere.

Thatā€™s gotta be a stressful inventory gig. Some knucklehead accidentally stabs the merchandise with a forkload and now the biblical plagues of Egypt are unleashed.


Thatā€™s a great idea

Harrison Ford should probably retire

It belongs in a museum!

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See if I were in charge Iā€™d cast like Steven Yeun to play an all grown up Shortround.

Figure you hire Ke Huy Quan (the original characterā€™s actor) to play Shortroundā€™s father. Who turns up in the USA about ready to murder Indiana Jones. Because he trusted Jones to protect his son, and Jones brought him to a duck mothering Temple of Doom. Thatā€™s the opposite of protecting someone.

Consequently Shortround who weā€™ll give a less cringe name. Idk maybe heā€™s running around calling himself like Louisana Fang now or w/e. Grew up with a taste for adventure. And his poor bealgured father just cannot deal with his sonā€™s obsession with wearing stupid hats and constant cultist fistfighting. And now his boy has gotten himself in deep in the Korean War and so heā€™s dragging Jones out there to come sort this out.

Be a sorta torch-passing movie. Where then we follow this new adventurer through all sorts of globetrotting mishaps during the Cold War.

Idk sounds better than pinning an action adventure franchise on a visibly exhausted 80 year old man.

Please just let Ford smoke weed and crash planes like God intended.

So saw the news about those new Hardcore servers and after making sure they werenā€™t just advertising Moonguard Iā€™ve to admit to some passing interest.

But Iā€™m confused why itā€™s Classic only.

Iā€™d definitely be down for that in a more limited version of Modern WoW. Because leveling is actually not that time consuming and most of the classes actually have pretty solid survivability these days.

Suffice to say I do not want to see 20 hours go up in flames because 30 murlocs abruptly decided to respawn while I was picking a flower.

Does amuse me though they insist theyā€™ll be no tolerance for griefing. When uh. Sorry Blizz but I assure you;

Like youā€™re begging people to be just - the worst - with those kinda stakes. Best of luck but that sounds less uphill and more outright Sisphyean.

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I admit, I find the concept interesting. Not because I consider myself a hardcore player at all, but because it would make for an interesting RP dynamic.