I mean yeah that’s kinda why I called them pandering.
And hey I’m not one to judge I’d certainly give a worgen girl a whirl if it were a IRL option. Muscular, skinny, fat, hairy - idc. Turn off the lights and it’s irrelevant if you ask me.
But the vulpera are just- inching worryingly close to Loli territory if you ask me. Where this goes from harmless fun to;
Which is AGAIN not to suggest all or even most Vulpera RPers are creeps. The vast majority are not. Hell some of them where the only ones that gave my gambling game a whirl when I decided to abruptly start it at the Wyvern’s Tail. I’ve had a lot of fun with them.
But hey Forsaken RPers are full of uncreative edgelords incapable of creating characters with traits beyond ‘edgy’ and ‘mean’ or at best ‘sad’.
Which isn’t quite as bad but I certainly hate them more because they’re ruining my favorite thing. Granted I grew up in a major city so. Sometimes ya just gotta ignore the dude clearly playing with himself on the Redline. Such is life.
Probably wouldn’t even be the worst bite you received, too.
“So yeah I hooked up with a werewolf and she infected me with lycanthropy and ironically my mental state got better after that.”
Was a character idea I was toying with; in the same way that Ritalin has the opposite normal effect with someone who has ADHD, I was thinking of a character that was a total mess as a human but being infected brought him closer to normalcy / clarity, if a bit still weird because of the whole wolf thing.
Yeah actually I’ve liked werewolves and vampires both as an allegory for mental illness and addiction.
Because I’ve certainly woken up in weird places barely clothed wondering WTF happened. And have a constant thirst for substances I’ll know will lead to me hurting myself or God forbid, others.
My Worgen character I decided was cursed by a Kul Tiran Witch hanging around Karazhan after wronging a woman but not at all meaning to. And likewise she kinda overreacted by going to the witch of the wood to seek vengeance. But they were both kids at the time and taking things far too seriously and screwed up and then a lot of people got hurt, or worse.
I’m a big believer in Vonnegut’s approach to writing where there aren’t any villains. Just people. Who can be greedy, short sighted, impulsive, spiteful and stupid. But seldom ever evil.
Because the only evil people are in their late teens to early 20s and ya either grow out of it or were always a sociopath to begin with.
Hence why militaries and gangs love that demographic.
It’s not a loli problem, it’s a furry problem. A lot of them have no concept of personal boundaries so they do wildly inappropriate things in places they shouldn’t. Any time I hear about problem Vulpera I always think about a caravan guild on WrA I heard about that advertised as a normal RP guild but operated far from that, having public slave auctions of a particular type and other such activities despite recruiting oblivious people who weren’t looking for that, and it was successful until they were cracked down on. I feel bad for hotel workers who have to deal with customers who attend furry conventions, they have to clean up the diapers in the elevators and send hazmat teams to quarantine the bathrooms or whatever hallway the “party” pizza was found in. I like Vulpera as a race and am glad they’re playable, they’re unique and have potential for interesting story elements, but because foxes are the most popular animal among furries it results in heinous circumstances.
You’re welcome. Glad to hear I tried to give you condolences when you privately believed I was a predator to women because a 40-year-old stalker told you.
The draenei and the elven community alliance side are a lot worse in that regard from personal experience and the horrible things and whispers I was sometimes subjected to. I haven’t personally run into any vulpera who’s into ERP, most of the ones I ran into were pretty chill and just wanted other furries to talk to and hang out with. But given how people tend to blow things out of proportion, it’s likely not as bad as people say it is.
The furry community gets a bad wrap because of the minority who can’t control themselves. But the community does a lot for sick kids and such, it’s actually pretty wholesome community for the most part. And let’s be truthful, regardless of the race someone plays, every community on here has its creeps who have no concept of personal space and those who do really creepy stuff.
I’ve ran into more elven and draenei futa players with no concept of personal space and being creepy and weird than I have with other furries, so I think we should stop with labeling entire communities as bad actors because of the few who are.
And let’s not get me started on the forsaken community, and how half of the forsaken players use the forsakens trauma as an excuse to RP themselves being absolutely the worst people imaginable. But even Ben realizes that his community isn’t that creative to begin with.
But that’s my personal opinion on the matter and why I hate when an entire community gets stuck with a certain label when most of us aren’t even like said label being used against us.
I just try not to judge. As long as everyone’s a consenting adult - do whatever makes you happy. Far as anyone knows we only get one life on this big ball of dirt and life is too short and too fragile to not engage in a little debased hedonism now and then.
But there’s a time and place for that sorta thing and if you haven’t spoken OOCly with the participants to get a feel for what everyone’s okay with, then you need to stop immediately until you’ve done that.
I think just like with IRL you probably want to set up a safe word of sorts. Some way to tap out if things veer into territory players aren’t comfortable with.
The goal afterall should be to have fun, right? And if someone’s uncomfortable and creeped out then something has gone terribly wrong.
Communication and consent. That’s really all you need but you absolutely 100% need it.
That really goes for all forms of RP, regardless of what it is. People are into some really weird RP and I don’t just mean the ERP type, but some people are into extreme violence and such.
I always ask my partners what they’re comfortable and uncomfortable with. It helps to put everyone at ease
That’s why I ran an undead centric RP guild for awhile. Just let people know at the door things are gonna get weird.
In a tongue in cheek sorta way. Because I don’t think WoW was ever meant to nor should it ever try to be taken all that seriously. But I’ve come to accept not everyone finds splatstick funny.
Ya know in the future I think I’m just going to link this video and tell people if this isn’t for them, then my stuff probably isnt either;
So. I kinda accidentally wrote an essay about the history of the portrayal of vampires in both folklore, literature and film.
That I’m now trying to awkwardly edit down into something mostly about WoW. Seriously I kinda lost myself there and now I’ve several paragraphs comparing and contrasting Werner Herzog and FW Murnau’s adaptation of Nosferatu.
Followed by a wayyyy too maudlin aside about the history of German filmmaking. Herzog has this fantastic interview where he talks about how German filmmakers of his generation had no father’s to learn from. Because as he puts it; they either fled, died or worse - threw in with the barbarians. But all was not lost. As they could still turn to the examples set by their grandfathers.
And now I’m in tears remembering the German lullabies my grandma sang to me, and somehow this all started with Goth Elves.
Out’ve curiosity has anyone leveled with SL content yet?
Because I’m torn between my bizarre feeling of angry indifference toward that content, and my desire to collect all the Venthyr and Maldraxxi stuff.
Unfortunately all I have is Ardenweald stuff. Which is extremely onbrand for Malithrac Pejorative Doomquill. Because a literal they/them demonic corpse inexplicably getting away with pretending to be a sugar plumb fairy is funny to me.
But that’s where my use for that stuff kinda begins and ends.
Like how many Christ figure for the moon rats of Planet X am I supposed to have here? It’s starting to feel cliché.
I mean, I did most of it when it was current content. I skippped out on Korthia and the Sepulcher. Zones like Maldraxxus were a blast, but the rest of it was sort of, like a bad dream
SL was weird because I quit. Or thought I did. I had forgot that Blizzard changed their pay model and I gotta admit the new one is completely devious.
Because I certainly noticed my credit card bill being higher than usual every four months or so during 2021. But the $70+ or so they charge you is just low enough that it didn’t strike me as worth investigating. I’ve poor impulse control so I wrote it off as probably buying something stupid online to gift a friend or overtipping a pretty service worker because if you tell me you think I’m cute I’ll follow you around like an idiot puppy.
So I actually came back to post here after the SL finale. Because I was going to explode if I didn’t get my feelings on that off my chest and none of my IRL friends play WoW or are even nerdy enough to be into it.
And me being an idiot that tries to see the best in people, just assumed my subscription had paused due to inactivity. I act jaded but I really can be impossibly naive sometimes.
So I decided I might as well get my money’s worth and leveled a fresh undead lock, going through the Ardenweald storyline as that’s the only one I didn’t get around to.
And on the whole I actually loved Midsummer’s Night Dream meets Avatar’s Pandora. But the second I got to that weird Halo Infinite map stuck in WoW for some reason I was out.
But my subscription lasted just long enough for me to see the Reclamation of Lordaeron quest. Which featured like 6+ things I’d been begging for on these forums for over years. So…
I can tell I’m getting older because I’m starting to loathe how holidays screw with my internal schedule.
Yesterday I made sure to get over to my folk’s house so I could gift my dad a proper American dinner. Steak (grilled medium rare) with broasted brussel sprouts and twice baked potatoes with all the fixins. Featuring the finest Chianti I could find on a budget, an actually expensive pint of top self burbon and some homemade apple pie made by my baker friend heated in a toaster oven and topped with a single scoop of vanilla ice cream.
Tried to finish it off with a movie but in true Dad fashion he was out like a light ten minutes after his butt hit the good chair. So I basically just watched that Tom Hank’s WW2 movie ‘Greyhound’ by myself.
Was legitimately a fun time but I am just. Not in work mode today. Because my brain is insisting it’s Sunday, actually, and I should be relaxing.
Huh I just remembered it’s Juneteenth. Am I allowed to just kinda vibe? I am sorta related to Union Civil War soldiers. They were essentially Prussian mercenaries who were just looking for work but from what I’ve gathered from my Great, Great Uncle Cousin Whatever he really did NOT care for that slavery thing when they reached Atlanta.
Frankly the South is lucky it wasn’t my Italian side. They would’ve salted the Earth afterwards.
Seriously though he would’ve been the father to my great grandfather’s like, 2nd cousin I think? WTF does that make me?
Specially with alot of crazy stuff that is going on in the world or just trying to be active alot within the Community and also your loved ones as well.
I recently changed my Shaman to a Vulpera in my endless quest to find the “right” race to vibe in on my Shaman but immediately regret it solely for the community that I unwillingly slammed face-first into.
I’m not an avid RP’er due to being anxious and just generally socially awkward (even in a video game) nor am I a furry (no judgement though, to each their own.) but I have gotten the WEIRDEST messages since race changing and have gotten an overall ‘ick’ vibe that makes me want to scream all the way back to Stormwind. That’s coming from someone who has played a DRAENEI on Moon Guard for a LONG time.
Here I was just excited for helms to look kinda nice without being restricted by hairstyles. Alas. The quest continues…
I only play Alliance on Moon Guard (Horde and Alliance on WrA) but my primary Horde character is a vulpera shaman on Wyrmrest Accord. I’ve never experienced anything remotely like that, even being in an all-vulpera guild. I’ve heard of stories like that from Moon Guard, but I’m sure it’s very rare, and I wouldn’t give up on vulpera. I share your awkwardness involving RP, and I heartily recommend Wyrmrest Accord for all your vulpine and other shenanigans.
It’s weird because my interactions on my vulpera on Moonguard have been mostly wholesome and fun interactions. I occasionally get flak for being a furry, but those are mostly from ignorant people, so I can handle those
I’ve gotten some REALLY questionable whispers while on my Draenei though. Like super weird and uncomfortable whispers, some I would consider borderline bannable offenses. It’s why I’m thinking of remaking them into a vulpera
I guess experiences can just generally vary. I am on Moon Guard currently, my Horde toons are (usually) on WrA but I didn’t want to pay for a server xfer unless I was absolutely sure. We shall see, I’m still trying to find the best shaman ‘vibe’, it’s proving difficult so far. I haven’t been Vulpera for long so perhaps it was just a couple weird ‘one-off’ experiences that are outside the norm.
I do quite like the Vulpera visually though, I like that they’re small and fit on every mount and they have really nice animations. The swishy tail is super cute too and I like that they look great with helms or hoods on.
I honestly wish I could be an ‘average’ Kul Tiran. I like that they’re giant but I’m not a big fan of the female KT animations, she looks like she’s always running in slow mo? I hope they revamp that someday.