Story Forum Community Lounge (Part 1)

I have bad news…

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Indeed. Nolan depicted Joker as a Nihilistic Psychopath when in fact he is supposed to be a Nihilistic Narcissist with Sadism(of a kind that focuses on comedy).

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Ugh. Well there’s a movie I won’t be seeing. What happened to the Joker hocking killer products on television while taunting Batman or the Arkham series one joking about paralysing Barbara(I don’t remember the joke but it was pretty funny) or serenading Batman? He’s supposed to be the Clown Prince of Crime.

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Yeah, that was me for a while. I was never much into superheroes, and only watched the movies with others. But around Age of Ultron, I started nosing around fan discussion, and it was really amazing! Theories and critiques and tier lists and versus fights, all sorts of fun stuff. It’s been very exciting reading all the discussions and speculations, and it’s made me appreciate the movies and the comics they’re inspired by even more.

Oh, I absolutely agree. Infinity War was way too dark for me. I felt awful after watching it! I can’t stand sad endings. That’s why I’m really hoping for a happy ending for Endgame. I’m moderately confident things will turn out okay, and set up some more cool movies in the future.

I can live with some bad even if it’s not my preference but it’s gotta be balanced out with some good. Pure tragedy is just lowest common denominator trash to me. It’s easy to make someone sad when all you do is pile on the misery and those just make me mad. Trotting out my favourite example of this: Life is Strange and saving the bay. The ending was multiple choice and ordinarily I wouldn’t have complained because I could still choose another way but they put all their eggs in the tragedy basket and it showed. My ending was half baked garbage and it ruined the whole game for me.

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The trailer makes it seem more like an origin story, than a story of his later exploits. But yeah, they lean pretty heavily into the serious and gritty tone of mental illness.

Yeah probably not for me then. I’m more of a “your popularity is plummeting faster than the Flying Graysons on take your kid to work day” kind of person.

Didn’t Arkham Knight have random thugs around the war ravaged city with barely any civilians to see throughout the town?

Sounds like you wouldn’t mind a City having half of it’s area thriving happily while the other half is a Demon ravaged “No Man’s Land” apocalyptic wasteland across a ravine as long as the Demons manage to be funny about killing off their victims.

I wouldn’t mind if there was a Magical Girl Anime where there was a Happy Ending for the Magical Girl Team(dressed in cool dark clothing like black capes and hoods) and their Family while the Magical Girl Wannabes(dressed in light colors) get made examples of by the story for trying to take over the show.

Having the villains be comical and hilarious would be good for the show even as they(and the random wandering Demons from an apocalyptic wasteland half of the city) manage to brutally kill off the self righteous Magical Girl Wannabes in the same episodes in which said Wannabes make their entrance(accusing the Main Magical Girl Team of being Bad Guys on account of their black and scary clothing despite them being extremely nice people).

Whoa calm down there. Just because I find a villain entertaining doesn’t mean I approve of what they do at all.

Obviously we wouldn’t approve of the Joker’s actions but what I want to know is: are Arkham Knight and Darksiders 1(who has an advisor who somewhat acts like Arkham Knight’s Joker) bad games or good games then in your opinion?

I don’t even know what that second one is. I think it’s an alright game. Joker fatigue sets in by Arkham Knight because he’s just been in it too damn much but it’s pretty fun to beat up the bad guys as Batman and dismantle their entire operation in a single evening.

And yet the Arkham Franchise has a lot of deaths adding a layer of darkness… Are they balanced out by Batman’s victories as well as the Franchise’s comedy?

As for what Darksiders is: Cutscenes:

I think they are. At the end of the day the plan every villain in gotham sunk all of their money into fails and they all end up dead or in jail. It’s not like they won anything.

Speaking of vidya games, I can’t wait for this to come out… Even if it is just another park builder. Semi-regular reminder that sauropods are the best kind of dinosaur.:sauropod:

Shame the Horde went unplayably evil about the same time they got a bunch of dinosaurs.

I haven’t actually seen any games lately that make me excited for their release. I plan on getting The Outer Worlds though.

So a Magical Girl Anime where the comedic card carrying evil bad guy organization filled with Youma ultimately get wiped out while the heroines(that the villains stupidly empowered because they were bored and wanted an enemy to fight) survive and the city continues to live it’s happy apathetic life(as much as a city with barely noticeable Demon attacks on random civilians can be) would be balanced enough then?

…Or would even that be too dark?

I’m excited for Shadowbringers. But I suppose that’s more of an expansion than a release. But I also have a soft spot for park builders (and dinosaurs).

Sometimes, after a long night at work, instead of running around saving the world, if not the universe, I just like to grab a snack and zone out while I design and create parks, zoos, and exhibits.

I’m really not sure what point you’re trying to make here.

I also want to get the sequel to the VN VA1HALLA but I have no idea when it’s coming out so I’m not really counting on it being any time soon.

I’m just wanting people to grade my(probably absurd) Magical Girl Anime concept where the Bad Guys who have already got all the energy they need to summon the evil Mother Gaia disguise one of their Dark Generals as a Cute Talking Rabbit Mascot then have him create a group of Magical Girls(dressed in Dark and Cool Clothing) with them unaware that they are working for the Dark General they are constantly clashing against simply because the Witch leading the Youma(type of Monster People seen in Sailor Moon and other Anime) was bored due to things getting too easy.

The Witch’s plan would naturally backfire despite her Dark General successfully keeping other Magical Girl groups from interfering(mostly by killing them) and get her killed by the Magical Girl group she and her 1st Dark General created alongside said Dark General and Mother Gaia(whom she was trying to summon on behalf of the actual 4 Heavenly Kings of Buddhist Myth) at the end of the 1st quarter of the 1st Season(with the 3rd and 4th Quarter getting convoluted due to shoving the 7 Deadly Sins into the Season).

At the end of the Anime the Youma and the 4 Heavenly Kings would be dead and the city would get harassed less often and remain it’s happy apathetic self with the Heroines culling the Demons squatting in the deserted half of the city on the other side of a ravine(to get money and limit the Demons sating their bloodlust in the populated half of the city while no one’s watching) without having to worry about Youma attacks in the populated half of the city.

Does my Magical Girl Anime Concept sound better or worse than Madoka Magica?

Honestly, reading that gave me a headache the first time around. It sounds very convoluted and like you would have far too much stuffed into one season.