Story Forum Community Lounge (Part 1)

It is always amusing how everyone who defends socialism never know what Capitalism actually is.

Well shout out to WoW Ytubers for letting me know tomorrow is more the pre-pre patch than anything else.

Wouldā€™ve been awfully miffed if I skipped work on Wednesday to boldly - poke around with new talent trees and the UI. That and the revamped PvP system do actually interest me though what ivl the gear I can get is will heavily effect that. Because Iā€™m not doing a millisecond more of Zereth Mortis or Torghast.

The actual prepatch is on November 15th. Thatā€™s when new content arrives at least. Kinda a lot of fan fair for whatā€™s a pretty blasĆ© update.


heightmapping is easily the most boring part of prepping maps for D&D but it really makes them interesting as long as your party has mobility and range (and mine does)



Iā€™m kinda partially excited for Dragonflight I havenā€™t done anything in SL I didnā€™t find it enjoyable or fun but where I find that is in the story mostly like if I enjoy the story Iā€™ll be sold enough to do what I normally do which is just collect things I want or get reputations I want etc.

Iā€™m not a huge fan of dragons in any setting LOL wow being probably my second to least fav dragons Iā€™m just meh about them, but I like the idea of my blood elf exploring the dragon isles idk - had the expansion been another cosmos theme I probably would have not given it a leap of faith after SL (Sylvanas is my fav character and I havenā€™t liked the story for a long time) but I like the premise I guess you could say of dragonflight enough to give it a chance. I was thinking about that earlier actually and I really donā€™t think I would engage w the product at all if the premise was more cosmos based stuff.


It is nice to get back to the old stuff.

In my half baked RP, I felt like I was securing the Shadowlands for my eventual death. If there is a problem , I better fix it before I have to actually suffer it. It almost felt like a retirement plan. Something to settle right now, for later. Not very fun.

I feel glad to move on from Shadowlands.


I donā€™t really rp either but thatā€™s how it was for my characters as well. Like, my Void Elf warlock chose Revendreth because of the vague feeling that she might end up there one day and it canā€™t hurt to be in those peopleā€™s good books.
My trolls were of course interested in helping Bwonsamdi fix the Other Side.
But all in all, none of them will be sad to leave the place behind.


I RP a lot. Itā€™s the main thing that keeps me playing really. But initially regarding SL my character was more along the lines of A death realm? Sounds like nonsense, but Iā€™ll show these amateurs how itā€™s done.

Than he saw Maldraxxus for the first time and instantly was like Sooā€¦there is such a thing as paradise!

And mind you, my Hunter is storywise a Death Knight Ranger. So it certainly made Maldraxxus really fun. Because the place is legit full of best bois who just want to fight :raccoon:

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I know what you mean and I like Maldraxxus, too, for what it is. Itā€™s just, I have no emotional connection whatsoever to any of the SL zones. Itā€™s not home. I donā€™t think Iā€™ll miss it much.


Oh, Iā€™m not going to miss it either. Just that little bit of RP for me made that zone really fun in a otherwise boring expansion

I never saw Azeroth as home to begin with ironically so it didnā€™t matter where I went.

That said I think that the Slime Swamps surrounding the House of Plagues would have been better if it had the Crystal formations of the House of Ritualsā€¦and if half of the Slime Swamps were Orange like Zulā€™Drakā€™s Plague Watersā€¦

I would have also wanted Revendreth to have a couple of Glowing Red Anima Lakes tooā€¦

Finally got to HotD finale and hoo baby, what a spicy meatball THAT was. Sad that we have to wait so long for more!


I donā€™t post on this thread a lot but I have dubbed you the wholesome Pandaren Hunter because legit your posts like this are so wholesome and I love it. :sparkling_heart: :sparkling_heart: :sparkling_heart:


so we have about 3 difrent Lounge communities just a thought but woudent it be cool to pull them all together and make them one



I mean I understand the kind sentiment.

But this lounge thread exists in the story forum, for some reason I ended up here because there was show discussion and I decided I rather liked the discussions mostly.

The GD lounge seems to be the GD version of this and self explanatory but I canā€™t comment much as I donā€™t really go in that one.

And the LGBTQ+ thread and lounge is pertinent as both a lounge and a focal point to discuss new LGBTQ+ stories and characters for GD posters, and as a marginalized community that space is important.

Anyways just my thoughts on the varying differences between the threads. I love how each one is unique and cultivates a community representative of purpose or location of threads.

I do love recognizing posters from the different threads though of course as there is cross over.

I wonder if there is a classic lounge community Iā€™ve never checked the classic forums??


There is a Worldā€™s End Tavern Lounge.

Worldā€™s End Tavern is where you can write Fan Fiction and preform Roleplay as well.

it was tried several times just dosent seem to be too popular community

OH nice! I donā€™t engage w RP or write fan fiction myself but that sounds like a really sweet spot for people who do!!!

Awe :confused: well maybe in the future never know

Imagine what would happen if Blizzard merged all of the World of Warcraft servers into a mega server. And each realm with its own community and culture no longer existed.

That would not bode well.

The same would happen if all of the lounge threads were merged together.

Itā€™s best to let each individual community thrive than to try and force people who have nothing in common together. (Though I love arguing about lore. I just avoid it because I get too heated.)


Thanks hun. I try my best to friendly here :two_hearts: