I maintain Revendreth’s was great. But that’s about the only one I can remember offhand.
What blew my mind was how disconnected the world felt. What WoW has always done better than any other MMO, hell arguably better than any other game, is create a massive, sprawling open world.
Where other MMOs so frequently lose me is with having these isolated zones that while perhaps nice in their own ways feel disconnected from the world at large. Because they are. In ESO for example you’re not getting to Orisinium from Daggerfall without a loading screen even though these regions are next to eachother.
And somehow SL was worse than that. At least they’d tried to hide theirs between a bridge or tunnel. In SL you have to go through the blue hole express, where your mount will always abruptly turn into an ethernet maggot and you’re always catching a connecting flight through Ouribos no matter what.
And yeah I guess it tracked with the lore but this was all brand new lore. SL could’ve taken any shape they wanted.
Out of the entirety of SL….I really only got any enjoyment out of Maldraxxus. A bunch of best bois who just want to fight, even their own shadows if they could
But my gripe with SL is how it took most of the big name afterlife myths and basically tore them to shreds and than wrung them through for good measure.
Only the trolls seemingly got it right about ol’ Bwom taking care of them when they die
Someone explained to me ESFP as a more grounded / focused version of ENFP
Though now I do think both ENFP / ESFP feel more fitting that ESTP/ENTP which I got in two other tests respectively lol.
I think I fit ENFP just based on the descriptions but ESFP feels right too.
I am glad I narrowed it down to two.
I do find it funny that the 4 I am reading about ESTP/ENTP/ENFP/ESFP are all E lol but I do feel more introversive w my thoughts / feelings but am more feeling based overall.
Also overall I think I still place more interest or I look more to birth charts and zodiac signs / placements etc but found this all fascinating as well cause I love self reflection stuff
Definitely either ESFP or ENFP. They’re both pretty similar, though ENFPs are more thoughtful while ESFPs are more spur-of-the-moment. ENFPs are more likely to play video games. Ne is thought and Se is action, hence the difference. ENTPs tend to be sarcastic and ESTPs aren’t as excitable as ExFPs.
Cause I am spur of the moment but only when it comes to not being attached to set plans, like I am spur of the moment in that I am fine if plans change, but there is a part of me that wouldn’t like a surprise party for example because like I need to think about my reaction because I am super self aware and know I’m not good at showing my reactions unless I have a heads up.
But I would say I am not spur of the moment if its in comparison to thoughtfulness or overthinking.
I think I see this as all confirmation or reaffirmation of my birth chart though, like Me being a Leo, w Leo Mercury and Venus, makes sense for my Extrovert aspects, but I have a scorpio moon and cancer rising so my feelings and thoughts make sense as more introvert.
I was about to ask what happened since I like that poster (actually one of the few I recognize from GD) but saw you said this, I really like both of them and just come here to talk w people.
I feel like this is the second time in a day I shared this but it feels pertinent but for me I found accepting things I can’t change and finding peace in acceptance, brings me a lot of calm or sense of not being bothered lately. It’s at least helpful in most situations where I’ve felt hurt lately.
Anyways that’s all I wanted to comment since I like everyone in this thread or at least am neutral / positive on everyone
I am excited yes! I’ve seen leak clips but not full episode, I’m not against spoilers ever but have never tried to see the full episode of anything if it’s leaked if that makes sense.
I’m not really someone who likes sweets or any desserts LOL but I have such a love of soy egg nog lactose free cause lactose intolerant - so im gonna have a small glass of that while I watch
Sounds awesome and delicious. But yeah, I’m the same way. I try to my best to maintain a spoiler free zone when it comes to my favorite shows. It’s hard in this day and age, but it’s possible to be at least 90-98% spoiler free
For me it’s more I’m okay w spoilers but I don’t seek the huge clips.
Like I’ve seen stuff float around where you can basically put together the scenes to see a good 80% of the episode if that makes sense. And at that point I’ll just skim past those videos bcz I’d rather enjoy the episode as a whole when it’s out.
But I’m fine w like discussion point spoilers or like very short clips that kinda stuff? Idk if that makes sense xD
Excited for the final episode of HotD but also kind of sad because I’ll have to wait so long to see more juicy hot goss from Westeros. Loved the last episode, Rhaenys really came through as an interesting character after feeling somewhat ‘meh’ to me leading up to that point. I usually don’t watch it until the following evening though, because I work mega early in the morning, I’ll have to avoid the lounge for any spoilers!
I finished RoP as well, but it got a big resounding ‘aight’ from me. Not sure if anyone’s watching/watched but it was… I dunno, felt lackluster to me overall.