Story Forum Community Lounge (Part 1)

Doness the Dwarf!

Did you ever manage to get the crawling claw? I really need to farm that guy…

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I got it pretty quickly. It took about a month to sell, though.


For awhile now I’ve been pondering either a Pandaren DK or SPriest I’d RP as an onyrō. You know the creepy black haired ghosts from the Grudge and other such films.

I’m amused by the idea of the Forsaken attracting undead from other cultures and just trying to hammer out some form of communication.

Well I think we’ve made some strides. She’s stopped trying to choke us by conjuring locks of wet hair in our throats. Snapped Phil’s neck around but when that proved equally ineffective she just went back to peering menacingly back through reflections in water. We’re going to see if we cant get her to try having the walls bleed vengeful death wishes and from there we might be able to open a dialogue”.


Did the same. Created a Troll, a Gnome, a Human. Then I created a Forsaken, and I was hooked.

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Logistically the Twisting Nether would be a single Layer of the Abyss filled with Planets.

Personally I would have one of my Characters forcefully merge Evergold, Venya & Phlegethos into a single Celestial Plane of Venus.

The Gates of the Moon would be made to exist as one of the Islands of Lunia the Celestial Plane of the Moon as would Minauros(due to having Hecate the Dark Moon ruling a portion of it) & the Court of Stars.

Eternal Sun, Morning Glory & Solania would be merged into the Celestial Plane of the Sun.

Jovar & Mount Olympus would be merged into the Celestial Plane of Jupiter.

As for Mercuria & Mertion: They would each be a Celestial Plane in of themselves. Mercuria would be the Celestial Plane of Mercury while Mertion would be the Celestial Plane of Mars.

Aquallor & Thalasia would be merged into the Celestial Plane of Neptune.

Othrys would be merged with Chronias into the Celestial Plane of Saturn.

Porphatys(of the Black Vinegar Snow & Acidic Crimson Blood Snow) would be merged with Oceanus into the Oceanic Plane of the Ocean.

Man, remember how vanilla herbs had a variety of fanciful and clever names that occasionally pinged on the lore in an immersive way?

I haven’t had an herber in years, do any of them even still do stuff like temp buffs or debuffs when you pick certain flowers?

I don’t GM planescape but very rarely, and I don’t really use my games to take swipes at concepts like that. I mostly run homebrew settings or Eberron in D&D and its derivatives, or if I’m running off of a published adventure I’ll usually use the adventure’s native setting with tweaks. Overall I don’t really make more than vague plans beyond a week or two out, and I let the players drive where they like.

The most ‘stunt’ campaign I’ve run was a homebrew one where the PCs learned they were mind-wiped and used to be part of the evil ruling council until the current boss lady backstabbed her friends for power but couldn’t bear to actually kill them. That took a lot of careful stepping to make work and I gave them early signs that the island they were on had something fake going on, though they were not quite ready for the realization that entire island was just a giant autonomous illusion created for their benefit. They found out in the mid levels when they took an NPC back to the island for safekeeping and the NPC couldn’t see anything they were seeing.

For the most part, however, I prefer the complexities of the games I run to be political and cultural; morphic realities like Planescape’s really don’t do much for me, and frankly I’m not very good at them.

Nope. That hasn’t been used in a while.


I don’t think there are any debuffs or anything anymore, but BfA has some interesting quests for herbalists that discussed the importance of certain herbs and their cultural relevance within their respective society. (The reward being how to harvest the herb better to yield more of the item from the node.) I thought that was a nice little touch, the quest text for Sea Stalks was cool albeit a little sad. I can’t say the same about Shadowlands though, unless I missed it.


I always imagined our tour guides quietly judging us as we ignore their walking tour of a world mortals should be incapable of glimpsing as we wander off to just rip random ish from the heavenly dirt.

“And here even the vilest of the vile are given but a last chance at penance before - what, what are you doing?”

Standard practice. Just start tearing anything noteworthy up and start mixing it up in a vial. Somehow this always gives you like super speed or the ability to turn invisible if you stand still


Legion was the most interesting i ever remember seeing mining. Not especially interesting, still, but I did like that stuff

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Unfortunately, Legion’s mining ranks have a ridiculously low drop rate.


Professions are so amusing from an ‘immersion’ PoV. Herbalism/Alchemy always made the most sense to me in that way 'cause like, okay, curious herbalist discovering new lands and herbs to concoct interesting potions seems a bit odd but mostly legit.

But then I switched to tailoring and the thought of locals side-eyeing a void-addled elf mumbling to herself as she strips corpses of their clothing is a bit horrifying but mostly funny.


Not to mention the horrified looks as the murder hobos decimate the local animal population for furs and leathers.

Professions are indeed a bit weird, I guess it explains why I don’t see most of them being used in RP


It seems that a lot of people on the lore forums enjoy Archaeology, but in terms of gameplay, it’s one of the most tedious and least-rewarding professions, by far.

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Would have helped if they hadn’t broken Archy without replacing it. The grind is also too long.

It feels more immersive than many other professions. Were I to revamp it I would make artifacts which have specific keystones available in specific old areas and old instances so you can better direct what you’re learning about and better immerse in the world.


I never found a reason to do archeology, and it was not interesting enough to spend time in game doing it. I did not get very far into it. Fishing and cooking at least have “play” applications in the form of mats/buffs.

Archeology is an interesting concept for a game. I would love to delve deeper into the lore. I just am not sure how they can rework it to make it more popular. It seems many people agreed with me, and just sort of ignored archeology, because Blizzard just stopped with any development on it.

Maybe they could make a mobile version. So I could do it while I am not at my desk at home.

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A solve in Arch is fundamentally a sidequest where you cannot meaningfully choose the quest, direct the rate of advancement, or its rewards, and the rewards are entirely cosmetic. I can’t imagine it took much time to implement; stick some numbers in a formula, get the right percentages, bug test. It’s RNG questing and cribbing other quest build methods is how to do it.

With some more thought:
More Emphasis on Travel Time

  • Keep the random discovery of things to solve, but allow direction between which one you want to solve.
  • Specific solves have specific locations you can go to for a keystone. Old dungeons.

Then timegate the back end more. For a number of days set by the artifact, you need to meet with an archaeology trainer to puzzle some element out. The 2D puzzle minigames they’ve been putting in since Legion can represent this adequately. Solving such a puzzle has a low chance based on skill to also advance this process for another solve on that civilization or a related one.

Moving the grind to the back end – so you aren’t struggling to do basic things, and you aren’t time gating whether or not you even get a chance – helped immensely with pet battles.

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After Blizzard finally responded to my ticket about the drama in this thread, their response was “Just flag them rofl.”

I literally got banned for three months for jokingly saying Calia banged Deathwing.

3 months.

You trolling and harassing people? All good. You say Calia does the secks? Straight to the Gulag.

No, I am still not over it. Yes, I am still mad about it.


Huh you know I never conceptualized it as that. But that makes so much more sense than people just wandering around with clumps of fabric in their pockets.

Alright I got my coin purse, hearthstone and - oop - almost forgot my wad of silk”.