Story Forum Community Lounge (Part 1)

It took me awhile to figure out you could repair armor so I’d delete it when it broke. I didn’t know you could repair armor until I played with some people from a Resident Evil forum I was a part of and they were confused on why the Orc I made to play with them was naked.


I initially thought the armor being gold colored in that little armored man icon meant it was good gear.

Genuinely though I didn’t know WTF was going on until I rolled a warrior. Which really is the perfect starter class as every ability is pretty self explanatory.

What’s weird is I actually never could get that into Warlock after understanding the game and much preferred Mage. But nowadays that’s complete reversed. Kinda feel like Mage suffered from spec retooling. They felt like specializations before whereas now you’re pretty pidgeon holed into pyromancer, cyromancer or purple plasma machine gun.

Whereas Lock feels like it benefits from the more narrow focus. In particular I love how Demonology went from diet Demon Hunter to just throwing lots of demons at people. It’s the magical equivalent of calling a bunch of friends to jump a guy.


When transmogrification was finally introduced, it certainly saved my sanity and patience with all the butt ugly armor we often were forced to wear while leveling.

In my opinion, the game has the opposite problem now. Most armor just too damn bulky for my tastes


Yeah I would kill for a graphic update to the textures on older gear models. A lot of the newer stuff seems so overdesigned to me.

I realize I’m playing a levitating corpse that shoots lasers at people so realism is out the door but still I’m irrationally bothered by things like random horns on helmets. Yeah sure give the enemy a handy lever attached to your neck they can jerk around. No way that could go wrong.


Some people prefer low-res sets. Instead of updating, they could add a high-res version.


Oh God, that could have been me :rofl:

In my very humble beginnings my first ever character ( human warrior because I’m human and warriors must be the strongest ) a quest finally sent me to Stormwind.
Discovered the Deeprun Tram, travelled on to Ironforge and didn’t know how to get back.
Unfortunately, I couldn’t find any quests there either except for one that sent me into the WsG bg where I got my lvl 10-white starter gear- rear handed to me so thoroughly that I didn’t set foot in a bg again before years later.

It was the time shortly before the AQ patch and there were also all those war effort quests. So I picked up" The alliance needs Arthas’ Tears!"
I had no idea what that was but somehow I had managed to look up where I could find them- Eastern Plaguelands.
So I studied the map, planned the route and set off, on foot, of course.

Made it as far as Wetlands to all the friendly lvl 20 crocodiles and many, many corpse runs.
I never reached my destination. And that was probably for the better, because I had’nt even learned herbalism…


This made me chuckle, because that’s EXACTLY what it is. I really liked the Classic iteration of Affliction spec, particularly ‘drain tanking’ in it’s day, but Demo is extremely fun. It’s like a mini-game of how many imps I can get to explode at once.

Honestly, I wish they’d do this with mounts too, especially the older sabers, rams, wolves and raptors. Some of the basic unarmored mounts are my absolute favourites because of the ‘low fantasy’ vibe they give. I’d love for them to update the Winterspring Frostsaber and Venomhide Ravasaur mounts with better textures.

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Ah the scenic plaguelands.

I cant tell if it was good or bad design in Tirisfal, having quests that sent you to the Bulwark while meanwhile Silverpine has no welcoming committee.

So naturally you walk into the WPL only to immediately get insta killed by a zombie bear with a skull for a level. That sucked but it did feel like an achievement when many moons later I strolled in and punched that bear.

My first first ever character was a Tauren Shaman I got to about level 5 before getting bored and seeing what else there was. Flipped through the starter zones like a bored man channel suffering until I landed on the Forsaken, and it was love at first sight.


Well neat looks like it finally registered my undesired name change (server hopped and it was this or Benedickt) but now apparently is registering this as a separate toon.



That’s the unfortunate side effect of a server transfer and/or name change in the forums, I’ve actually been posting here on and off for quite a few years but I am a chronic race/server changer, so my profile gets wiped every few months but I’m TRYING to stay with Nithae… (for now.)


let’s be honest: no one was getting out of classic without looking like they were in a gd clown suit until they were fully in a tier

Anyway, I was a bit older than y’all for that and I kept thinking ‘high threat’ means ‘high chance of critical hit’ (as that’s the term used in D&D 3) and so I Earth Shocked on cooldown and kept drawing aggro and dying in Wailing Caverns.

A big part of why I play gnomes is that there’s almost no such thing as a ‘low res’ set on a gnome. Everything (EXCEPT SHOES) has a good pixel density.

I’d like the armor to be more bulky in ways that feel like armor (instead of like a decoration), and I’d like knee-length skirts and shorts and other stuff we only got in classic with better textures.


Annnd I just paid $10 to add an e.

Well my Wednesday if off to a great start. See this is why I don’t have any tattoos. Guarantee I’d screw up the spelling and eventually flay myself in a fit of madness.


My favorite was a bug from ages back that made Orcish shoulder pads even more cartoonishly large. This gargantuanism also effected offhand items held by female dwarves, which I think back then was restricted to just Priest. So that’s specific enough I didn’t notice until I saw one run by me who appeared to be palming the sun.


If it makes you feel any better, I never EVER want to see my race/faction change history because it will be embarrassing. I have a priest of almost every race but still somehow manage to spend umpteen dollars changing this one.

Why Blizzard torments me with more than one cool goth adjacent race is anyone’s guess.

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I’ve just accepted I need to make a Forsaken out’ve every playable class. Because sooner or later I’ll decide to switch them to one, as was the fate of my Mage and DK.

Only my Lock was spared this fate as I really dug that Blood Mage look.

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It took me from MOP to BFA to slowly convert all five of my eligible mains and former mains to gnomes. Waiting on the day I can do druid, shaman, and paladin, though they are so old (classic to BC) that I would probably just restart. I regret sharding/vendoring things for space like the old dungeon 1/2 sets.


Well it’s fixed on the character screen at least.

I’ve the cold comfort of being perhaps the only non Wheel of Fortune contestant to buy a vowel. Which isn’t exactly a brag worthy claim but hey, at least I’m the first person to do something.


I been oddly obsessed with the pandaren lately. Might make a shaman next and then maybe a monk. Depends on how smooth the DF leveling experience is

Definitely trying a dracthyr first though. Need my cute dragon boy with colorful hair :blush:


I LOVE Panda sham, their totems are SO cute. I wish their elementals were defaulted to the Pandaria elementals because those are far superior in the appearance department. Their casting and melee animations are awesome too.

I’m curious about Dracthyr, I was playing around in WoWhead with the customizations so far and it’s almost like analysis paralysis with the insane amount of options they have. I feel like I’m gonna spend like 45 minutes just making one!

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Doness used to be a Dwarf. I made him a Dwarf for Archaeology bonuses. My goal was to farm the Crawling Claw pet and sell it for gold to buy a WoW Token. There was no way my parents would have been willing to spend 15 dollars a month for my gaming.