I was also banned for 3 months for asking some 0 post count alt on the story forums to reveal themselves. Blizzard’s moderation is garbage. I see tons of daily toxicity that doesn’t get removed.
I think the first year of WoW itself was the last time I heard of a large digital space where people thought the moderation was pretty decent (though back then, I recall the complaints were that Blizzard was too draconian; I remember this guy from ClanBOB making a big fuss to explain why his name ‘Ebola’ was absolutely an RP name not in violation of the RP policy).
The last two decades have seen a big regression in the concept of moderation as tech has simultaneously seen a need to have it but an unwillingness to pay for humans to do it on the scale needed to make it effective moderation. I used to be a moderator on a very big forum site, and one of the worst decisions we ever made from the perspective of community – I cannot weigh in on cost – was to switch to a decontextualized report queue as the primary method of moderator interaction with a forum community and then promote an all-consuming aggressive processing of this queue.
I feel like they might as well not moderate at all.
It has some major puritan vibes when adult conversation being had in a mature or comedic way is less acceptable than straight up bullying.
And honestly, Blizzard is trying to rebrand their games to be more child friendly. Who don’t have the Old Blizzard nostalgia. Who are easier to please and have access to Mom and Dad’s credit card.
But… I am not sure how they can believe that is a viable market strategy when there is so much Triple X content online about their game. Which wasn’t their intention, but it CLEARLY says something about your fan base.
And at the same time…
They designed Widowmaker.
Bottom Heavy French Ice Queen with big Dom Vibes.
They knew what they were doing…
Well, I am 20 years old myself. I don’t approve of you getting banned that long for talking about something in the story.
It also says something about their moderation when they let players like you get bullied. Really sorry about that. I remember being involved.
Meh, you’re good.
Online toxicity doesn’t really get to me. I might say something is not nice, but it is pretty rare that I actually feel upset about it.
My Weenie Hut Jr. Vibes only really come into full effect when either romance is involved, or when I feel like I might have actually hurt someone’s feelings.
Depending on who it is.
[US sanctions Iranian officials for crackdown on protests (yahoo.com)](https://www.yahoo.com/gma/biden-impose-costs-iranian-officials-092913039.html?guccounter=1&guce_referrer=aHR0cHM6Ly93d3cuZ29vZ2xlLmNvbS8&guce_referrer_sig=AQAAAMon6DExOk2XwGZJLRX-wTpYyKQUIXSV1aqdtP3g6M__5T_viwqoQ5Vhlty77Bu8tyJ2eBwmMke_-PUtKtRME8ud5CMKzMWWwRtRMcvA6IlZXmUOnL3a0eF-hwqw755O9SohJyDhhc_0Ode4pWu6wFFQqQoU2lqid1PY159v4-H3)
Ah, more politics. I hope this regime falls.
I’ve considered this. The most important matter moderation is needed for are legal matters. Having illegal content be the only thing reportable is probably the best way to go.
This is the same company that changed a back pose of Tracer because a mom complained. Blizzard’s PR is hypocritical and inconsistent.
The amount of money you would have to pay me to moderate this place on a 9-to-5 basis would bankrupt Activision-Blizzard.
I’d be open to it if I can go mad with power.
I’ve tried going mad without power and apparently that’s just called having a breakdown. Its no fun at all.
I had very little hope for the movie when it was announced. Now that I’ve seen the trailer I’m much more positive about it. I’m already impressed with Jack Black’s performance. This might be a good movie.
Honestly Pratt’s the only issue I have. And I’m not at a part of that weird cult of anti fans he’s attracted. I just think the guy is so overexposed at this point. And I’m being facetious but I do kinda feel like an Italian or Brooklyn accent would’ve been better.
Personally the one aspect I think that live action 90s movie got right was going with Mario and Luigi as just two blue collar workers who stumble into this bizarre situation.
Feels like a fun play on that John Carter, Flash Gordon story where this random human guy becomes a chosen hero of an alien world. Only instead of a skilled soldier or star football quarterback it’s just two gruff workaday plumbers.
“Huh might want to turn off the cackling severed clown heads. Storm is screwing with the motion detector” is a phrase I just said out loud.
God do I love this time of year.
I agree, I don’t dislike Pratt but I don’t think he was the right person for this job. Although, I am surprised at how cute this looks and if it’s half decent, I think his part can be forgiven.
I think I agree.
I have a strange thing where whenever I think about watching a movie that Chris Pratt is in I get annoyed, but then I watch it and he’s not as obnoxious as I expected him to be. I’m going to blame marketing for that, in showing things more than they should.
That’s not what Super Mario is though. He’s already a part of the world and was integrated into it from the beginning. It should be something similar to Hellboy, an outsider who’s been adopted into this alien universe but someone who will get weird looks sometimes. Protagonist characters in movies are vehicles for the audience though which makes not having a fish-out-of-water scenario difficult. Seems they’ll be doing that with this movie, again.
The Mario Movie shows more Wonder than most of the Games. The same sort of Wonder & Awe shown in Yoshi’s Island…
Lou Albano is the only true Mario I will accept NO subsitutes. He needs to look barely like Mario at all and talk in the thickest NY accent known to mankind.
I am one of those people, but not part of the group. Just my own thing. I got wrapped up in his personal drama, and that is all I see when his eating grin is on the screen.
When I see his mug, I see some hypocritical Holy Roller who dumped Anna Farris and their child with disabilities, so he could marry into the Kennedy-Schwarzenegger family.
It is the combination of all that - and his right wing religious morality cult that just makes me wholly disinterested.
I only saw Guardians of the Galaxy because a friend wanted to, and wanted me to go along. And I kept my mouth shut about my opinions, just to keep it light. If I am gonna go along with a friend, I will try to be in the spirit of it.
His depiction of Mario’s Mother Mama Mario was iconic. That Mustache while smaller and less bushy than Mario’s in the Show was wonderous!
Incidentally Mama Mario’s virgin name was Mario Rigassi before she married her husband who had the last name Mario.
She clearly married her Husband just to attain the last name Mario so that she could become pure Mario.
She and her Son were named after Grandma Mario whom is only seen possessing(✲Shriek!!!✲) a Medium(if that was her and not a Lovecraftian Horror, Alien, Demon or even some other Ghost capable of Mind-Reading what Mario & Luigi know about Grandma Mario to make posing as her convincing to them).