Story Forum Community Lounge (Part 1)

Loretta Lynn, the coal miner’s daughter, has died.

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Here’s an npc that is in pretty poor taste. /s

Trying to watch this Death of Stalin movie and it is striking from the get-go but… man, everything is quiet! I can barely hear anything. Everything’s turned up; checked my music to be sure nothing was wrong and if the apartment next to me was occupied I’d be worried about a noise complaint.

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Are we still talking about communism?

A Mekkatorque I’d race change for

So, Death of Stalin was fantastic. Good writing, excellent performances. I am no scholar of history, but I knew the general shape of how things happened, and yet the whole thing was riveting and made me see it in a new light. Not too surprised to see it was actually based on a comic book – that both makes sense with an increasingly risk-averse Hollywood and explains a lot of stylings (like the dramatic use of intertitles) that I’m not used to seeing applied to historical fiction and historical dramatizations. It was not actually on a service I have, so I shelled out to buy it, but I feel it was very worth the purchase.

Though it’s called a black comedy and that’s accurate, I didn’t find it comedic in and of itself; it was using the comedy to dramatically punctuate the terror, the desperation, and the sheer power exuded by these men. I don’t think I laughed once; I was terrified, revulsed, anxious. Isaacs’ Zhukov was an amazingly different look at the man and his flamboyance got a smirk out of me, I was impressed, but even that guy took on a new dimension of awfulness to me while simultaneously being one of the less-bad-guys in the story. All in all, really impressive work, I still had to fight my attention span to watch, but I’m glad I did and thanks for the recommendation, people.

But I tell ya, nothing really kills my ability to truly revel in a fantastic movie that I paid for like the fact that I can’t freely take screenshots to share with people because they’re worried I might use my purchase to somehow steal from them.


Omg everybody shut up.

Some game called A Plague Tale: Requiem proports it will be able to feature 300,000 rats on screen at once.

Sight unseen I presume it’s some sort of high stakes Nintendogs esque game where you must feed and pat an ever expanding wave of adorable rattos.

Strategy guide;


Pet Tower Defense. The lose condition is snuggles.


My favorite DnD anecdote is from my first year of college, when I’d never played the game (or any games, really, I had barely had electricity let alone computers and was just discovering the marvels of the 21rst century available in the lower 48).

I didn’t really know the rules, especially vis a vi fighting everything that moves for expy and loot, so when my GM informed me that the street were full of rats when I opened the door to begin our adventure… I cautiously said, “I close the door.” He asked, “Are you sure?” and I said something to the effect of, “Yeah, there’s rats out there!”

It was also set in modern times that made it slightly more relevant to the topic.


There is no D&D experience that delights me more than GMing for a new player. They always bring such a fresh perspective, often (but by no means solely) with good humor.


Alright you made me watch it. You’re right too, fantastic movie. Absolutely beautiful start to end. Worth missing out on studying for the arabic test I have tomorrow haha.

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Ah, I definitely miss the days I could make those kinds of choices. :slight_smile:

Good luck!

Could you GM a Planescape Game and have the people of Sigil be talked into believing into existence their ideal idea of a Paladin(with Hair & Eyes constantly shifting Colors) just to see the New Player’s reaction?

Follow that up with a Quest taking the Players and the guy who got Sigil’s ideal Paladin believed into existence(though thankfully not the overpowered Paladin him/herself) into Mount Celestia’s first Layer Lunia where the “believe the natives’ ideal Paladin into existence” stunt is repeated in a Realm embodying Lawful Good.

This Paladin should have Long Starry Night Sky Hair, be Beautiful, Wise, Understanding, wipe the floor with all other Paladins in sparing Matches and be a complete Mary Sue(aside from the whole dying thing that some of them go through). She too will be left behind in the City she was spawned in(unless the Players themselves have objections to you not bringing her).

The whole point of the exercise would be to get the Players to understand how the Planes work so that they can get creative. Yes you can imagine them creating the most awesome Archmagi Woman(if that’s their preference) that’s in to them and you can imagine them getting sick of her eventually.

Fun Fact: The Demons of the Abyss include Redwall-Style Rats(Uridezu)! Infact they may be the most Common Demons of the Abyss descended from Dire Rats & Rats who lived too long in the Abyss.

If any Demons are preforming random trouble in Lunia the first Layer of Mount Celestia it would be the Uridezu Rats who would be causing trouble for the Kingdom of Good Rats(think Redwall Mice and you can picture what they look like) with the rare Balor terrorizing the Island of talking Dinosaurs like a T-Rex would.

Have a great day guys :relaxed:


I just love the fact that there is another Planescape fan on this forum. It’s always been one of my favorite D&D settings.

Every so often the creative juices start flowing and I whip out my old books and start thinking about new characters and layers of the Abyss to add.

For fun, I added the Warcraft universe to the D&D multiverse. That’s why there is a Draenor Orc clan (all refugees who fled from Draenor right before it blew up) on Toril (Forgotten Realms).

The Burning Legion? They control a series of Abyssal layers and don’t care about the Blood War. All they want to do is conquer worlds, etc. And they are powerful enough to tell the other Demon Lords/Balors to go stuff it.

My latest little project was creating the 50th Layer of the Abyss - home of the first Succubus. Hey, there had to be one that was the first to be created, right? That was a lot of fun.

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If I’m being honest, WoW tradeskills in general haven’t aged well as the game expanded. Tradeskills were actually useful throughout your entire leveling journey from Classic to about WotLK but now they’ve become a cluttered nuisance and a bit of a chore to level up. I used to love leveling alts along with their professions, but I feel like the current system kinda knocked the wind out of my interest in doing that.

MoP cooking was probably the peak of the WoW cooking profession, but it was almost TOO much. I miss the days of simple cooking dailies for fun items like the ‘Delicious Chocolate Cake’ that Twinkletorch reminisced about.

Wow! Weird childhood memory unlocked! I used to LOVE Redwall as a kid.


Seeing them in Classic was interessting. I’d played back then but I was about 12 and never really figured out professions until BC.

I went with alchemy and was surprised at how many niche potions there were. Stuff like a minor boost to swim speed or very brief invisibility doesn’t on paper sound too useful. But with the unpredictable chaos that is WPvP I frequently felt like fantasy Batman pulling those out’ve my utility belt.


I was also around that age when Classic came out, but I was a country bumpkin with dial-up and nothing else to do, so you best believe I was slinging out potions as well. Picking herbs was honestly my favourite thing to do as a baby Night Elf Druid.

In contrast, I thought agility made you run faster and stayed in Teldrassil 'til I was like level 16 'cause I couldn’t figure out how to leave, so yanno… you win some you lose some.


I stubbornly refused to change out of my starter robes until I got the Robes of Arugal because I hated how stupid the other stuff I was getting looked.

I genuinely do not understand how anyone had the patience to put up with that.


Classic era cloth really was the butt ugliest stuff you could get, so I understand that completely. No, I will NOT be changing out of my Robe of Evocation for a vomit green spew rag with 2 more intellect, thank you very much.