Story Forum Community Lounge (Part 1)

Depends on who “we” is I guess - the US propped up quite a few fascist dictatorships during the Cold War in an effort to combat Communism so I’m not necessarily sure that was their gripe with it.


Ren, the self admitted communist, doing what Ren does best. Spreading lies.

Mussolini was a socialist. Fascism and WW2 was meant to be his socialist Revolution in Europe.

Am I simplifying things? Sure, I’m not going to write an essay only so ideologically motivated people can flippantly dismiss it.

The big take away should be this. Socialism is the cause of more death and suffering than any other collective idea in human history. The fact that there are self proclaimed communists and socialists in modern society is disgusting to me and should be to everyone else.

At some point, one has to ask themselves. How much taller does the pile of corpses need to be?

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I don’t know if you’ve seen it yet, but there’s a really good political docuseries on Netflix called How to Become a Tyrant. I strongly recommend it. it was really good.

Episode 4: Control the Truth. Was how Stalin used propoganda and lies to gain support.

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Yep! I’ve seen it. A little ‘popcorny’ since, after all, it is a Netflix doc but it’s pretty good for what it is. It’s a great starting point for a lot of people and I really wish it obtained more wide viewing to help people understand the world they live in and it’s history of governance.


Mussolini: Fascism is opposed to socialism

Terminally online right wingers:


I had a delicious slice of chocolate cake just now and I was reminded of that Wrath cooking novelty item.

Cooking in fiction has never done anything for me, dating back to Brian Jacques’ Redwall when I was a kid, and sometimes I wonder if my imagination is just broken.


I do find his malicious creativity interesting though.

For example he’d force drinking, as much as it can indeed be ‘forced’ in Russia, and offer his comrades just a gutrot vodka. While he imbibed in a colorless wine.

Now an amatuer might’ve gone with water. But him appearing not to get drunk at all would’ve been suspicious. So instead he’s got a mild buzz going while everyone else is slurring. Helped keep up that ‘man of steel’ vibe he was going for.


This seems like a good time to shill The Death of Stalin, one of my favorite movies. Fantastic black comedy film. So go watch it, or else.


There is so much history on the personal and professional sides of both Hitler and Stalin that are fascinating yet so unknown. There are a lot of things that are ‘base’ level but, yeah, remarkable people for remarkable times.

And also both horrendous monsters.


Yeah, I’ve heard fantastic things about it.

Hmm. Looks like it’s on a service I sub to. Yeah, I sorta feel like watching something tonight. I’ll check it out, see if my attention span lets me sit still.


I’ll watch any movie with Steve Buscemi in it.

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It’s a fantastic film but it’s so weird with it’s history. Some stuff is completely accurate while other major plot beats are entitely fictional.

It is a fantastic black comedy but I hope one that inspires interest in history rather than leaves people feeling they already know the story.

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WoW cooking is pretty boring tbh.

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It certainly takes numerous liberties and mixes various anecdotes from different time periods into one film but, again, is still great for laymen to understand a bit more about Stalin and his followers.

By no means a documentary but quite funny!


Fascism, as an ideology, has no origin in left-wing ideology.


Out of curiosity: what would ‘interesting cooking’ – or more broadly, ‘interesting tradeskills’ – look like? I admit to not playing ESO/DDO/FF14 very in-depth, but ever since 1999, the closest I’ve ever seen an MMO come to interesting in that regards is Asheron’s Call¹, and there it wasn’t so much the trade that was interesting as it was the fact that the entire economy was player-driven and people literally wrote their own storefront bot-scripts so they could semi-AFK and do services and professions for other players, leveling up off the trade XP.

¹ (you can all sigh at Grandma Twinkle here, I know I bring that game up a stupid amount)

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Wow cooking is pretty boring imo, because it basically sums up to “Kill mobs or fish to get ingredients, go to a fire, and cook food for a buff.” Adittedly, maybe the game being an MMO prevents anything more from being feasible. Cooking could be made more interesting in my opinion by having a more detailed, interactive, cooking process, a different variety of well-fed buffs, utensils, and cosmetic options.

To make the other tradeskills more interesting, well Dragonflight is going in that direction with a specialization system. Just my rambling. Sorry if it didn’t answer your question well.


It’s like Inglorious Bastards, it’s like a satirical revisionist history. Another really funny movie along the same lines is Jojo Rabbit.

Yeah Death of Stalin is atleast SOMEWHAT historically accurate and represents actual events, Inglorius Basterds is just insane, haha!


I gotta say it’s really strange watching the names around here change. I’ve been posting on and off for like half a decade at least and watching the landscape morph and seeing all the new people and stuff is a weird feeling