Story Forum Community Lounge (Part 1)

What is it with people who don’t follow through with their posts?

Fantasy Cartoons need more Villains like Death Phantom.

Preferably the first Anime’s version of him which looks inhuman.

Imagine combining that with the spikes on Gul’dan’s back!

If we had a Council of Evil where the Villains include a Death Phantom, a Kadann(with the Beard, Fangs & Red Eyes of Gul’dan), a Sauron, an Exdeath, a Dark Elegant Evil Queen, a Witch King of Angmar, Count Dracula, a Pharaoh with Glowing Red Eyes and a Noblewoman.

Well here is a smattering of the replies from people that were brought up :

So, yeah. That vile snake brings up people, and they are like : “why?”

That creature seems to make up stories, in the hopes that no one will put in the effort to speak the truth.

It is down right crazy.


Issue number one: you’re quoting anime.

Y’all are so exhausting

If reading words makes you exhausted - take a breath. Hydrate while reading the forums.

Maybe stop being a plain Gnome, and get some Inspector Gadget Mechagnome body parts, to help that Forum Avatar keep pace without crying about how exhausted it gets.

It could be that Ysera is coming back for a singular pivotal moment, have a mother-daughter moment before fully passing on and letting her daughter fully take over…

Or Blizzard really likes Ysera and wanted her to stick around to correct the mistake in Legion.

Who knows but its obvious she has died and been resurrected one too many times.
As for the seed, renewal, Malfy’s sacrifice and the suspiciously tree shaped hole in DF… i dont like any of it.


I do not like any of it either. I have a hard time finding a good reason for this seed - especially after all the drama invested in it. I have hard time with the prospect of Malfurion being jobbed for some trendy Dragon Tale. I agree, alot.

I just try to sift through the garbage to find a good reason, while hoping maybe Blizzard has one up their sleeve.

Worst comes to worst, Blizzard realizes how lame and pointless this all was, and a few years down the line, Malfurion just pops back into the scene, like everyone else seems to.


I have no idea what they want to do. But if the seed is a new home and it gives the NEs a fertility buff of 200%, immortality and free universal health care :rofl:

The one useful thing it does is give them a home away from the Horde. I have been in a lot of debates during my tenure here and I have been adamant that the NEs narrative survival they need security and maybe being on a magic island guarded by dragons might be just enough to save them from the Horde catapults.

It just sucks they have to basically abandon their homebase of Kalimdor to do it. Like rather than Hyjal we are setting up this new place in far away lands to do it.

Its like making the Forsaken settle in Northrend Zuldrak to recover from BFA.

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Yeah, I often do that to people.

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The last HotD episode was pretty good, but they’re moving at an alarming pace in terms of storytelling which makes me kinda miffed. I wish they’d let us simmer in some of the main story points and character arcs for a bit instead of slinging plot point after plot point. I feel like they’re not giving us enough time to really get to know potentially cool characters so that their deaths feel meaningful or invoke certain emotions. Hopefully we see some of the pacing evening out over time as characters get older and more established.

Overall though, I can’t complain 'cause it gives me something to yell about for the first half of the week or so until Rings of Power comes on and I can yell about that. WoW has been a little stale for me lately so I’m grasping at other nerdy things to fill the void.

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While it was a great episode. Apparently the next one is involving yet another big time skip. Which is a valid complaint people have

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Yeah, I DID like it despite my gripes. I just wish they didn’t time-skip so quickly because I felt like we were missing a lot of juicy drama in the middle of all these jumps and cuts.

I really liked Rhaenyra’s power play with Daemon basically laying it out with ‘Yo, I need you for my claim to the throne.’ Despite their relationship being eyebrow raising in terms of being relatives, this is the first honest and open relationship we see in the show and it’s very refreshing to see their dynamic of genuine communication. They are both power hungry, they both know it and vibe with it. I can respect that.

I also really loved the twist with Laenor at the end, I was kinda bummed they had chosen to do what they did especially after Laenor and Rhaenyra’s heartfelt conversation about wishing they could’ve made it work for each other. Getting that twist at the end was great, and the Targaryen’s really said ‘GAY RIGHTS’ with that one, and I love that. Sucks for the guy that got sizzled in his place though. :thinking:


Another daily dose of wishing people a awesome day :relaxed:


I’ve been wondering why my health physically and mentally has been declining again and it turned out there was a small broken part on a machine I need to live. Fixed now. I am already feeling better today compared to yesterday.


I’m glad to hear that you’re feeling better.


I think HBO wrote and shot a single season, without certainty how long the series would go beyond that. They probably were not sure GoT fans would return for a prequel. So the pace can be frenzied. Now that it has proven a solid hit on its own, and more seasons have been green lit, they can slow down the pace without fear of boring people away.

I never read any of the books, but I did google some of the story. No spoilers - but alot of the action involves the children as they grow. There really cant be that many big time skips left. The time skips are building up to the death of the king, and explaining the sides who will do battle afterward. He can not be around much longer.

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That makes a lot of sense now that I know a bit of the context. They definitely need to establish a lot of groundwork leading up to the Dance of Dragons. (I’ve read the book, so I have that as a bit of reference at least.) I was just hoping they’d explore more outside the general framework of the novel, but knowing that definitely puts the pacing into perspective.


The situation in Ukraine is getting worse. Russia is preparing for annexation.

That is not news.