Story Forum Community Lounge (Part 1)

Yes it is.

Russia is on the backfoot. Ukraine has taken Oblast back.

I was going to engage with the alt posting games, but then a boat caught fire and that was my day. Volunteer with your local responders so that the Sledgehammer equivalents don’t have to go on all the calls and can instead play stupid games on the internet and also maybe someday even do rated PvP again.



Okay, good news. I though you might have supported Russia, though.

I am about as anti Russia as it gets. Why would I support that oligarch and his miliatry dictatorship when the Ukraine is literally begging us to join the EU and NATO?


Because you’re a fascist.

You’re based, Ere. Don’t let Doness pull you down.

That is just false propaganda by people who are salty that I hate the alliance and make that opinion public.

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“Fascism is when you dislike the country that wants to nuke your cities and is the reason you have to freeze this winter.”

Fascism is very real and very present.

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Erevien committing to a real ideology would take away from his time complaining about fake pixel ideologies in a 20 year old video game. He’s busy.


The only thing separating Fascism and Communism is Nationalism. The primary common denominator between them being socialism.

The conflict between Russia and Ukraine doesn’t really have anything to do with either. It is a conflict primarily fought over Natural Gas and European energy. With various political and balance of power implications on the peripherals.

It is also a huge military failure for Russia and actually really interesting as it comes to HOW Russia could have messed up this bad, when any competent military of their strength should of had this done in a week.

Testing. Testing. Ok good. The forums said I couldnt post because I didnt have an active account.


I had the same error.


Happened to me a few times. I sometimes get Your character doesn’t exist error

Maybe none of us really exist. Wouldn’t that be nice.

I thought it might just be because I was using Tokens for my sub. That Blizzard doesn’t consider it an “active sub”. but glad it was just an error.

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How can we be real if our eyes aren’t real

I was just listening to an interview and this Ukrainian veteran compared the Russians to Orcs. Maybe he meant Mordor Orcs but wow Orcs seem like an apt description as well… its a pretty hilarious description.



Baal brought something like that up earlier in this thread. His reaction was the exact opposite of yours.