Story Forum Community Lounge (Part 1)

Okay ren. Keep up the unconvincing charade😂


Real talk though, what are you hoping to gain from… Whatever it is you are doing?


Is there any news of Vol’jin in Dragonflight?

No mention of him from what’s been datamined so far

“I’m leaving forever!!!”

*Proceeds to post on alt *

C’mon now


I never said I would leave.

That’s a good point. Vol’jin should have appeared by now imo.


Not you, Erevien.


Certainly explains why she was so adamant against using a universal profile for posting on the WoW Forums everytime the subject came up

You know, I am a firm believer of “The Truth will set you free.”

I understand that it is hard to be open and vulnerable with other people. It requires that you also be honest with yourself. But I think if you just take that step and open the door to your real heart. I think you will see more sympathy here than you might expect.

Edit: Not suggesting you to air it all out online. But you know, therapy is good.


She definitely should take therapy.


Oh, yeah, this here is comedy gold.


Not like it’s that hard to figure out who’s who anyway. We all have unique posting habits that tend to give it away anyway

Like I know I can go from being laid back to combative in a short span. It’s a really bad habit I need to try and break

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My work day today:

10 SAVE file
20 SEND file
30 ADHD “wait, did I save it before I sent it”
40 ADHD “wait, did I hit send?”
50 GOTO 30

I don’t know how many people even recognize BASIC for this to be funny but i have always found it way funnier to do this stuff with than C++ and its ilk

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No one will recognize Solomongrund’s true form.

Especially if Solomongrund edits their post 600 times in under 15 minutes to get increasingly verbose while saying nothing particularly interesting. Solomongrund is NOTHING like the gnome one post higher!


Hello, fellow Horde posters.

… Damn NEFPAs amirite

For the Horde and stuff.

Sure. I guess, if you say so :rofl:

Also me enjoying watching this all unfold. I’mma enjoy my :coffee: now

I don’t know BASIC, but it doesn’t sound as bad as forgetting a semicolon somewhere in C++ and having to find where.

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Certainly were a lot fewer small, barely noticeable things to screw up but way more clumsy

At least, that’s how I see it as someone whose programming experience is entirely ultra casual hobby

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It is funny how stuff unfolds. It is almost like Akiyass could tell they were dealing with an insufferable Troll, and they reacted with the right degree of combativeness.

Oh, Erevien, you innocent babe. It is good that you avoid the more off topic drama.

This time, it is not about you.

There is a poster named Ren who had a meltdown, and she uses all sorts of Alts like a maniac, because she embarrassed herself so often. You can read through this thread if you care to.

For all the flak you might get, Erevien, at least you do not hide behind different named Alts to trick people. You stand by what you say.

Hey, we all have our ups and downs.

I have a job and I bought Dragonflight with WoW Tokens. I use Gold for Blizz Balance and WoW time quite often. Why use cash for WoW when I can use gold?

I am gonna miss the free gold from the mission tables. People hated them for some reason, but I do not know how people could hate free gold.