Story Forum Community Lounge (Part 1)

I am not imagining anything. The whole purpose of Ardenweald was to preserve the immortality of Wild Gods in the form of Wild Seeds.

This is the Lore channel, my guy.

That’s not true. We see Cenarius come back. We saw Malorne come back. And we know from Shadowlands is the entire point of Ardenweald is to rejuvenate the anima of Wild Gods so they may one day return to the realm of the living.

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You hyperfocused on one thing I said and ignored the rest. Please go re-read. I walked back that statement immediately after.

I have given you the information, in time you will learn to accept it. And as I said, if the immortality badge satisfies you, then good for you. :slight_smile:

I mean… it was the thesis of your post and it was incorrect.

You… have?

You kind of just came in here, made a declarative statement that is quickly disproven with pre-established lore. Then you refused to elaborate and just, said the same unsupported thing again…

You were reading to react not reading to understand. If you had waited until you had read the entire post instead of reacting to what you immediately saw as wrong, we wouldn’t be in disagreement.

I was supporting your point.

Indeed I have! If you bothered responding and reading more than three words then you might get it. But honestly I am not too invested in which way your opinion holds sway. Find what happiness you can, I am not here to tell you it isn’t allowed.

I did read the entire post.

You edited your post when you realized you were wrong and now you are coming at me for not reading thing that you did not include the first time around.

You have not. You are just trolling, it seems.


Ok… one more time.
Malfurion is sacrificing himself for Ysera. I won’t even get into why its bad but the sacrifice is happening. He will die. If we are talking math thats -1.
Even if we imagine he would come back no matter how possible shadowlands lore :face_vomiting: make it possible.
It doesn’t mean 1) it would happen and 2) even if it does its just turning the -1 back to 0. There is no net positive or benefit here. It was all unnecessary to begin with, now you want to wait multiple patches or expansions for Malfurion’s return so you can be happy to go back to zero, then great! Good for you! Malfurion is still dead. Thats still a -1.

As for immortality.
Its pointless, it does and brings nothing. The only benefit the immortality has brought to the game’s story is that it was used as a self-sacrifice to kill Archimond. If the Night Elves get it back how does it help them in the short-term storyline we are playing through?
The number one cause of death for Night Elves isn’t old age or heart disease, its vulnerability to horde blades and flammability.

He is changing places with a Dragon Aspect who has already been brought back from the dead, but just so happens to be residing within Ardenweald.

This tells us first, that in the eyes of the Winter Queen, Malfurion is a fair and equal Trade for a Dragon Aspect. And it also tells us that if he were to -actually- die, he would likely get the same treatment Ysera got when she was a Wild Seed.

Aka, get prioritized over lesser souls and brought back from the dead.

I edited the post immediately, when I realized my own memory of dealing with Wild Gods, is directly related to my Horde perspective. Horde only have limited information on Wild Gods.

The only information I remember was Glizzly Hills and the resurrection of Ursoc. That was faction neutral lore. There isn’t other troll lore about wild Gods, just the assumption that Loa and Wild Gods are the same.

You are being unecessarily combatitive.

Thats great but not at all my point on either Malfurion dying or immortality.
But hey at least I tried! Thanks I had a fun lunch break but now I got to get back to it.

There doesn’t need to be a point, that is just what it is.

I admitted something I realized I did not want to share.

He admitted to being unemployed.

I also am admitting that you’re Renautus posting on a different account to try to gain credibility. It is nuts that you’re still trying to antagonize me.


Well…at least one of us mentioned it :blush:

So, why are you doing this? Have you asked yourself that yet?


Well, you brought it up earlier, tbf.

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Plays on WoW tokens, like a bunch of other players who can’t afford a steady sub.

It’s a good thing hun :relaxed:

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