Story Forum Community Lounge (Part 1)

Wheat rolls I made from the WoW cookbook


They look delicious :raccoon:


The story is pretty much just Featherine/Higurashi Gou Hanyuu working out how to exist in Reality using a Mind Screw Narrative.

She is(according to the Author of Umineko When They Cry) an Fictional Hanyuu(created by another Fictional Hanyuu AKA Eua from Higurashi When They Cry Gou who on discovering her true nature decided to abandon her name & Reality while dumping her own more accurate fake Hanyuu into Reality) who on discovering she was created artificially fell into a Logic Error entering the Sea of Fragments as a result unable to enter Reality.

Her first method to escape the Logic Error is by writing Fictional Worlds in order to exist in them but that was falling through fast.

Umineko When They Cryā€™s Final Episode Twilight of the Golden Witch has her convinced by Bernkastel to give Ange the Diary of Eva Ushiromiya which she assumed would result in the destruction of the Golden Land.

When Ange found the Golden Truth that Battler and Everyone was alive that meant that Featherine had a solution to resolve the Logic Error for a time: Live in delusion.

Ah but surely even that will fall through again and again. Eventually Higurashi Gou Hanyuu will have no choice but to find a proper answer: That she can exist in Reality but she is just too stubborn to acknowledge that Golden Truth due to the Red Truth that she is Fictional.

Of course once she acknowledges that she can exist in Reality she will probably continue to see herself as a knockoff and try to adjust her appearance for the sake of facts.

Just to be clear, Iā€™ve never actually consumed Higurashi in any way ā€“ while I know Umineko well enough to figure out what you were talking about and give everyone a little headā€™s up, I canā€™t actually contribute to this discussion. Sorry. :sweat_smile:


You are a natural professional.


Hope everyone has a good day today :relaxed:


Apparently Malfurion will be trading places with Ysera in the Shadowlands. One night elf hero down. More might follow.

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Iā€™m glad you could find some satisfaction with this news.


Overwatch 2 comes out in two days. Itā€™s free to play, unlike the original.

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itā€™s a trap.

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Itā€™s a Blizzard game!

My co-workers have been trying to get me to play OW forever because they need a healer. Not sure I have the time to commit to another game, but free is enticing. Iā€™m sure thereā€™s in-game purchases though, knowing Blizzard.

Why did you delete this post?

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Shhhhā€¦ No one tell him that this means Malfurion is a fair and equal trade with Wild Gods and Dragon Aspects and will most likely get the same treatment if he was to ever die.

Meaning, he is effectively immortal again, and perhaps the Night Elves as a whole are one step closer to getting their immortality back.


Dead is dead. No matter how you package it and put a bow tie on it.

Immortality doesnā€™t mean invulnerability. I am pretty sure Draenei are functionally immortal, older and more technologically advanced than anyone and yet they still had several near extinction events.

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I mean, I guess. But if your afterlife force feeds you souls until you come back to life every time you die, then itā€™s much less of a big deal, is my point.

You go ahead and quote the part of my comment where I said that.

If that was so then Ysera could have come back on her own. There was no need for Malfy to off himself. Dead is dead.

I donā€™t need to, the point is already made that immortality is pointless. The best it can be considered as is membership to an exclusive club with no perks that demands enough yearly payments that you could buy a used car with.

Ysera is a special case. We actually see Wild Gods come back all the time. Which is just another example of Blizz forgetting their own lore. The Winter Queen was not nearly as resistant from bringing back Eluneā€™s Son when he was dead.

In WoW, dead is really not so dead, my guy.

You also canā€™tā€¦ Because I never said that.

Kind of like your posts.

The datamined stuff is pretty clear, for Ysera to come back Malfy needs to die. Guess we will see but the dude is going to die and will be written off as such. If you want to imagine a scenario where he comes back with a quote like ā€œDeath was merely a set backā€ then by all means go ahead.

Despite your sass, the immortality badge is still pointless though. Offers nothing in gameplay, customization or even anything in lore that benefits NEs in the short term. But hey if it makes you happy then by all means wear the badge proudly I guess.

We only see one Wild God come back, Ursoc. Itā€™s not because the writers forgot their own lore. He was being constantly resurrected by furbolgs, until we put a stop to them.

With Goldrinn that may be the same case, just with trolls ressurecting him. Okay, maybe itā€™s most Wild Gods. You may be right.

My point is, Wild Gods can be resurrected. Which supports your point Malfurion can come back. There is valid lore support for your stance.

Alternatively, Varian becoming an avatar of Loā€™gosh possibly means he too can be resurrected.