Story Forum Community Lounge (Part 1)

You might be interested to know that Deadpool 3 will have Wolverine played by Hugh Jackman.


I saw forum drama and I was like: “Oh, what hot mess is happening this time?”

Then I saw who was involved and I was like: “Yep, that’s on point somehow.”


see i usually just stick to gd so i know none of these people. i just get to enjoy drama totally unencumbered.

How did you find out about this drama?

i can sniff it out like a bloodhound. arf.

also it’s right there in the thread. it wasn’t hidden.


Enjoy everyone :wink:


I’m not going to lie, I almost always do extremely few species in worlds I create, often only humans. I can’t possibly create enough cultures to make all of those interesting beyond a superficial level of visual diversity, and that is not of interest to me. Not least because it tends to contribute to the effect where humans themselves become a monoculture with an assumed default way to be human.

Yeah after I saw your post, I looked into it.

I am a huge fan of the X Men from the comics and the 90s cartoon. Not so much the Fox Films. Though Hugh Jackman as Wolverine was pretty good casting. And the notoriously finicky comic fans have widely approved of his portrayal. When I was younger, I wondered who they would choose to play Wolverine in a film. I think they chose well with Hugh Jackman.

I am glad he will stick around for at least one go at the MCU- maybe even just to hand the baton over to a younger Wolverine from a different Universe.

It would be funny if it ends with Deadpool searching for the new Wolverine. Like, Deadpool 3 ends with Hugh Jackman’s Wolverine dying heroically, and Deadpool is like : “I got to find me another one of him.”

Though it would be even better if Hugh Jackman chose to keep playing the character when the X Men make their MCU entrance.

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I’m bored at work while on my lunch. Here’s a pic of some puppies :wink:

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Can’t really speak to Calia or her place in the Horde but I understand the sentiment of the Forsaken graciously giving back what they destroyed and defiled feels somehow wrong.

Its a game, meant for enjoyment.
Alright you make a fun little story about the Horde kicking the alliance out of their victorian style kingdom.

Now make a fun story of the Alliance taking it back.
You want to do it peacefully? Alright… well thats more of a humanized story so you go into detail about nitty gritty atrocities, unjust actions, of war, humanity and peace and etc and etc.

Does that sound fun? huh maybe…? Do we want to put the Horde player through another apology tour again? I don’t think so. Does Danuser and his team have the talent to pull this off? I don’t really think so either.

So make it simple. Make it fun.
Have a Gilnean version of this play in the background as the Gilneans take back their home from the evil (allegedly) forsaken that took it in the first place.

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Imagine listening to the “Operation: Gnomeregan Full Score (slowed to perfection + reverb)” unironically and passionately.

Edit: Also, Smallioz, you look different. What happened?

Its got a nice tune. I played through the scenario back when it launched and I had fun. But we just got to the lobby and I was like… wait thats it??

Dont body shame me


It’s one of my favorite songs off the Mists soundtrack. That and I love the gilnean music as your questing through the zone


It’s the desire for Victory the Alliance wants! A hard won Victory!

Hopefully the Convergence of Timelines(mentioned in the upcoming Uldaman Dungeon by the Infinite Dragonflight) provides that!

The Alliance gets a glorious victory against a group of Forsaken still loyal to an Evil Sylvanas ruling over Gilneas while the Forsaken eliminate Evil Sylvanas in Undercity.

The Alliance takes out Blackhand personally in Stormwind too alongside Evil Alleria!

The Horde in turn gets to fight Evil Sylvanas and Garrosh in Orgrimmar!

That leaves the Tauren to face Magatha and the Night Elves to face Xavius and Staghelm.

Beautiful music, incredible, even, for one of the most underwhelming things in WoW.


I had to do something heartbreaking earlier today and I need somewhere to vent. Don’t open if you’re easily saddened.


After 17 years, I have put my dog to sleep. She’s a companion I’ve had since middle school and she helped keep things interesting for much of my life. My family got her when she was a puppy, and I didn’t want a dog at the time because we already had a cat, but she was the only one of her litter that hadn’t yet been given away and would’ve been fed to a snake if no one took her. She was very energetic and liked to run around a lot, to the point that she had run out into the road and got hit by a car twice, and almost by a schoolbus when she tried to chase a squirrel across the street. She was very resilient, and even after getting hip surgery she would bunny hop around when she’d get excited.

Like all dogs, her health started taking a decline into old age. For her, this was mostly in the form of mental decline; she had gone senile, repeatedly doing circles at random points in the day for several minutes until she’d fall over and staring at random things for no reason. Her digestive system was also failing her, resulting in several nasty messes indoors that she couldn’t control from letting out before she could get outside. This became really difficult to handle, which made our resistance break to taking her in. We took her to the vet and said goodbye.

We did everything for her, but I still don’t know if it was enough. The house already feels emptier without her. Atleast now she’s reunited with my cat and her dog friends. Enjoy every moment you can with your loved ones. Nothing lasts.


I am so sorry to hear that. Our dog is becoming an old man himself, and my wife and I know that we need to squeeze every ounce of love out of our time together that we can.

You have my sincere condolences.


Somehow, I always think this would be the perfect theme for a corporate training video.

Video game OSTs are absolutely amazing. Sadly one of my favourite tracks doesn’t come from World of Warcraft. It’s this one, and it gets me pumped whenever I hear it.


Ehh, I can see the vibes a little, but it’s too dramatically gleeful. Corporate training music will be dramatic or gleeful but not both imx.

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