Story Forum Community Lounge (Part 1)

If it makes you feel any better, I feel like a big pile of you know what.

hugs We can both be miserable together this time around


Itā€™s a break down and build up process. And a tricky thing. It can be difficult and even disheartening to confront your own flaws. And itā€™s sometimes hard to tell the difference between a character flaws and just low self esteem.

It is easier to just spread drama and make yourself feel better at the expense of others. So a lot of people end up doing that. Everyone here is probably guilty of it whether we know it or not.

The alternative is a delicate balance of self reflection and realization. Knowing when you are wrong and trusting yourself when you are right. Itā€™s not easy.


One of the reasons I was very aggressively staying out of it (while never quite shutting up and trying to make nice as I was worried for Doness) is because I have, in the past, tried very earnestly to solve every ill I found when I found it

And i very often hurt people because I believed the first sympathetic story I was told and got entangled in things I didnā€™t understand

I still will not presume to make any judgments about anyone from what I saw as I lack the context to make any of it make sense, but I certainly sympathize with a lot of the feelings I see expressed here. I hope things are better moving forward for everyone.


Hugs You know, just wanna say thanks for the supportive and truthful words.

Iā€™m gonna start trying to be better, I promise


I actually have a lore topic Iā€™d like to discuss! The Lunā€™alai. Theyā€™re the Zandalari Druids that are considered heretics for revering not-so-subtly Elune. Someone, I think in this thread, was vociferously against the idea of Trolls revering Elune because of past wrongs of Elves against the Trolls. Can someone perhaps explain why this might be the case? Because my present main is a Lunā€™alai Druid and I really enjoy the fantasy of the idea of a heretic rejecting Loa worship in deference to a moon goddess living in the middle of the forest and essentially not bothering anyone.

Also dinosaurs. Eff yeah!


This reminds me of a time I was 10 and got into a screaming match with one of my friends at a laser tag birthday party in the bathroom, and then was friends with them 5 minutes later after we left.

Ahhā€¦ the joys of being a kid and getting over fights in literal minutes. I miss those days :raccoon:

That is rather mean spirited.

It appears more like you were finally exposed from all sides. All your outright lies and unhinged insults towards people who disagree. All your various manipulations of people who wanted to be friends with you and be supportive. All your side talk and double crossing.

After enough people sat and talked about it, they realized where it stemmed. And you unraveled with your lies in this thread, for all to see.

If you feel you burnt the spot for yourself - whatever. You should have some shame for your childish antics.


Iā€™ll feel better tomorrow hopefully, but right now? I truthfully feel terrible. All I wanted was to be a supportive friend and what did I get for it? Gaslight and told she was handling me with kid gloves because I was a predator.

Like what the actual hell kind of psychotic behavior is that? I feel like such a fool right now.



There you go :raccoon:


Iā€™m not trying to demean your drama. I know itā€™s real.


Maybe a swingin tune would lighten the moodā€¦


First time Iā€™ve ever seen one of these using one of their fancy special photorealistic cinematic cutscenes.

I always get weirded out seeing Warcraft in this style, because everyone keeps all the strange, exaggerated features of Warcraft races and then thereā€™s a normally proportioned human. Everything gives me massive uncanny valley in a way I donā€™t get when itā€™s more cartoony. My private theory for a part of why the WC movie didnā€™t do great.

Confession. I really liked playing Hearthstone but after the latest expansion involving shadowlands I have not touched this game even once. I kind of want to go back but having anything to do with shadowlands basically makes me have visceral of what I can only describe as rejection.

Probably not a normal human reaction but I just canā€™t help it.


The biggest problem with the Warcraft movie, besides its runtime getting cut down, is definitely that the humans stood out in a bad way.


It is a perfectly normal human reaction. I do not have that reaction about WoW but I never cared about WoW in that way. There are other things I feel this way about. And you are far from the only WoW player I have seen express similar feelings.

This is surprisingly hilarious. Great lyrics with good singing to match. Metaphorically relevant too. I imagined Sylvanas dancing to this atop Icecrown after defeating Bolvar.


The Humans of Stormwind(as are the Humans of Guild Wars) are basically Tolkien Elves at this point: Perfect and awesome!

Personally if I were to make a Fantasy World I would have the Races be:

Human Variants: Humans(has normal Human proportions), the Race of Man(as exaggerated as any Fantasy Race and yet morally they are an ideal to look up to), Space Man(looks Human yet acts as awesome and perfect as Man), Lycanthropes and the Eldar(Men who radiate immense energy and look like one would imagine the Greek Pantheon to look like I.E. like the 4 ā€œGodsā€ of Lufia known as the Sinestrals).

Yes I gave the name Eldar to a Variant of Humans rather than Elves so please donā€™t complain.

Elf/Fey Variants: High Elves, Sun Elves, Moon Elves, Wood Elves, Green Elves, Shadow Elves, Drow, Blood Elves, Pixies, Dark/Vampire Elves, Black Elves(Dwarves who permanently turn to stone in Daylight like in Norse Myth), Light Elves(Dwarves), Fire Elves/Dwarves, Elf-Orcs and Goblins

Troll Variants: Frost Trolls, Forest Trolls, Jungle Trolls, Mountain Trolls(LotR Trolls that donā€™t turn to stone) and Stone Trolls(LotR Trolls who do turn to stone).

Beastmen: Pig-Orcs, Cat-Men, Wolf-Men, Abyssal Rat-Men(resembles Redwall Rats), Rat-Men(resembles Redwall Mice), Badger-Men, Beaver-Men, Otter-Men, Hedgehog-Men, Lizard-Men, Snake-Men(basically Sethrak), Dragon Naga, Cobra Naga, Lamias, Dragon-Men, Bear-Men, Panda-Men, Mantis-Men, Bat-People, Horned Bat-People(descended from either Lilith or Naamah), Goat-Men, Fauns, Bat-Fauns(descended from either Lilith or Naamah), Space Fauns, Mantid and Fox-Men.

Other Races: Wrapped up Energy Beings, Energy Beings and Merchant Race based on Ferengi.

i will, forum drama that isnā€™t to do with me is really fun to read.

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