Story Forum Community Lounge (Part 1)

I honestly have to thank you doness. If we hadn’t had that fight, I never woud’ve notice how completely insane she is.

Talk about dodging a bullet

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Real talk this seems so wrapped up in interpersonal communications and wild accusations from ages past that its completely unintelligible for anyone who isn’t already involved in it and impossible to form any sort of opinion, which is probably why it shouldn’t be here.

It’s literally just 4 people going “No YOU’RE the liar!” at eachother 20 times a day.


You claimed you were leaving days ago, because of me.

If we’re being totally honest, I am perfect.

I never make dumb posts.

I am not a total doofus.




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Fair and a lot of it is pent up lies and accusations from years ago. But she’s lied about a lot of people on this forum and caused a lot of the divisions this forum has

A lotta loyalty for a hired gun

She posts under a certain lvl 50 blood elf that starts with a M. Just so you’re aware. She’ll be back

She told me. That was her “secret.”


So how about the HotD episode? That was a doozy!

It was awesome. Only complaint is how they sped through a some of the plot threads in one episode

Damn I don’t know if I want to post with this character or one of my other 3 characters that are part of my current hyperfixation. Rough.

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In Iran we have this saying where it says, its a song so it rhymes in farsi, in trying not to fall off the roof try not to fall from the other side of the roof.

Basically don’t over correct.
Ren is stubborn and opinionated and prone to throw accusations but at the same time is also quick to award friendship if you are both of tolerable same opinions.

She isn’t a demon or a bad person I don’t think they are.
And you are kind of like a megaphone that amplifies that ten fold, and I think its just you trying to be supportive. However I think you take a tad too personal and dial to 11.

As for Doness, not sure, he seems alright. I don’t see him doing much, sometimes he dog piles and sometimes he is the voice of reason.

Baal is opinionated. I don’t ever see eye to eye with him and to be honest he pissed me off when he compared First War Orcs to muslims solely based on racist stereotypes. I don’t think he is bad either, he just has his own set of beliefs and his way of trying to deliver change sometimes is too much in my own opinion.
Especially for some SJW stuff, like… i don’t care Lorethemar is teaching a troll kid how to read and write, the book by the lore master of warcraft is stuck in Cataclysm. jesus H christ.

Nobody here is bad imo. Nobody is a monster.
Except for Erevien. That dude is legitimately and odd ball.


I’m sorry that you, Aki, Baal and Evelyssaa often took the brunt of her psychotic episodes and lies.


I think Erevien actually struggles with some mental illness issues, and I don’t mean that as a judgement. As someone who does as well, I recognize it.

edit: Not excusing their behavior, just saying.


And I do honestly apologize for that. Really. I sincerely promise I’m going to try and tone it down a bit and be my real self. Which is calm and quiet and sometimes a lil bit stubborn :smiley:

Sorry for all those pointless arguements we had. They were pretty stupid thinking back on it

I for one hope everyone involved, Ren included, take this as a learning experience and all become better people, with strengthened self esteem and less of a need to curb their insecurity with online drama.


It was a huge learning lesson. For starters, I need to start being more confident in myself and stopping taking some things so personal.

Which is a bad habit I tend to have.

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Eh, my self-esteem was down before this drama, and it’s down now.