Story Forum Community Lounge (Part 1)

I miss Etheriel actually. She didn’t deserve to get bullied off this forum and game

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I wont be here long. Just a month or two for wotlk.
Wow is like the nostalgia drug I can’t put down and Retail is the bad ex that continues to be a source of pain and what could have been.

Well, have fun with Wrath Classic at least. When the story was actually well done :smiley:

Next one is cataclysm.
Thats when things got bad :frowning:
And then it didnt stop getting worse.

May I make a recommendation that no one asked for and that is absolutely no business of mine to make?

Could we maybe take this to private messaging or a Discord server or something? That way we can get on with talking about lore or TV shows or whatever.

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ANDOR! Lets talk about Andor.


As long as people keep lying on my name in public, nope. My presence on this forum can be easily avoided as it has been for months if people keep my damn name out of their damn mouths in this public setting.


Andor has no mAndorlians, so I gotta pass.

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I can understand that. That is fair.


That’s fair. I think Mando season 3 is coming out next year and we’re getting a new Bad Batch season.

So yay for that

Ren is ill Baal. Her unhinged pyschotic response to me proves it


Now there’s pee involved?


Apparently it’s a fetish for some people. Who knew :dracthyr_shrug:

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Yeah Baal was not even around - his name was brought up with all sorts of lies and misrepresentations. It was concerning.

I am glad he came and posted, to clear it up.

There is enough actual disagreement - no one needs to invent any.


Do you see how unhinged Ren is though?

I seriously hope everyone is seeing what I am seeing right now.


Would anyone care for me to share my thoughts on all this?
Since I have been on the receiving end of a lot of drama.

Justifiably or not. I ain’t perfect.
Hopefully it stops all the arguing.


Does Blizz even moderate this forum at all?


only when the N word is said.
No not that one. the other one. The jailer had two of them and they were magnificent.

It requires flags. Do your part and flag the crap out of ren.


Now that I’ve apparently burnt this place up like Teldrassil.

I will bid you all goodbye.

Bye losers.

I am finally FREE.