Story Forum Community Lounge (Part 1)

the last time I leveled a character up through BC was Wrath.

Literally, Wrath. I have not been back to the outland servers in any significant way since then. I had no new lowbie characters in general after Wrath before Chromie time, only recustomizations of existing ones and boosts. I have not revisited it with Chromie time, either.

I loved Outland at the time and there’s still things to love in it – the Dark Portal, Zangarmarsh, Nagrand, Netherstorm, the Lower City of Shat (though I hate! HATE!!! the grey colorspace!!!)

But it’s so disconnected from what my characters are I don’t want to have them engage with it, and at this point I am sure the quests feel remarkably dated.

Oh yeah, and I used to stand at attention for the DRUMS OF NAGRAND as Thrall came to visit Garrosh every time. That is a memory turned quite bitter.


I want to do pandaria and then maybe wrath. Good thing is I can take my time doing them. Super excited for DF though

I love Jade Forest and Valley of Four Winds by the way :relieved:

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Poor you. This place is irredemeeable. The only way for me to give up would be to delete my account.

I’ve been thinking about this reply, and I just want to say that I’m sorry for anything I did to upset you. I did get banned, yes for drama in other threads. That’s on me. I also won’t talk about you behind your back, not that I ever did that before anyway.

I’d like to start over, with you at least, if not with others.

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I apologize for the things I said and I’m willingly to move past this and start fresh

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Back in my day if drama had gone on for this long there’d be 3 accusations of sexual misconduct and someone would’ve threatened to kill someone by now.

We used to be a real country. :pensive:

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There were two in this thread.

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Gonna have to throw the whole thread out :rofl:


You need to have all 3 to unlock the optional secret drama level, though.


I think I liked secret cow levels better.


Me and my friend back in the day, fighting over if the Cow level was cool or not

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I like your transmog. What swordio is that

Unholy Artifact hidden skin - comes from a rare item drop off army of the dead/apocalypse ghouls.


Goodly, I have it. Just didn’t recognize it cause gnome portraits are fun and weird

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Seinfeld, personally, is a tremendous jerk.

This has nothing to do with anything relevant.

edit: I mean me pointing that out. That gif is very relevant.

My feelings watching all this.

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Dont you all miss the time where I was the evil incarnate and you all got along?

Boy I sure do.


Ethriel messaged me on Twitter. She is doing so much better after quitting this game.


You’re a breathe of fresh air personally. Sorry ren instigated a lot of problems between me and you