Story Forum Community Lounge (Part 1)

I said what I said to the person(s) who needed to hear it and now I’m going to go back to mostly minding my own business and being picky about who or what I respond too.

This whole situation does feel like a weight has been lifted off my shoulders since I finally got what needed to be said out in the open

Looking at it: Yes. Stuff like Rugrats, Fairly Oddparents, SpongeBob, Jimmy Neutron, Danny Phantom, etc…

They are all the same.

Fantasy seems to be not very popular in Nickelodeon which is obsessed with Wacky Modern Settings.

Warner Bros and Disney on the other hand do what needs to be done!

Tomorrow is a new episode of Andor and I can’t wait to see how the episode plays out. The first 3 were suprisingly gritty and dark. It was a nice departure from the usual SW stuff we get.

And I absolutely adore Diego Luna

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I have to play catch-up, I’ve only watched the one episode so far! I’ve really been enjoying it though, it’s a really refreshing change of pace from the usual space wizard opera we get. (Not that I don’t love that too.)

Really loving Diego Luna aswell, was surprised to see that we’re getting more of this character but super excited because Rogue One was definitely my favourite of the current Star Wars films.

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I’m glad you’re enjoying it so far though. It’s slower paced but I like that. It adds to the shows gritty nature

And Rogue One is one of the best SW movies



Funny yet so wrong. :rofl:

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To make everyone’s Tuesday better hopefully

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Going to get a bit bloggy here, but I’m feeling very sentimental right now. Reflecting a lot this month about whether or not I really have the perseverance to change my life. Perseverance feels like a lie. A fantasy. No amount of persevering seems to make a meaningful change in my myriad health issues.

But just now I found an email I missed: an old student reaching out to me a few weeks ago. Normally they reach out by other methods, and I don’t use that email for much anymore but checking on news from my landlord, since it’s still inundated with spam from my job hunt.

This student is preparing for the BIG college entrance exam over there right now, the Suneung. She let me know how much I had taught them the value of continuing to try after a failure, how it doesn’t have to be catastrophic. That you can just pick up and keep going and try to do better.

That is a lesson I never really learned for myself, as I have continually faced through my life. The times I have worked hard have always been when someone else is on the line. For me, I had long stopped believing anything I can do actually will improve my life. But while hard work is insufficient, it is often necessary to live, and that is why I strove so hard to communicate it to my kids. (“We are what they grow beyond,” quickly became my mantra after I saw the movie.) And I am glad to know I was able to help.

Maybe perseverance is a fantasy. But humans need fantasies to be human: Justice. Mercy. Duty. Perseverance. Hogfathers. To be the place where the falling angel meets the rising ape.


All you need to know is, in a shocking twist of events. You are my favorite person in this forum.

Don’t let it go to your head.

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Just find this to be super funny and adorable.


Now that I have Disney+ I’m watching Thor to see how smoothly the platform runs… Chris Hemsworth looks weird in this movie.

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I want to like the Vulpera the most, but Lun’alai Zandalari Troll Druid just feels so right. I cannot deny it.

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I need to watch the new Thor movie. Heard it has its good parts

I haven’t seen it but it’s gotten mixed reviews. I hear the main problem with that movie is its tone. Serious moments keep getting interrupted by unnecessary jokes. Thor also got himbofied a ridiculous amount. There isn’t a logical explanation for why he’s suddenly so dumb.

I heard the same complaints about the movie. I was curious to see if it was bad as the critics claimed. I heard Gorr was awesome just not enough screen time

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Definitely looking forward to seeing Gorr if I get around to that movie. I like the character concept.

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In other news, I was thinking about doing the pandaria loremaster stuff. Need something to do until DF launches :grinning:


I have had moments like that in my life. I am not sure what all you have going on, but if you want change, no matter how impossible that change may seem, it is worth the effort.

I am big into fitness and somewhat a kinesthetic learner. It took me a long time to get my degree because I have always struggled in classroom environments. I can visualize and execute a dance very quickly, but retaining information from a lecture or a book means I need to go through it several times.

I have had my MBA for awhile now and I preparing for another big certification test that has me stressed out. There is a very good chance I will not pass it on the first attempt.

Though, I try to remember. Even if I do not pass it, I probably will eventually. And from all my effort, I still have an MBA, what is probably the most marketable degree in the world, or close to it.

I said I was big into fitness. When I was younger, I got really sick. I recovered but my body lost a fair deal of muscle mass that I worked really hard for. First time I went back to the gym, I tasted blood in my mouth because of how unaccustomed by body became to stress. It was a very “What is the point?” moment for me.

But the truth is, that fitness lifestyle just made me feel better. When I worked out, as hard as it was, it made me less tired. It made me less depressed. Even if I wasn’t where I wanted to be, it was still worth doing.

And this is the long-winded point I am trying to make. It is not necessarily about progress or your goals. Having perseverance and a willingness to try even when it feels impossible are the virtues that let us see -some- change, even if it is not everything we wanted.

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Not to mention that MOONKIN form, man it’s incredible. I keep trying to level a Highmountain Druid for the heritage gear but my brain always be drifting back to Zandalari.

Do it! Krasarang and Townlong are my faves, curious to see what yours will be! Pandaria is gorgeous. Plus dat tavern music in Valley of Four Winds is tops. :ok_hand:

I need to get around to getting my Loremaster title but all I have left are BC zones that I have so little interest in completing.