Story Forum Community Lounge (Part 1)

I think one of the problems here is that people have different ideas about what a “friend” can be. And when those ideas are not exactly correct, it can cause embarrassment, as well as anger, and dejection.

I think we need to take things into perspective. Be open, but set reasonable expectations.

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the two people who needed to get it out are finally getting it out. I am no longer the middle man and that makes me happy.

I like your taste in music Curse. You like 70-80’s rock, I think that’s cool. (hopefully I am not wrong about that too :confounded: your VE is named after Bowie and I think that’s cool) I collect records.

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Since someone brought this up, this was when Micah came into a Night Elf thread and started calling me and Valko degenerates for no reason. That was me expressing my exasperation, since she wasn’t adding anything except insults and the thread derailed for a brief time.

And she apologized for it after realizing we weren’t trolling, me and Valko both accepted the apology and said she was cool but to stop being that confrontational.

But you took a screencap out by name-searching, not knowing the context from which it was and used it to try and stir drama.

Do the world a favor and stay miserable.

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that’s why I unfriended you. (that and you treated me like crap) the feeling was mutual nothing I did I was right, You complained that I didn’t call out people enough, I wasn’t progressive enough, I was too angry, too talkative, too passionate about my theories. That’s why I unfriended everyone, to me I wasn’t getting authentic friendship from anyone, and yet I felt like something people were fighting over.

Like a lamp at an antique store. I was just a thing not a person. Then I became a boggieman or a mythical beast to be slain by a mighty champion. (I did like being a dragon for a bit, but who wouldn’t)

Evoker feels awful on beta.


Even though some people will call this cringey or whatever. We all know the Story forums has been toxic for awhile. It’s good that people are being honest about how they feel instead of just lashing out at eachother in lore threads.

I don’t think it’s cringey. I think it’s a nice change of pace.


A lot of people here seem really nice to me.

Fake, I don’t know. I think people are inconsistent more than they are fake, we’re a bundle of opposing mental processes. Logic is a useful tool but a poor reflection of the human mind. But hey, I literally haven’t been here long enough to know in specific.

None of this is meant to minimize any pain that is occurring. The perception of betrayal is devastating in virtually any context. I just think there is something to be said for disengagement, if it is possible, in smaller scale venues like this one…

For my personal things: I dabble a bit in a lot of arts. Some are graphic. Set up a small side text roleplay thing for one of my tabletop campaigns today, the other player showed up with a new outfit for their character and a visual reference. My internal thought process went something along the lines of “LADY, HOW DARE YOU SHOW UP WITH A NEW OUTFIT, I CAN HAVE A NEW OUTFIT TOO!!!” and I finished up a mostly-done piece to whip out while we were still RPing.

Fashion Drama – I may be too unfashionable in real-life to engage, but I absolutely can in digital spheres.


don’t get all mushy on me.

it’ll be harder to see you as a harda$$ :stuck_out_tongue:

very wise. ty for that.

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I appreciate that. I am a fan of the old rock.

At work, I saw a rock that was about to be tossed in the trash. It made me think of the line from Led Zeppelin :

“To be a rock and not roll!”

So I picked up the rock and threw it outside. So that it may roll.

That is how much I love rock.

And Void Elves just scream Bowie.

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Ziggy played for time
Jiving us that we were voodoo
The kids were just crass
He was the nazz
With God-given a$$
He took it all too far
But boy, could he play guitar


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(deleted because I got a little too vulnurable, I like music but I don’t wanna tell you what to listen to.) I just was thinking yesterday how much Talking Heads influened The White Stripes or how Bowie influenced Arcade Fire.

Not surprising that the record keeping was a bit lacking in that era. Led Zeppelin is involved in alot of similar myths.

I love this song - I later learned that this song is steeped in Zepp Myths. :

If you read the comments, people are not exactly sure which members of Led Zeppelin played in studio with Donovan. I think Jones is the only certain one. Paige was rumored to be there, but he may have been at other performances and not exactly at the studio recording.

Well, I had already started typing.

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One of my cousins wanted to get into the MCU, so we’ve been watching everything from the beginning. That includes TV shows and we finished season 2 of Agents of SHIELD today. I like old media, so I’ve been buying some things on DVD, but I can’t find season 3 on DVD anywhere online. Seems I’ll have to get Disney+. Atleast it has a great content library AFAIK.

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No, I didn’t. That was 100% Evelysaa. He still has spies in your discord. I didn’t screenshot crap in the discord when I was in it. I didn’t know the context, and neither does Micah.

Damn you guys really fell for that “secret discord cabal” sh!t twice, oof.

Surprisingly, yeah. I mean I mooch off my friends Disney+ but I kinda went in going “Oh it’s just going to be Disney stuff” and then you realize that due to the hellish corporate monopolizing of modern entertainment that’s actually…a lot of things.

Nice to throw on Bob’s Burgers in the background while doing whatever.


Disney has Star Wars, Marvel, Fox and Pixar…

Disney milks all but 1 of them for all they are worth!

Fox isn’t being milked for some reason…

One would think that Disney would see the potential in milking Ferngully from Fox yet it doesn’t even think of it!

Incidentally in the Western Animated Scene Disney owns practically all of them except the ones owned by Discovery(which aside from MLP and Dragon Tales are awful) and Nickelodeon(whose primary setting is the Wacky Modern Setting with the outlier Avatar the Last Airbender being a masterpiece).

The Wacky Modern Setting from Nickelodeon is going stale in my opinion. Cartoons need to get out of the Wacky Modern Setting!

I have heard from various media that Marvel is taking care with the roll out from the Fox acquisition. And that they want some distance from the previous X Men movies. I think that is wise. I was always more of an X Men fan than a Marvel fan. Definitely not an Avengers fan. Most of the Marvel Cinematic Universe bores me.

Marvel without the X Men is like drinking non alcoholic beer.

If Marvel is brewing up a strong batch from the Fox acquisition to mix into their rather milquetoast MCU brew… I do not mind waiting.

I remember liking “Ahh Real Monsters” as a kid. Is that part of your “wacky modern setting”? That show was the bee’s knees.

I must confess, when I was watching those Nickelodeon shows as a kid, I was not that sophisticated about them. They were all sort of the same. Had alot of the same voice actors.

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Well wotlk is out and I am ready to burn some money at old blizzard pyre.
But damn what happened here?


Good advice Curse. I think everyone setting reasonable expectations and boundaries will save us from a lot of drama like this in the future