Story Forum Community Lounge (Part 1)

Don’t act like I’m some child who needs coddling. If your intention is to insult me, you’re doing a mighty fine job of it right now.

I can defend myself from accusations just fine.

I was more frustrated you were not more of an ally, We have so much in common that I think if we met under better circumstances (me not posting on Luxio just to be a jerk) I think we could have been friends and had similar tastes in wow.

I’m not sucking up to you just because I am vulnurable. but I am being vulnurable, for probably the first time in the last three years. I am offering up my neck to your sword. I like fighting with you, it keeps my brain and tongue sharp.

I like fighting. it’s a character flaw. I think we are kindred in that regard.

Benedikt was right y’all really just spilling your asses all over main huh


It’s adorable and it cheers me up. So now y’all gotta deal with the cute pupper nom nomming on their toy


I really like Smallioz.

I’m sad he’s not here to see my a$$ out. I really like that gnome. Out of all you I think like him the best, he’s grown on me.

Sorry, Micah, but I think you’re untrustworthy. You were willing to believe anything she said about me or other people. Your opinion changes based on which way the wind blows, which is exactly what certain folks in the Story Forum Discord, some of whom recently started posting again, said about you. We aren’t friends.

And you believe the same vile trolls who called me words i can’t even type here behind my back? Their opinions mean more to you?

Because if that’s the case, it’s really really sad

These are the people you deem trusthworthy? I was the fool for thinking people like you and ren were friends.

No, I WITNESSED your behavior firsthand, and it turns out they were partially right.

I mean, you literally acted chummy with the very person who called you those things earlier in this thread.


no you’re 100% right I did not come into this forum not being nice. I came in defensive and feeling attacked. I do regret it. it was messy. I can be messy. (I’m being messy af right now.) But I was always willing to be vulnurable and there’s been people who took advantage of my vulnurabliity. I realize now in hindsight that I shared personal information on my personal Tumblr that was linked to my lore blog and that made me panic that people could find personal info about me.Ii opened up to friends and shared pictures of my pets, that could be tracked back to Insta. I’ve been very vulnurable.

There are people here who could absolutely doxx me and destroy me if they wanted to. I just hope that they don’t. I’m not trying to be be decietful, but I also deserve personal privacy.

Me and Aki have a complicated….relationship. We often fight over the dumbest things. And

I know you don’t understand this, but people are allowed to change their opinions.

And you are a damn clown if you believe the very people who hate me

No, I mean the Demon Hunter you replied to is the one who called you the “C-word” in the discord, and you were acting cool with him.

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I honestly didn’t know that was him. But apparently me being chummy with a guy I didn’t know was involved in it, is high treason around here.

Baal is right for not coming here. This place is a cesspit with people who are spineless and can’t even say anything to my face.

And as far as not being friends? It’s funny how the two people I’ve constantly stuck my neck out for, believe the first things said about me and don’t know anything about me.

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While this drama is funny as all heck, and it is refreshing to see everyone tell their true feelings… I do feel the urge to say :

Can’t we all just… get along?

It seems people have alot to say about each other. But is this the venue? We are probably skirting the line. This blow up started on Friday, and going through the weekend into early Monday seemed a lark. But we are treading on dangerous ground taking this into the Mods work week.

Just a consideration on behalf of people who enjoy the idea of a Story Forum Lounge, before the Mods nuke it. But I wonder if some people would see that as a good thing.

With that in mind, I would not be surprised if Blizzard just nuked the whole Story Forum. We cause too much trouble by pointing out inconsistencies.


I don’t know what I want from people here. I thought I knew what I wanted. friends, people to listen mostly. people to bounce theories off of. New thoughts and opinions that challenged my own thoughts and opinions. Ya, know, a social community.

But I felt very quickly like I was being pushed and pulled to fit a certain mould. “Sylvanas apologist.” cognative dissonance, crazy woman, “commie b*” (the last one was on a discord, not the discord.) I am very aware that no one likes me and maybe that feeds the anger inside me.

One day maybe someone will like the mess.

My point is, I’ve seen the way you act on here. The way you’ve acted towards me the past few days, is how I’ve seen you act towards TONS of people. The only difference is that it was me this time. I can’t trust you unless you promise to start trying to change your behavior, permanently.

This forum isn’t going to paint me as the bad guy because 90% of you are spineless cowards who run to twitter and the SF discord to talk about me because you’re too afraid to say it to my face

And on that note, I’v seen the way YOU acted doness. Picking fights needlessly, and need I remind you YET AGAIN, you got banned a few times for causing drama.

I’m am not the bad guy here and I’m not going to let you or anyone else paint me as one

And try following your own damn advice.

Will you actually apologize without pointing fingers at other people? That’s all I’m asking for.

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Will I? When it’s deserved.

If you think this is going to be easy, your wrong. You want an apology doness? WORK FOR IT

And another thing, if you, ren or anyone has a issue with what I say or do, at least have the spine to say it to my face instead of taking screenshots and running to discord or twitter to talk about me behind my back like a coward.

Nobody here is getting a apology until EVERYONE HERE grows a spine and does and acts better. Some of you need to take accountability for your own actions before expecting anything from me from now on.

Lot of talk about how people act and thinking people were one way but actually they’re another, so if it’s of any consideration you all seem really annoying.


Always appreciated Valko. :smiley: