Story Forum Community Lounge (Part 1)

Wow, that was quick.

I told you why I had to unfriend you today an apologized beforehand, and now seeing that you were so quick to run to the forums to betray me and slander me after everything. I was maybe thinking that last weekend I was being too rash cutting off everyone from the forums, but nope. I think I made the right choice for me.

I tried the “friends from the forum” thing and I won’t be doing that again.

You had zero reason to unfriend me to begin with. You used me and than ran when things didn’t go your way

Once I can forgive, 4 times and I realized I was just being used.

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I did not use you.

you fought with people on your own. I didn’t ask you to do that.

You became a Sylvanas fan. I didn’t ask you to do that.

You became a person who fought relentlessly and you got more than a little rude with people. I didn’t ask you to that.

None of those things you did because I wanted or asked you to do them.

I was starting to feel like a ragdoll everyone in the forum was fighting over. I hated it. I asked for space from everyone.

Of course you did.

Friends don’t unfriend their friends for no reason. And you did it multiple times.

I’m not the bad guy here.

but I am? Is that what you are saying?

Is that how you feel?

Maybe there isn’t a bad guy. maybe there’s just a girl tired of being the forums scapegoat. I’m nobody’s friend.

Than explain why you unfriended ME of all people.

If you can
I’m angry ren. And rightfully so.

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your feelings are valid but your behaviour is not.

That’s all I have to say on that. I don’t want to fight with you. I still care about you, I’ve been betrayed by a couple friends this week and I’ m hurting too.

I’m still waiting for an explanation

I think you’ve morphed into someone I would like by changing your entire personality to suit my preferences.

But I never asked you to do that. I liked the worgen who disagreed with me, I would have rather you just stayed being yourself. I could literally feel the way you have shifted your personality to be more annoying and antagonistic to the forum “on my behalf” but it was never on my behalf, I never asked you to change.

If you feel used by me. I am sorry. but I never used you.

I’m down to be friends with everyone.

I’ll probably still call your lore opinions stupid though. But maybe I’ll be nicer about it.

Like… a passive aggressive “Thats a unique thought process you have.”


Than you never knew me at all. Which is just sad.

The things I like, like the horde, orcs, sylvanas, arthas, were all LONG BEFORE I even met you.

I appreciate that actually. I don’t want people to agree. I just wanted a space to share them with people who actually know about this game. I don’t have many friends who play WoW.

there’s someone who sent me an anon once that my theories had too much Sylvanas and I took that as constructive criticism, hopefully that’s improved but with the over saturation of her character in BFA and Shadowlands it was hard not to talk about her. I’m looking forward to a Sylvanas free Dragonflight just as much as you are.

maybe I never did know you and I’m sorry. The candid conversation we had the other night was like the first real time I actually felt like I got to know the real you. It was nice.

Honestly, I don’t play WoW really either. I spend all my time Roleplaying. And not necessarily on a Blizzard server.


When Ren unfriended me, she also complained that I agreed with her too much, but she also complains when I disagree.

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That’s always been me.

And the fact that you honestly thought I changed my personality to suite someone on the internet…well that’s insulting beyond measure.

I don’t hate Tyrande or NE’s and I’m not a very political person irl. I am highkey intimidated by you. I see you typing and and I mentally go “Aki is here I’m out.” your mommy dommy is too much for me.

You win the forum.

Not sure if you got me blocked or not, but I’m sorry to falsely accusing you of things I know you never did.

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I am sorry you feel that way.

I am honestly expressing my feelings. Not expressing my feelings to people made me lose friends and expressing my feelings too much made me lose friends… I’m starting to think that my “friends” just don’t like me as a person, and that’s okay. I will move on and be fine.

I have been criticised from both sides of the forum blue and red (but mostly Doness) for not, calling you out enough. I didn’t because I didn’t want to hurt your feelings, or lose our friendship. it put me between a rock and a hard place.

Lol, okay. So, I know it’s probably uncomfortable getting called out and not having anyone to back you up.

And I’m not really taking sides necessarily. There is probably a mix of fault on everyone here.

But you know, you have done to me what others are accusing you of, and now you are trying to kind of trying to be buddy buddy with me when that’s like… never how we usually interact.

I don’t really blame you but it’s a bit on the nose. Is it possible that maybe you have some behaviors that are not exactly the nicest? Not saying you are 100% at fault, but maybe it would be good to ask yourself what the end goal is? What do you want out of the interactions you have with people online?