Story Forum Community Lounge (Part 1)

It feels silly because, especially the culture on the internet very much leans into “You are a loser if you have feelings”

But real talk, it’s devastating when you think you are friends with someone, and they talk you up and make you feel good then just drop you. Like, makes you think all the things you like about yourself isn’t real.


Yeah. And it’s why I feel so childish for all those stupid and petty fights we had.

Don’t mean to sound sappy or anything. Just bummed at the moment

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Usually I am on the forums to get into arguments. I show up with my war face on lol.

But most of the time, I am hella sappy. Like -too- sappy. I’ll get hit with my seasonal depression and just randomly text or message all my friends thanking them putting up with me. They get annoyed lol.

I feel ya though. I had a falling out with someone just two days ago so I am kind of a mess myself.


Hugs Well, for what it’s worth, I hope you feel better soon hun. It sucks loosing someone you thought was a friend.

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Well I never really take part in the story forum lounge let’s click on it and see wha-


I say purge it all and start fresh :rofl:

I saw Rammstein live in LA this weekend, so that was cool. :metal:


That’s cool. Are they good live? I saw the Red Hot Chilli Peppers a few years ago and they were amazing live.

Best live show I have ever seen. Pity they rarely come to the US. But they had this giant towers that shot fire that they lit with fireworks. Not sure how safe it was but it was awesome.


That looks soo cool! Glad you had fun and enjoyed yourself :smiley:

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Again, for anyone who cares, I apologize for being involved in the last few days worth of drama. I was used as a pawn like the rest of you.

Lets all just move on and try to forget the problems said person cause and try to do better

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Finished the last episode of HotD and wow… Ser Cruston is despicable pitting children against each other over a 10 year grudge. Alicent turned into an absolute monster and Laena is the MVP of the episode and I’m devastated we didn’t get more of this absolute QUEEN.

I’m surprised at how quickly the plot is moving so far, I also expected more before the Harrenhal fire but I guess they going for it!

Can’t wait 'til next weeks shenanigans!

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It is fine. I do not take this Forum stuff personally, though I admit some stuff can sting a little.

In your case, I could understand you were often trying to defend a friend more than anything. So I did not take much offense.

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Hopefully there will be flashbacks. it’s a shame what they did not giving Rhaenyra and Harwin’s relationship more buildup or even screentime. Leana was amazing. I thought they would make Daemon be humbled by being a girl dad but he’s just an absentee father and now I don’t hope he ends up with Rhaenyra by the end, she’s so cool and he’s so blech.

I really don’t know how they are going to turn this around, I alreay know how it ends and it’s pretty much back to GoT gratuitous violence.

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Thanks for understanding. :smiley:


Story Forum drama is nothing compared to my irl issues.

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I was surprised and a bit disappointed by this too. They barely shared a few glances for the entire episode. I mean, I get they are supposed to be having this secret affair, but they rushed through a LOT of story there. We pretty much feel nothing for his death 'cause we barely know who the man is yet.

Yeah, I’m hoping they turn his character around a little bit if they’re planning on having him with Rhaenyra. I like that he’s chaotic and unpredictable but being a lousy dad ain’t it. Laena was everything, an absolute girlboss right to the end. I don’t feel like Daemon deserves all these fabulous women that he takes for granted.

This whole episode felt really rushed, which is unfortunate because that’s what killed it for me in the last season(s) of GoT for me. I’m hoping this is a one-off since they have to jam a bunch of story in for the time jump… we shall see.

As a veteran of the Great High Elf Forum Wars, my usual response to drama is to shuffle away awkwardly until it stops. Sniping and impugning people instead of arguments seldom goes anywhere productive.

And anecdotally, I’ve found it’s a lot harder to change someone’s mind when you start by calling them a bad person.

But importantly, is that gif from The Watch? Is it out? How was it? Should I avoid it at all costs or seek it out?

Terry Pratchett books got me through a lot of times that might have been much harder without them.


Not sure if its out yet. I was just looking for gifs of dragons and it looked cool. :rofl:

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The looks though, her genuine smile when he held baby Joffery. I think they underestimated how interested the fandom would be with this pairing and not Rheanyra and Daemon. But they have to stick with the source material which is a huge shame. G.R.R Martin said Daemon is his favorite and it shows.

I also liked how Rhaenyra was happy to wed Jacaerys to helena, that would be the best option to secure the family but Alicent is petty. They set up an interesting plot point this episode with the Valeryon cousin in the Step Stones, he will become an ally to Alicent. Next week we are likely going to lose Leanor (I was optimitic about him from the preview but he turned out dissapointingly selfish.)

I absolutey hate Aegon II but his little brother has some fire in him . Helena is a seer and that’s interesting. She foresaw her brother is going to lose an eye so gain his dragon.

Structurally it was good episode with a lot of cool details, but things went too fast.

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