Story Forum Community Lounge (Part 1)

For you see, you see, the differences humanity has been so eager to inflame and make war and subjugation upon are minor, petty and irrelevant.

The truth is we hold dominance over a chaotic world adrift in a sea of stars with horrors beyond our comprehension. Solar flares and wandering black holes. And those are but the terrors we can conceive.

If we are to truly be immortal we must toss down the tribal banner and storied pomp. We shall march to the beat of one drum, the human heart, and with itā€™s thundering cadence we shall overtake the heartless darkness and make it our plaything.

If a God or Gods exist, they shall come to fear our name;

Anyway thatā€™s my random human supremacy sceed.

Go Earth. Go Sol System. Letā€™s bomb some squids who looked at us funny.

Edit: Yes Iā€™ve been using, shut up youā€™re not my parole officer.

Edit 2: Iā€™d like it noted that my most drug addled fascist delusion is ā€œEverybody team up and stab space!ā€

But no. Seriously. Itā€™s going to kill us eventually. Also thereā€™s just so many planets. Like guys no reason to kill eachother thereā€™s tonnes of other gravity dirt spheres. We just gotta get along for a lil bit then everyone can try their dumbass exclusionary BS in their own solar system! So much ripe for the taking glimmering like diamonds overhead every night and we spill oceans of blood over who gets to be the momentary master over some oil reserves.

Christ I hate the wasted potential that is my species.

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Looking at the your post I can see a Warhammer 40K Video which brings me to my statement:

If the Tyranids win by reaching the Astronomican the Talisman of Seven Hammers will go off and hit the Tyranid Hivemind in the Warp around Terra.

The shock will wipe out the Tyranid Hivemind.

If Tyranids win they lose and Chaos wins because itā€™s not centered on Terra.

The Talisman of Seven Hammers is the true tool of Chaos as the Tyranids have been devouring the rest of the surrounding Universe and growing in power within the Warp.

The Emperor is bait for the Tyranids to lure them to the Talisman of Seven Hammers.

The fatal blow against the Chaos God of Hunger(for that is what the Hivemind for all intents and purposes is as far as the Eldar are concerned)!

This takes me back to one of my early memories of learning about such things. I was always interested in history and the news and stuff like that. I would read the newspaper in elementary school. I remember I was reading about the Taliban in Afghanistan destroying ancient temples and statues from different cultures. I am dating myself, but this was the late 90s, prior to 9/11.

It is a vivid memory. I remember whining to my parents about it, as I read the newspaper. ā€œSomeone has to save these precious historical artifacts. How can any person who claims to follow religion do such things?ā€ I was just heart broken. As a kid, I could understand stuff being destroyed in the midst of war. But wiping out history and culture and records of humanity just for the sake of ignorance?

I think it sticks with me because it was the first time I ever really thought about it and understood it. And then ofcourse, Afghanistan got more newsworthy down the line.

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I know your true colors, and I also want nothing to do with you.

Iā€™m so glad all the trolls and liars are on ignore.

Did you get a chance to watch the show? Hope you are feeling better. :pleading_face:

Also, Ethriel, itā€™s nice of you to come back to this forum and like my posts. I do miss you, and Iā€™m sorry about what happened to your favorite race.


Enjoy everyone. Because I find it to be super adorable :panda_face:

Okay, then donā€™t.

I wonā€™t. Bye bye, manipulator.

Alright, bye.

Well, it seems I can never actually take a break from this cesspool. At least nice people like you are still here.

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I didnā€™t! :weary: I spoke too soon and my electricity conked again shortly after I posted last night. I got it back this afternoon, so Iā€™ll be watching it tonight once Iā€™m finished work.

Still feeling crummy but definitely on the mend! Thank you! :heart:


Glad your feeling better! And the episode was really good. If thereā€™s anyone you hate on the show, your going to hate them even more after watching it :panda_face:

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Oh man, classic GoT at least. I am ready to let the hate flow through me! :smiling_imp:

and thank you! :heart: Glad to be starting to feel like a human again!


Not sure what is going on, but stay on your feet.

I get manipulated all the time. I might act like a toxic bad-bā€” who doesnā€™t care, but the truth of it, emotionally I live in weenie hut Junior.

We havenā€™t always agreed on things, but you at least give me a fair shot. Youā€™re a good noodle. Donā€™t let anyone tell you otherwise.


good news! Glad to hear you are on the mend.

Crispin is absolutely vile in this episode. He really shows his true colours : Envy green. matches Alicentā€™s green dress. :snake:


You donā€™t think Don is a good noodle?

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Considering heā€™s been screenshoting everyoneā€™s conversations and talking about all of us behind our back?

No. Heā€™s not. Heā€™s a deceptive little creep is what he is