Story Forum Community Lounge (Part 1)

I can relate to that.

Okay, thatā€™s fine. We can go our separate ways and be done with it.

HoTD starts in a few minutes! Just wanted on and give those watching it a heads up :panda_face:

I think at this point itā€™s just you and me watching.

Fair. Itā€™s everyone elseā€™s loss hun. We can talk about it tomorrow :smiley:

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Iā€™m glad to hear you got into it. I attended a Forsaken RP event the other day and god it felt so good to be back as Benedikt. Perhaps itā€™s bad form to be in love with your own characters but I do think heā€™s livened up Forsaken RP a bit by being a character who genuinely loves ā€˜lifeā€™.

Why wouldnā€™t he be? Heā€™s only gotten to see such fascinating worlds only after death. He was going to be an unremarkable cleric or alchemist in Stratholme. Now heā€™s provided medical assistance to Orcs from other dimensions and tread on Argus.

Nobodyā€™s saying the plague of undeath was a good thing but cā€™mon. With all said and dead would you honesty tell me youā€™d prefer to be a farmer rather than a borderline unkillable bat rider facing down the most ridiculous ish that could ever happen?


So Iā€™m just going to be blunt here;

Yaā€™ll really want your wholeass hanging out here like this? Being messy about X said Y about Z highschool cafeteria tier drama?

This is one of the few methods of communication where we are allowed to see essay length statements in their entirety before hitting post.

If Iā€™ve ever come off as eloquent or thoughtful please know I use curse words and ā€œUhhhhā€ the way most people use commas in moment to moment speech. But here I can actually wilddle that noise into something that occasionally sounds coherent.

This is the only forum that tries to examine this experience as an artform. Letā€™s try to be better. Try being the operatives word.


I donā€™t think being annoyed at someone whoā€™s done nothing but constantly fabricate lies and tried to start conflict to make me/others look awful is highschool cafeteria drama, especially when itā€™s done when Iā€™m not even here to defend myself.

The one thing I have learned from this forum is men can be just as catty as women, maybe even moreso.

I hope you are not implying my a$$ is out, Iā€™m just calling an a$$ out, ya feel me Benny.

tbh Iā€™m only here cuz someone said I was mentioned in some juicy drama and I wanted to stroke my ego but I couldnā€™t find anyone talking about me so now Iā€™m just sort of here, vaguely resentful that I broke my streak of not opening this website and feeling like a recovering alcoholic that has to hand in their sobriety coin.


Yeah. If it means shutting down the people who spread lies and misinformation about me and my friends via Twitter and Discord because theyā€™re too damn spineless to say it to our faces.

Doness and his lil band of misfits had their fun. That fun is over and I know, I personally will not be tolerating it any longer.

Too long yā€™all turned a blind eye to the toxic people who made it their mission to cause drama here or make excuses for them. I think yā€™all need to grow the hell up and start helping to clean this cesspit up

Nobodyā€™s calling out ish but their own name to hear the echo.

Didnā€™t this ish start like yesterday afternoon and weā€™re here this evening hearing the same go nowhere back and forth? Ya think people are coming out the woodwork for the interesting ideological discussion? Theyā€™re not. Theyā€™re here to look at the trash fire.

Iā€™m well aware this ainā€™t exactly a symposium but we can do better than an Orlando trailer park, I figure.

One might get that impression, but it is only because many of us try to avoid terms that can get us suspended.

Orlando Trailer Parks probably have less chat moderation. If only slightly.

Just realized that Kinzo might not be an AI but a title first held by Frederica Bernkastel and later by Rika who got the headship taken from her by Takano when she seized control over the computer that Hanyuu stored Bernkastel(and thus Rikaā€™s Memories) in.

Bernkastel upon giving up her title would become Kumasawa-San and be diminished in height.

As a genuine addict Iā€™m good at recognizing problems. And this is maybe the only vice I casually dropped for a year without incident.

Had to come back though. I just had to roast SLā€™s ending. It was so offensive. And nobody I know IRL wouldā€™ve appreciated the very witty insults I had to make.

But genuinely and I say this as someone with real addiction problems, if you canā€™t casually walk away from this, seek help. Thatā€™s not an insult. This just isnā€™t a genuine community. Nobody here is going to help you move or get rid of a body. You donā€™t need to touch grass you need a hug from a flesh and blood human being. Probably a lot more than a hug, tbh.

Nobodyā€™s gonna be sitting on a deathbed or bleeding out on the street going;

ā€œDamn. Wish I made more forum postsā€

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The main reason that I post on my rogue and not my priest (my two dueling mains for most of the game ā€“ I like the priest more conceptually but the rogue has literally never had an expansion where they felt bad to play) is that the staff I worked really hard to grab for my priestā€™s mog covers up the entirety of their beautiful face.

Fashion has gnomercy.


I greatly respect and appreciate the concern but Iā€™m absolutely sh!tposting and not at all serious. Maybe Iā€™ll post every once in a while but I feel no pull from this hellsite whatsoever. Valky is a free elf.


I was more speaking generally. Iā€™ve been a part of Chicagoā€™s art scene for a decade which means an intimate familiarity with our LGBT community. Which means watching more than a few pageantry types who often rejected by their own families became seduced by the idea of being a niche internet celebrity. Which, of course, turned to viper pits the moment they become persona non grata because of some aged clip or errant comment. Really pushed a few to the edge. Which is why if Twitter and Instagram were an animal; Iā€™d not rest till Iā€™d killed it.

Anything that ceases to exist if your phone dies just isnā€™t that important.

I donā€™t care about anyoneā€™s identity. But I do see people who seem way too worried about this nonsense. And ladies, gentlemen, those that lay betwixt - nothing has mattered less in the ten thousand years of human history.

If anything said here really gets you hot and bothered, screw grass, touch skin. And if you cant; work on it.


I dunno I got some real primo cat pics on here.


Anyways as Iā€™m in sad boy club Iā€™m going to rant to no one in particular how the destruction of history is the worst crime imaginable.

Look we all die. And itā€™s nice if you believe in afterlife but the only afterlife weā€™re guaranteed is the marks we make in stone.

If youā€™ve never seen a cave painting, youā€™re missing out, as it truly is a spiritual experience. Youā€™re looking at the expression of a human soul born ten thousand years ago. And in the cosmic sense of time weā€™re all just dust. But in human time Iā€™m connecting with someone born over ten millenias ago.

That connection. That sense of feeling someone from decades, centuries even millenias ago; itā€™s magical. Thats the true afterlife. I donā€™t know what Roman drew a dick on a wall of Pompeii with the Latin term for ā€œHandle with careā€. But just for a moment, when I laughed, they were alive with me. Ancient meme. GG my friend you got a chuckle outā€™ve me a millenia later. Plus just really beautiful grafiti such as one that read; ā€œAnyone who does not believe in Venus must but look at my girlfriendā€. Beautiful. Human. God I love it. Youā€™re lost to time but your humanity is not.

So the destruction of artifacts like that in the Ukraine and Syria and Yemen is just soul shattering to me. Why the hell are we blowing up cradles of civilization?! Can we get to space and agree to murder eachother on the Moon or Mars or whatever? Can we stop setting fire to our shared heritage for like ten seconds?