Story Forum Community Lounge (Part 1)

If it is wrong I don’t want to be right!

Down with Ser CRUSTon Cole!


Fiona hit the coast hard, glad you are safe even though you are contagious.

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Actually there’s very little gore in it. The most you see is a severed head in a ‘blink and you’ll miss it’ kinda way.

Which I’m thankful for. Because I was ready to be annoyed. I really, really have little patience for this true crime wave as people playing with the actual very real suffering of people is abhorrent to me.

Which is why I like how so much time was spent on the victims and their family. One in particular follows a man from his birth to his untimely death at Dahmer’s hand. It also shows the lingering trauma that dragged down everyone in the wake of his depravity.

I’ve lost someone very close to me to the thoughtless violence of an imbecile. And there was one scene that really, really got to me. It was a nightmare a surviving brother had. And I didn’t have that dream, but I’ve had not dissimilar ones. That random sense of dread you’ll get because you know now all too well how fragile this all is. And the rage, the rancor that sits in you like an acid. The knowledge your loved one is dead and that piece of ish is still alive and how you just so desperately want vengance. How badly you want to see them suffer. And how difficult it is to come to the point of healing where you cannot forgive the act, but you must forgive the person, as you’re only hurting yourself with this venom in your veins. There just isn’t another way to move on.

Idk opinions may vary but I thought it captured that sense of your whole world being turned upside down. And the killer is not glamorized or sympathized with. Humanized, sure, but that I feel is important, even with the worst of the worst. Fail to see the man within the monster and you may be unable to recognize the monster in you.

Sorry if that got a bit personal. But I’ve always shuddered at the thought of my friend’s death being paraded around as a ghost story. But if it was done like that, with a focus on the damage it caused to so many families and friends, so many people who’ll forever have to live with an empty seat at the dinner table, then I’d be okay with it.


Reading that was actually quite beautiful, you perfectly captured what it’s like to have ptsd. You have a gift with words.


That definitely piques my interest a lot more than a glamorized (for lack of a better word) version of the events. It never sits well with me when serial killers are idolized and propped up as almost pseudo-celebrities in a lot of re-tellings of their horrific deeds.

The perspective of the victims and those that are left behind in the wake of the destruction puts a more real and human face to a horrific reality, rather than glorifying humanities defects.

I think your personal experience is especially valuable in this type of circumstance because it shows that these things can be done tastefully with victims in mind. Thank you for sharing and I’m sorry you had to experience such a thing.

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My cat tried to kiss me at 4am AEST today. Then he got upset so he wanted to go outside. Then come back inside and scratch at my door only to go into a different room.

your cat lets you kiss him?

I have heard that male cats are far more affectionate than female cats. My cat does not like to be kissed or picked up she would maul my face. she likes to be absolutely manhandled though when it comes to petting she likes aggressive petting and scratching. She’s a kinky lil demon.

I paid $10 for her off a community group. her mother was an outdoor cat and her dad was a feral tomcat.

Never tried tbh.

But yeah, he tends to be more affectionate. To the point that it does become annoying.

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the only thing you need to know about HoTD is Sir Criston Cole is the worst person in Westeros.

This sums it up. I hope gets punched tonight.

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By a dragon, through the gut :rofl:

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or by the handsome Ser “breakbones” :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

your fave Daemon, The Rogue Prince, is still out there.

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LoL yeah. He works even better :rofl:

I love Daemon because he reminds me so much of Nathanos. Daemon will always have a special place in my heart :panda_face:

Nathanos? no way.

Arthas maybe, maybe that’s why you like him :stuck_out_tongue:

I know a lot of people who think Arthas is attractive. he has a whole fanbase afterall. Daemon is absolutely Morally Grey. Hell I’d even say he’s a genderbent Sylvanas on the mortality scale.

It honestly struck me as something I wish I could’ve seen at that time. Because there’s a wonderful line spoken at a wake between the father of a victim and the neighbor who tried to sound the alarm.

We’ll just have to keep pretending to be strong, and maybe one day, we’ll forget we’re pretending”. Words to live by.

I particularly liked that as it’s an African American woman at this Laotian memorial. And obviously my experiences were different but I’ve been there in my own way. A complete fish out of water in this ceremony where I would very much like subtitles or even some explanation as to what’s going on even if I speak the language. Had that experience with Russian, Ukranian, Black Baptist and Yiddish funerals.

But I stuck around long enough to be invited to weddings and christenings. Grief and cheer alike transcend translation. It was a privilege to be there for all of it. To be accepted as an outsider in such personal matters.

Also had a truly surreal experience which upon retrospect isn’t that weird as there’s one of three big cities immigrants to America can hit up and I’m in one. Long story short this old Jewish German woman is staring at me. And I’m getting a bit nervous as my immediate family fled but while some of my family died resisting, and most died as that’s just what happens when you’re in a warzone, there are others we don’t speak of for reasons I hope I don’t have to elaborate on.

As it turned out my great, great uncle had sheltered her and her family. He was a seminary school drop out turned bar owner who hid people in pre-existing hidden rooms initially used for gambling and prostitution. He was eventually caught and executed.

He was also my great aunt’s favorite uncle and his fate had been unknown to her for a lifetime. Until I happened to be friends with that woman’s grandson and attended his funeral. She was in her 90s at this point the man was obviously dead but how it happened was a mystery.

He was a good man, but a criminal with flexible morals. So there was some question to how he died, and what he might’ve done. Learning he died a hero was a tremendous relief to my family, and I consider it a point of honor that we apparently look quite similar.

It’s a small world afterall.


Maybe. I hadn’t even considered Arthas :rofl:

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to be a Nathanos he’d have to be a mean little pug man. Just a snarling, nasty, brute.

Lol I was referring more to Daemons sassyness and how he just does not care what people think about him or what he does :rofl:

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Anyway I’m unsure if I can recommend that series as it’s made me all existential and maudlin.

Though to be fair a lot does that as I basically work like this;

okay that’s fair, that’s pretty Nathanosish

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Ben did you server change? says you are on Emerald Dream now. Not WRA anymore? gonna miss you at the Orgrimmar tavern crawl on Sunday nights.

I saw plaughowl and a bunch of Forsaken RP’ers in Howling Fjord a month back. thanks btw for introducing me to RP on WRA.