Story Forum Community Lounge (Part 1)

I mean… that is pretty homophobic. Especially if you really think :

Your disgusting homophobic attacks show your toxicity. If your feminism means graphic insults towards males you merely suspect of being gay - that is bigotry, not feminism.

It’s weird because I’m more of a dog and rat person. Nothing against cats of course I’ve had friends and roommates with them, I like cats but ya can’t really have them and rats. Gotta be careful with dogs too but in my experience they were accepted as just another part of the pack. A dog recognizes you as just a strange looking, take charge kinda dog already so accepting this chaos potato as something that occasionally sits on their head isn’t that much stranger.

So I’m used to animals who would could either be a danger to the public if let loose or would almost instantly be killed by a bird or other person. The idea of just letting them wander alone at night with the hope they’ll circle back strikes me as completely outlandish.

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My dog was never left outside unless I was out there with her to keep an eye on her. Thankfully she was a yellow labadore so no worries about birds seeing her as food.

My main worry always that she loved people and might run out into traffic to greet someone. Been 10+ since my fur baby passed. I miss the old girl

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My homosapiens on earth. Everyone here, including me (especially me) has some brand of internet sin. Trying to expose and cancel one another is both pointless and hypocritical.

Most of you are in your 20s. 30s even. There are literal criminals that show more sense than y’all.

Ignore the people you hate and touch grass.


Good advice.

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May He Without Sin Cast The First “Cringe”.


My dog is like that too, he’s a Geman Shepard Husky, you’ve seen a picture of him. I don’t know if I just made place for them or what but even if i left my door wide open neither my dog nor my cat would go anywhere, My dog has gone sniffing down the street but he came back within minutes and my cat would absolutely never go outside ever. She’s a chicken, with a big dog attitude.

We had a hamster for 2 years when I had two dogs and a cat, and the cat and the dog enjoyed playing with him. I have gentle animals.

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I….I got nothing for that and I’m terrified :joy:

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Are we gonna have a HotD watchparty tonight? I need more people who want to talk about this stupid show.

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My dog used to literally bake in the sun all day. She used to find the spot with the most sun and just lay there for hours.

She also loved to be cuddled. I miss my big gentle baby

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My responses to this common refrain :

“I keep a little pot of grass growing near my desktop, so I can touch grass and nerd out!”


“Does smoking grass count as touching it?”

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Well yes. Since it is touching your lips when smoked :joy:

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I’m trying to get into it. I think I’ve to take it as it’s own thing. Because it has that prequel syndrome of me going;

Ya know I’ve seen the future and barely any of this comes up

But that’s the problem with big apocalyptic threats like the White Walkers. Which it turned out you can solve pretty handily with just a special knife and any 6th level rogue who knows shadowstep.

Either everything feels lesser in comparison or you get the Star Wars and indeed WoW problem where it turns out the doom of all things comes around so often it’s kinda weird people made such a fuss about the Empire.

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This can be watched as a standalone show. You don’t have to have any pre-existing GoT knowledge to get into it. There’s not an apocolyptic part of this story, but it does deal with a HUGE civil war in within the Targaryen dynasty which ended up killing all the dragons and explains why all the dragons where gone by the time of Daenerys.

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We’d fight less if we all smoked some grass together.

puff puff pass.

that’s all I want is likeminded people to talk nerd with.


I have been called a shill and “white knight” for various causes. Someone actually called me that a few moments ago in this thread…

I like to say that I am liking the show. But I can see a different tone from the old show. I think one problem some fans may have is that is has less grand violence - so far. It is alot of build up. It is alot of women being catty, and men being bratty. Not alot of action. But it will get rough, I am sure. I never read any of the books, but from what I hear, it gets ugly.

I do not know what to say about it, without trying to sell it. But here I go.

I think House of the Dragon does this well, because the threat is itself. They even helpfully say that in the first episode.

In GoT, we saw the aftermath of the bloody end of the depowered Targaryens. In this prequel, we see how they went from their peak to their decline.

I think it works for me, because in GoT, the Targaryens were all but wiped out and on the back foot. So we see the results of the prequel - the weakened House.

I was happy when that came up. It is the dagger that gets passed down. It has a little message about the Targaryens uniting the kingdoms and saving the world. The Prince that was promised. Whether it was Dany or Jon - they were both Targaryen that brought forces from nearly every House, as well as across the sea.

I kind of like that we see the legend being discussed, and why the Targaryens think they need to rule. Not just power - to save the world in the future.

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Honestly the first episode turned me off because it was so violent. Which isn’t really a problem with me but after seeing a man get his pecker hacked off I felt like I was watching some kid try to be edgy. Then I go;

Well at least they have the sense of decorum to cut away from this medieval C section scene

And then no they get right up in that ish. And again it wasn’t the imagery that offended me but more me going;

Wow. This would be harrowing if I had the slightest idea who any of these mfers were”.

But I don’t so it just felt like a weird meat pinanta moment. Like just a kid getting shoved out of a window had so much more impact because they actually let us know who these people were before that happened. Felt so try hard to me.

haha get used to it the show moves pretty quick. Tonight there is a 10 year time jump and characters live and die in a single episode. It’s not as drawn out as GoT was. I wish that this show maybe took more time to intoduce characters and let feelings develop before these characters are brutally killed off.

Well, Hurricane Fiona absolutely wrecked my neighborhood and I haven’t had electricity for the past 2 and a half days. It was a good opportunity to wallow around with the canola virus but my power came back just in time for HotD tonight!

Also, The Dahmer show looks super intriguing but I’m also not great with gore. I’m a more ‘unsettling atmosphere’ horror lover (ie: The Witch etc.) so I am hesitant. I love all things true crime, serial killer etc, so I’m sure I’ll eventually cave though. Is it gory at all?


yay we can trash talk Sir Crispin together.

(trash talking fictional characters is still okay right?)