Story Forum Community Lounge (Part 1)

I thought her accent was east slavic too when I first heard it in WoW. It’s pretty I love how Tyrande talks. I love her accent whatever it is. It sounds ethereal. I like how she says “Mother moon.” I am excited for more Tyrande in DF.


He only apologized because he got caught and was outed publicly for the things he was doing behind everyone’s back.

But sure, continue to pretend that doness isn’t a ish stirrer on this forum.


it’s clear here that Curse and friends are benefitting from Doness’s antics because it gives them a reason to point the fingers at me.

There is no other reason. But I hope it’s as transparent to everyone reading this as it is to me. They like having an excuse to drag me over the coals. They just needed a reason. But I am made of fire and the fire doesn’t hurt me.

This isn’t my first rodeo dealing with toxic maniplulators. I’m an almost 40 year old woman. The antics of these twenty something men, I’ve already dealt with and survived.


It’s easy to blame the hysterical woman than it is to blame the actual toxic manipulators.

It would be sad if it wasn’t so obvious

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He’ll learn soon enough that being nice to Doness won’t pay off.

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There are reasons, even though you do not wish to acknowledge them. How about you make up falsehoods and people do not like it?

Like Baal. He has not been around, he just came because you brought him up and made up stories about him. He was not in this mix. You brought him into it.

And me, as well. You posted that I have a Human Main. My highest level Human is 50. Another falsehood about a Forum Poster. But you lie about people easier than you breathe.

Not to nitpick, but did you watch that movie?

In the scenes afterward, Gandalf actually does have power over him. He is Gandalf the White - and he casts out Saruman from King Theoden.

Although, if you are acknowledging you are compelled by a dark sorcerer to lie about people on the Forums… that makes sense.

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Curse you can keep thinking you are the noble white knight, fighting the evil feminist dragon, if that makes you feel good and empowered. And right… alt-right er---- sorry said the quiet part out loud.


So in other news John Cena just got put in the Guinness Book of World Records for most Make A Wish involvement with over 600 wishes served.

Never met him but I know some people who have. Super genuine guy by all accounts. Sort of person who’ll make an effort to remember everyone’s name even if you’re just working the kraft service table.

In a world that so frequently rewards the ruthless and craven it’s nice to see decent people succeed.


I would give your attacks some merit if I felt they were genuine. But I know you are just spewing nonsense and making up tales. Like the little girls from The Crucible, just making up stories to cause harm.

I mean, before you decided that anyone who disagrees with you is Alt Right and Sexist - when we were talking about political leanings - you said you thought I would be a leftist if I took the test you linked. You asked me to take the test. I was actually pretty far left, by your own test you wanted me to take.

You said you thought I was Left wing. Your own test showed you I was. Even despite that, you call people sexist and Alt right because you are only capable of lies and insults.


Tbh frequently on the internet I see people insisting any interpersonal friction is due to some irreconcilable ideological schism. When ya know sometimes people just don’t get along for no other reason than their personalities just don’t mesh.

Thankfully though the world is a rather wide place and most forms of digital communication contain a blocking feature. So, there’s always that.


yeah except he’s specifically targeted me for being feminist and that’s political…

Sorry Ben but you can’t play the devil’s advocate here. There already is a political divide between MRA’s and Feminists. We didn’t create that divide but it’s still present. I had no idea Curse had a problem with me until he brought feminism into it. I thought we liked the same character, on that we agreed.

I get blamed a lot for “making things political” but I have been offline for a month and I watched the forum discuss politics over and over so you can’t blame me for instagating those topics too.

It’s very clear that Curse doesn’t like me because of my personal politics, and that’s fine but just stop making it about me when my mere presence and opinions annoy him.

I have blocked him. I blocked him the say he said “Feminist Sylvanas fans…blah blah blah” that’s a biased political opinion steeped in hatred. Feminism isn’t scary, men should try it more and they may actually not be incels. Curse could magically solve his romantic woes by respecting women and not treating them as the enemy. But wtf do I know, I’m just a woman.

There’s a few guys here who have tried to shoot their shot with me, and let me just say, that the reason you were rejected was because you saw any interaction with a woman as transactional. One guy even said “If I simp for you in the forums, what do I get in return?.” the answer is nothing. You can’t exchange respect for attention, respect is not transactional. I came here with the expectation of being respected, but I was told my respect needed to be paid for with romantic attention. I don’t f with that.

If half you were even remotely real good guys I might have accepted. I have had a couple of crushes on people in this forum.

Yeah, I dont block anyone. Maybe that is my problem. Maybe it is better to just not see the nonsense lies people spread, or at least not engage with them.

I feel like even the most insulting and disagreeable people make an interesting point now and then. No one has said anything so offensive that I had to turn off my screen and block them.

You do make a point. There is a difference between lore arguments and wild personal attacks. I should focus on the people who want to discuss lore, not the people who want to tell lies and insults.

Well, after reviewing the thread, i come to the conclusion that the people on the SF discord like to backstab each other over the most miniscule disagreements. And don’t achieve anything, except maybe a few grey hairs and a slightly longer blocklist.


And this why I don’t visit that cesspit

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Yeah, Ren is one of the posters I “liked” the most, and she “liked” me quite a bit as well. I think she has “liked” me more than anyone. It shows in the summary.

I guess we agreed with alot of stuff until the Sylvanas arc was wrapped up. Then she started with the name calling.

Who says Sylvanas did not bring people together? She was actually holding this forum together, in her own way.

That is not the case. I disagreed with you about who gets to gatekeep feminism, and who gets to gatekeep discussions about it. We pretty much have similar politics. I do not dislike you for it - I dislike that you jump to conclusions and make up stories.

Where is this coming from? Another story you made up? Doness said that was not part of his dossier about me. Sounds like you are making up stories again.

Not to brag, but I have more problems gently turning advances down. But spread more lies if you wish.

Doh, I already failed my mission.

Doesn’t seem too bad to me. Granted I only really use Discord to check on scheduling stuff and ish post. I don’t find it conductive to conversation as there’s often several happening simultaneously. So it feels to me like trying to talk in a really crowded bar.

I’ve a hard enough time staying on track with just this. I’ve a tendency to repeat myself or use redundant descriptions because I’ll frequently get distracted midway through a point and have to try to rememberwhat I was getting at. Probably why I’m in the field I am. You’ve to get good at BS with ADHD as nobody takes kindly to hearing;

Sorry could you repeat that last part? And the middle? And the beginning? There was a cute squirrel in the window and instead of listening to you I was thinking about how I’d go about befriending it”.


I just don’t like how most discord servers are nothing more than an echo chamber and a toxic hostile place if you’re relatively new to a fandom or just new to that server in general.

But I’m glad certain people shown their colors publicly and i can choose not to interact

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yeah they are mostly but most places where people interact often become echo chambers. No one wants discourse or disagreements or most spaces would end up like Facebook or Twitter.

I’m with Benedikt, the sensory input from Discord is overwhelming, it feels like walking into a party with pre-established inner jokes that you don’t understand and you just stand there awkwardly like the new kid from Philipedphia who just moved to a new school.

What if I use the wrong emoji that looks like an orc and i think it’s supposed to be funny? but it ends up being wrong…

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Pitfalls of every online community really. People can get insular and weird about any topic imaginable.

Hell I accidentally kicked a hornet’s nest awhile back by having the apparently controversial opinion that you shouldn’t let your pets wander around outside unattended. Next thing ya know I’m being told I support animal cruelty because I don’t think you should let Mr.Mittens devastate the local bird population and get hit by a car.

Internets a weird place.


I also share the same henious opinion pets should be indoors. There is a vicious snowy owl in my neighborhood that will decapitate a small dog. It’s tried to fly off with small dogs on leashes. There’s coyotes and traffic, it seems like animal abuse to let them roam free outside where they could easily die.