Story Forum Community Lounge (Part 1)

A bit of internet language history, my friend. A large part of the left-leaning English speaking internet is still stuck in the 2016 election campaign and uses buzzwords popular at that time, even though their opponents no longer use terms like “MGTOW”, “redpilled” or “snowflake”. However, the terms they actually use got appropriated by left-wingers as well. “Based” and “degenerate” were right wing 4chan lingo, till left wing redditors used it. Same with “Cringe” or using the suffix “-oid”.

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Point is ren I’m tired of people handling him with kid gloves. He wants to attack my friends and act toxic? He better grow thick skin because I’m not putting up with it.

He can go cry to his twitter clown crew for all I care

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that’s the thing. I think he’s just a kid. (he’ll accuse me of agism or something whatevs) Who got wrapped up in a web of manipulators. He wasn’t ready to tangle with some master manipulators in this forum and it’s on him for not walking away from them when it was revealed like “Ooop this guy is a toxic manipulator Doness.” Meanwhile Doness chose to befriend him against everyone telling him he’d be manipulated. It’s his own fault he got manipulated by these people.

He got played like a fiddle by the very people he was against in the first place.

If any of those manipulators think that they managed to ruffle my feathers with this they are wrong. But I will keep my circle of friends tighter in the future. Apparently blocking psycho’s are not enough, he’s still obessed enough with me to destroy a kid to get to me. It’s him Doness should be angry at.

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I said what needed to be said and burned the bridges that needed burning.

I’m moving on from this

I think so as well. He displays an unusual anticipatory obedience towards anonymous e-personalities in his favorite game. It’s not normal.


Well it’s over. So, what’s up bud? Doing good?

fun fact about House of the Dragon. Steve Toussaint, the guy who plays Corlys Velaryon also did previous voices for World of Warcraft. He provided additional voices for Battle for Azeroth.


I do hope they didn’t cut the primordial trolls from DF. They sounded super interesting when they were briefly mentioned during the early DF datamining

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Didn’t know that. Who did he voice?

it doesn’t specifiy in his IMDB, just says he is creditied for it. No other expansion was listed so my guess, probably a random NPC troll in Zandalar. But I do love how all of these powerhouse british actors are getting booked for WoW of all things. He’s not the first person from GoT to have an overlapping role with WoW.

Cool. Tempted to click every random troll in BfA to see if I can recognize his voice :rofl:

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Another fun fact is that both Tyrande and Nathanos’s VA’s were recently voice actors in the same Disney movie. So, Blizzard has pretty big networks for voice actors.

There’s a meme sound on Tiktok that I SWEAR TO GOD is Tyrande’s VA, But I have no idea where it’s from it’s the “ding dong” meme with a person breaking through a door. Even if it’s not Tyrande’s VA it sounds enough like her that it’s all I can hear now. Tyrande breaking down a door and saying “ding dong.” It’s hilarious to me.


Let me step that one better.

Tyrande breaking down Nathanos’ door and yelling DING DONG.


Now that would be hilarious. And Nathanos sitting on the couch looking at her all bug eyed would be icing in the cake


Don’t tell me that didn’t happen. That’s canon now. :rofl:

I can’t watch that Tyrande and Nathanos cinematic and not picture that meme.


i don’t even have the ability to visualize but it feels right. She came to the man’s house and it was a WAKE-UP CALL.


here’s a tiktok compelation with this sound and meme

Does it sound like Tyrande? or am I crazy?

him sitting on his couch sipping tea, she kicks down the the door and he spits out said tea.


I haven’t heard Tyrande’s voice actor outside of her Tyrande voice, and two syllables is very little for me to try and recognize it from that basis. To me it sounds more like someone who shares a kind of, I want to say East Slavic? influence in their accent, but not the same voice.

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this is also Tyrande’s VA

Her accent is Italian. She’s an Italian American actress.

Your multi-edited rant posts are always good for a laugh, because they show how off-kilter you are. You seem to care enough about it to go on multi paragraph screeds.

Even Doness himself said he was wrong for saying it - so, it makes you look even more like a desperate person making up falsehoods about people. Especially after he tried to make made amends with me earlier in this thread for that, and I accepted. I am not as petty as you.

He acknowledged he was mistaken. So… I am not going waste time trying to concern myself with the mistakes of others. If they admit it was a mistake, I can move on. If they can not admit it, that is no concern of mine.

Not particularly. I did not ask. You brought up Doness was following me to paint me as a sexist, and he said he misunderstood me. I did not even ask about how Doness felt - you felt the need to share.

So, no. I do not care. Since you ask. But you will share anyway.

Oh please. That is your issue. I certainly never asked for defense.

I know how you feel - you put up a front until someone disagrees, and then you rant and talk crazy and make up stories about them. There is a common link with all the drama in this thread - Ren and her lies.

She lied about Baal. Lied about Doness. Lied about Eve. And they called her out.

Luckily, I do not talk to this person outside from the Forums. It seems she shares everyone’s private conversations if they have a falling out. She will use any personal info shared to her as an attack. She even uses Doness’s young age as an attack.

Your assumptions about me are due to ignorance about me. Think what you will. It makes me laugh.

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