Story Forum Community Lounge (Part 1)

Completely - their current colour palette makes Stormwind look like Disney’s Magic Kingdom

I thoroughly enjoyed (and still do enjoy) Kul Tiras. I love that it’s more of the ‘low fantasy’ vibe that feels (like you said) more human than the actual Stormwindians. Human is the only race in WoW that I don’t have a maxed out character for, because they are almost unsettlingly pristine to me even if they depict them in less-than-pristine scenarios. Kul Tiran made me actually feel interested in playing a human in a fantasy setting for once.

I just REALLY wish they’d give them more customization love for those of us who want some variation. I like the taller, curvier model of the female KT but their hair/face options don’t really fit the grittiness of the Kul Tiras that I envision aside from the one single option with facial scars. I’d like some disheveled hair, dreadlocks even, perhaps some intricate braidwork from the Drust ancestors? Anything?


Yeah I intend to make a Kul Tiran Druid who I’ll RP as a good ole fashion witch. None of this ‘sexy lady in fetish gear woth a hat’ claptrap. No a proper capital H Hag. Missing teeth, warts, and a boiling cauldron with stew made of wayward children.

And I was pretty disappointed with the customization options in that respect. Your maximum haggard level is tired retail worker who was on the wrong end of a bar fight at some point at best.


Don’t worry, DA2 will really make you work to see if you like or care about any of the rest of the companions. I have a love/hate relationship with the writing in that game.

And mostly a hate relationship with its actual gameplay. If you keep going, I strongly recommend carefully sprinkling in DLC content throughout Acts 2 and 3 because you can really tell everything mechanical about the game was rushed through the base game after Act 1.

DA2 is a lot like a dark romance novel; it’s full of UST everywhere and no one really gets along but there’s a lot of friends-because-of-course-we-are and it ends up badly. It can be exhausting but it can be very interesting as well.

DA:I has similar/slightly better character writing but the characters are mostly less personal since your primary contact with them is competent professionals until fairly deep into the relationship. As such, there’s a lot more ‘earning’ and you can ignore the emotional foibles of characters that irritate you. If those sound interesting, you may wish to skip straight to Inquisition; the choices in Origins matter much more than the choices in 2 to Inquisition, although the actual plot of 2 is involved much more than the actual plot of Origins. This reflects the fact that Inquisition is more or less a merger of the original plan for DA3 with a cancelled final DLC for 2.


LOVE that, it’s a shame that we can’t get that at a customization level. I intended to make my Alliance Shaman a Kul Tiran because I wanted that hardened, weathered and all around haggard ‘captain who also communed with the storm and seas’ vibe, but settled on keeping her a Dwarf because I can ACTUALLY be a Wildhammer as opposed to just imagining that I am one.

Hoping they’ll expand on those someday like they did with NB, LF, HM and VE. They’re sorely needed!


Don’t forget the mag’har and their various skins tones. You can get pretty close to frost wolf, blackrock and laughing skull skins


No intention of ceasing to be salty that the entire race of giant monster hunting British-lite sailors launched without a single tattoo.


Now I kinda want to play a tidesage that has a kraken tramp stamp


In related allied race news. All I got left horde side to unlock is the nightborne. Got stormheim left and than off to Suramar

To Undead and Goblin fans : do you think the Forsaken and Bilgewater still largely view their Horde membership as a mere opportunistic, practical/convenient allegiance ? Or do you think some sense of belonging and kinship developed over the years ?

Sub runs out today, so this may be my last day posting for a while. Take care everyone.


Been farming rares at the BFA warfronts.
“Good! Another corpse to bolster the ranks of the Dark Lady’s army!”
Me: uhm Nathanos, that…was an Elemental…
Next stop Darkshore, kill the crab.

Gods, I miss the guy.


Now I’m curious on what a undead elemental would look like it

Damn it Nathanos. Why must you be such a source of amusement?!


Quite enjoying playing a Dwarf Survival Hunter. Just a shirtless stuntie with a mohawk, a bear and axe larger than him killing ish.

Now if only you could use half your abilities while dual wielding. Seriously am I missing something or is that just a vestigal feature from the long long ago? Either way still fun to recreate this with just the one axe;


The survival hunter artifact is a pole arm, I think they are supposed to use a pole arm/spear/staff like a feral Druid? Never played Survival, just a guess.

I know they reworked Survival completely. I would not be surprised if they ignored leveling.

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Back in BC, I had a grey haired mostly-beast-mastery (when BM was a bit more melee-y than the other specs) with two axes and a huge wolf.

I don’t like the spears as much, if I’m honest.

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Speaking of Mag’har, I REALLY wish they’d give us a Dragonmaw skin! :pleading_face:

I think it’s a bit nuanced TBH. I feel like the cinematic with Saurfang kind of gave us a bit of an overarching reaction as to how a lot of the Forsaken feel with their place in the Horde. (At least, how Blizzard would like us to perceive it anyway.) It’s been long enough now that I feel like the Forsaken and Goblins are pretty well ingrained into the Horde as a whole that any opportunism is just a added benefit at this point.

With Gazlowe FINALLY heading the Bilgewater Cartel, I think it’ll improve relations overall. I think in respect to Goblins the convenience is a two-way street, I can’t really picture Orgrimmar’s (or the Horde’s) economy without Goblins.


It just doesn’t fit too well. I tried rolling an undead survival hunter because the BFA season 2 mail with the accompanying polearm just looks great. You look like a spearman RTS unit which is ideal for this setting.

But Survival doesn’t really have a soldier feel. This Dwarf with a giant axe though captured the fantasy that feels right though. Just this half feral barbarian fighting alongside animals with equal ferocity. Already have a neat mog picked out with all the best looking trophy skull based armor.

Rough character idea is he was a mountaineer who panicked and fled during an attack, leaving his comrades to die. So now as penance he actively tries to get himself killed fighting ridiculous BS. Trouble is he’s actually quite good at it.

Idk the idea of someone slaying a dragon only to nearly burst into tears because seriously how did this not kill him is amusing to me.


So my grey haired old dwarf was born because I really liked the idea of a loving ol’ mum, after the kids moved out and her husband died unexpectedly of natural causes, going “well, I DID that” about quiet respectability and graceful old age… and instead packing it across planets, going “oooo, what’s that” about everything, knitting sweaters for her giant wolf dog, and making a mechanical chicken named Mr. Fudgers. (She also had the gnomish poultrytizer and freezing trap and could mostly reliably cc two enemies at once, so she was almost more in demand for heroics than my tank.) Once Wrath hit, I also made her a motorcycle and whenever they expanded the pet roster, a devilsaur.

I love the character. She’s half sweet old lady and half adrenaline junky steampunk nutball.


Hunter DW is entirely a legacy feature, yeah.

I think the core issue is that the only polearms that really fit the fantasy of a survival hunter are spears, which are relatively rare and don’t especially match the animation type of two-handers broadly. It probably should have gone dual-wielding, but the infamous Ice Barbed Spear was a favorite hunter weapon and there are much fewer polearm users (Arms, Ret, DKx3) than dual wielders (DHx2, Fury, Enh, Outlaw, DKx3). Not counting druids or monks here since they’re stat-sticks for them.