Story Forum Community Lounge (Part 1)

Seen that now and it’s a wait and see for me.

I’m about the farthest thing from a prude when it comes to gore but I think it requires narrative purpose. Otherwise it just kinda comes off as juvenhile imo. Which that did to me.

I’m just hoping they remember it was the interesting, textured characters and their webs of schemes and alliances that made the first show popular. If dragons, blood and boobs was all it took then the first series wouldn’t be widely considered to have a worse ending than the 1930s.

Still I’ll probably see how it goes. I was enjoying myself in the 2nd half when it calmed down and started telling me what the story is and who the big players are.


I have all the books, haven’t read them because I’m waiting for G.R.R Martin to release the last two so I can read them in order.

I know I’m in the minority with this opinion, but I honestly think season 8 wasn’t nearly as bad as people make it to be. Sure, there were some head scratching moments but take Danny for example, there were plenty of hints throughout the seasons that she had a lot of her fathers temper in her. Her going mad at the end wasn’t really that shocking to me

Her arc could’ve worked given more time. But most characters suddenly become extremely stupid. Varys master of whispers starts loudly plotting to anyone who’ll listen. Jamie’s entire redemption arc gets tossed out for no apparent reason. Sansa is being written as intelligent by just having intuition about the script. Tyrion’s strategic brilliance now involves him putting civilians in a crypt in a fight against necromancers. Greyworm’s weirdly understanding and patient with the guys who planned and executed his God Empress.

Idk it was just all very dumb to me.

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Yeah, that bugged me. He should have had more concessions from the 7 Kingdoms of Westeros - or 6 if the North became independent.

It bugged me that the end was a whole Stark tribute party, to the detriment or ignoring of others.

The Iron Islands swore to the house of the Dragon. They do not get a choice like the North, they have to be ruled by Professor X. I guess they are an after thought.

The Dothraki should have had some spokesperson. I guess in the end, they got some land to settle if they chose, or returned home. But they were sort of just there for effect. It must have been a marvel for them to cross the sea and conquer King’s Landing. But their Queen is slain, and they have little to say about it. It would have been nice if they had a say.

Grey worm, I can understand. He is practical. He should have gotten concessions from the Kingdoms. Like maybe demanding their help continuing their Queen’s mission, and demanding they help him defend other lands harassed by slavers.


It had some GREAT moments, tbh. I don’t think it was ALL bad but it was like the BfA of shows in that they tried to tell too many stories with too little time.

This is my opinion of it as well. The pacing was WAY off compared to the other seasons and the character portrayals felt wildly out of left field after so much character building from the previous seasons. I LIKED that Daenerys goes postal, and it honestly fits given the history of Targaryen rule but I wish there had been more substance to her descent into madness. It just felt all over the place to me.

Not to mention, the coolest episode with the Night King conclusion felt rushed to make room for another rushed through story. We hardly had time to process such a huge victory before being foisted into the ending.

I’ll never forgive them for not having Jaime’s ending to be to kill Cersei and then off himself.


The line about how he never much cared for the people of King’s Landing was so bizarre.

Really? Because then why did you risk everything to save them from the Mad King?

And don’t tell me he’s lying to himself this is the end of the story we’re past that point. Plus I almost vomitted in my mouth a bit at the end when they’re rambling about the importance of stories. Because that is the sound of an author felating themselves.

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I also really didn’t like the whole Jaime/Brienne hook-up/romance… whatever the heck that was. It served no purpose in the greater narrative other than Jaime realizing that Cersei was the love of his life. (Which was already VERY apparent and well established in the story.)

As a female with a lot of male friends, I enjoy the platonic portrayals of these types of relationships and I was happy to see one actually be depicted (up until that point, ofc). They didn’t need to ruin it with an awkward romance scene for… literally no reason.

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They did a lot on the last few seasons that served no purpose in the greater narrative.

It was like the show just because a -Shock- and -Drama- farm and alot of it just came off as cringey. Honestly, season 1-4 is peak GOT. Everything after that goes from “Yeah, pretty good” and rapidly moves to “What even is this?”

In the books I’m one hundred percent certain Jaime was supposed to be Azhor Ahai. His love for Brienne was far more overstated. The GoT show actually diverged from the book series by quite a lot. I’ll be interested to see how Martin finishes the series. If he ever does get around to finishing it.

T&E would host something this dumb

Well I wound up buying another month. I beat Dragon Age: Origins and kinda struggled to get into 2. I really dislike RPGs that just assign you loved ones out the gate. Like at least give me some prologue that explains why I’m supposed to care about any of these people. You can’t just make me care about a character I’ve just met being killed because I’m told we’re related.

I do actually want to finish the Kul Tiran storyline and do a proper replay of Suramar as I was still a neo noob and wasn’t really sure what was happening. Might as well do that and unlock NBorne. And hopefully unlock all the Blue ARs as well just to see that content.

Worst case scenario I start off DF with a bunch of characters with maxed out honor.

All the story forum fights going on right now are either about things I have no strong opinions on, things where the lore is so vague it could support whatever so we get dueling headcanons, or interpersonal sniping.



I mean. What’s even the point of the Story Forums if no one is talking about Sylvanas. j/k


I feel like maybe it’s just relative or something but for some reason unlocking KT felt so much more of a slog for me than it did unlocking the Zandalari.

I’m curious to see if others felt the same?

Dark Iron and Void Elf were my favourite blue AR unlocks TBH.

It’s hard for me to say. I mentioned before how during the Pandemic I got every class up to max level. So I’ve seen the Zandalari storyline too many times*. Even the most scrumptious meal is going to get old if you eat it every day.

And thus far I’m enjoying Kul Tiras quite a bit. Just about done with Tirigarde Sound. Shadow over Anglepoint or w/e is fun. Like the invasion of the body snatchers vibes. I only got most of the way through Drustvar last time so most of this is brand new for me.

What I find interesting is how the Kul Tirans feel human. Stormwindians feel like Disney animatronics to me. Everything’s just a little too clean, everyone is just a little too chipper. I feel like if you shook their hand you’d feel metal underneath the skin. Whereas with Kul Tirans you can almost smell the rum fumes coming off the sailor’s pores. It’s dirty, bigoted, superstitious, corrupt, violent - ya know, human.


The Kul Tirans are amazing. The Alliance wouldn’t feel nearly as bland if they were the core Human nation. One thing I regret is that the writers didn’t explore their potential as a cultural and genetic bridge between Humans and Drusts

Also stan the Fogsail Freebooters. Horde Pirates wooo


I could start a Horde/Alliance double standards match where we all fundamentally agree but are talking past each other to complain about our team’s writing so it looks like we’re fighting.

For old times’ sake.


Leaving this here for everyone because I think it’s cute

Stormwind could have been way less bland if they had been some effort into developing them. We could have a scheming House of Nobles undermining the king. We could have Lordaeranian revanchists pushing for war against the Horde. We could have Stormwindian isolationists pushing to take Stormwind out of the Alliance. etc, etc, etc. Instead, they gave us bland fantasy kingdom #33.


A better color palette too. White stone and sunlight is agony.