Story Forum Community Lounge (Part 1)

Admitably I’ve not gotten around to that area. But from that description I get the distinct sense you aren’t exactly portrayed as heroic for doing this. As you pointed out;

So the DKs can be evil but the Steamwheedle Cartel can’t be? Or whomever you’re working for. Obviously I’ve not played that quest but your description of events sure sounds like you’re playing the objective villain of that storyline. How’s that different from being an evil DK or a cackling Mad Apothecary’s assistant?

Like the Goblin cartels are shown to be literal cutthroat capotalists to the point where they feel like they wandered in from a Soviet propaganda poster. And that in itself is another can of worms given the Goblins connection to antisemitic European folklore.

Gallywix literally enslaves his workers. The Venture Co. constantly destroys the natural world for profit. About the only honorable Goblin we meet is Gazlowe and even he has a pretty mercenary attitude, he’s just not a completely heartless prick. I like how he mourned his men and sternly insisted their life insurance be paid out in full.

Suffice to say I never got the sense I was a hero when I was working for them.

I think what he’s saying is, playing a mad scientist or a undead walking corpse is vastly different, from blizzard justifying the mind (rhymes with grape) of a orc mother in front of her kid as actually being okay and a good thing.

That’s the problem blizz does a lot with their writing


In this case, it’s not about just the portrayal as good or evil. I’m sure most people can tell that this is wrong and they wouldn’t do it irl, if they could (unless they work for the US government.) It’s the fact that it’s an Iraq War simulator with no payoff, resolution, other than a few gold. I’m an Egyptian-American zoomer, not really the audience for this game, and I knew exactly what they were going for here when I did this as a teen.

In this case, you simply work for whatever your faction is.

This is a nuanced subject. I guess I’d say there’s nothing really, idk, fantasy evil, about it. It’s just an irl war crime put into the game. I’m not that eloquent.


I just realized they changed the forums such that if I have someone blocked i cannot under any circumstances see their post




They don’t though?

That’s framed as wrongdoing. It actively achieves nothing. Mercy on behalf of Jania and good ole fashion spycraft by Shaw is what saves the day.

Is it weird that’s bad but you can torture a quilboar and it’s silly? Yeah. But these are stories written ten years apart by completely different people.

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No, that’s just this thread glitching, cause there are so many posts.

I’ll have to play the quest to judge.

And yeah obviously throwing zombie goo on people and rounding up and shooting villagers in the middle of a town have pretty different textures to it.

Thing is I don’t inherently have a problem with the game going for a story that dark. But it just becomes comical when the literal next scene becomes a light hearted whacky comedy.

Thats why I brought up the Mag’Har death wheel. It was hilarious to me because they just had a maudlin rant about the horrors of war and then by just quirk of the game my next task was to frolic through the horrors of war.

Well Timmy you’re the man of the house now. Your father was a brave man who fought valiantly for his country. And when that big wheel rolled over him his lower jaw popped off and soared like 30 feet. It was ducking rad Timmy. Rad as hell

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The only person who actually had a problem with what Turalyon and Alleria did was Jaina. Even Anduin went out of his way try and justify the actions of those two.

Remember Bossy the Cow in Booty Bay?


That’s what I thought but it’s the same in other threads

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Uh, Anduin is another example of those completely incoherently written characters. Remember it was him who saved Garrosh from food poisoning in the novel? On second thought, “Anduin is always right” is the only coherent thing about him.

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In other threads, I still see “View 1 Hidden Reply.” Not sure what’s going on with you.

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I’ll take my blessing then haha


I do indeed.

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I remember. It’s one of the reasons I can’t stand anduin as a character. He always has to be right, regardless of the situation.


Essentially, the writer’s wanted to tell us Sylvanas is always wrong, regardless of who she tries to kill for whatever reason. And Anduin is always right, regardless of who he tries to save for whatever reason.

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I had high hopes for Anduin after Legion. Really thought he would develop through BFA.

But nah, he is just perfect and used as a moral arbiter even when most things are his fault.

I am not sure why we pretend that blind morality is a virtue? Like Anduin saying “I thought we were fighting for peace, but we’re just fighting.”

WHAT DO YOU MEAN? The Horde attacked unprovoked and exterminated a population of a capital city. If you don’t know what you are fighting for after THAT then you’re an idiot.

And his unwillingness to commit support to Darkshore after THAT WAS THE WHOLE REASON WE WENT TO WAR. Is just “Oh, NOW, all of a sudden, you are the pragmatist? The boy who got all the bones broken in his body because he thought he could flutter his stupid teenaged boy eyelashes at Garrosh Hellscream and make everything better? Really?”

Anduin is literally that 13 year old white girl who tries to lecture about how how -insert ism- is bad on social media.


Oh lemme address this.

Just block the clown. Take a quick look at his post history. A blizzard shill with nothing remotely valuable or intelligent to say.

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This is the thing that’s bothered me most in this game. It’s a Rare mob that runs around the camps of dead Gilneans in Silverpine whose only purpose is to be killed for loot. A dog that’s alone and scared, who all the people it were with had been slaughtered. It’s a creature your character happens upon and kills for no reason. I really want to know what the person who put this in was thinking.

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