Story Forum Community Lounge (Part 1)

I mean there’s also a rare Forsaken mob in Silverpine either side can kill. Who is not hostile and expresses complete exasperation because he’s just trying to fish in peace.

Lot of weird stuff in Cata.

I’m scared of mastiffs who are my size and not on a leash. :sweat:

I’m glad I can discuss bothersome aspects of the story here, without dealing with too many clowns.


On a positive note, I do like what I’ve seen from the new Evoker class. Definitely will roll one. Maybe even switch posting toons. Assuming I still play the game.


The new crafting systems seems like it will be worth playing for alone. I might actually concentrate on Fishing/Cooking if anything is added to them this time around.

The dragon riding stuff seems like a cool idea, conceptually anyway

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You know what is absolutely NOT problematic?

Naming my dwarf arms warrior Sledgehammer. It gets funnier every time every time someone uses the word sledgehammer or I get to charge/bladestorm other players or mobs. If max level PvP and questing is any good, I may have to actually have a main in Dragonflight again.


I did NOT expect that. :cow2:

I didn’t roll a red-haired arms/protection female dwarf warrior named Sledgehammer to be SUBTLE and nuanced.


Don’t get blocked again!!!

Oh man, remember how Shadowlands reimagined the Light’s powers around Anduin so he’s not only a human lie detector, the Light is apprently also capable of being Anduin’s 3D holographic journal.

Someone needs to take the wheel from Christie Golden.


Golden needs to be fired and blizz needs to give Roux free reign to write all of blizzards new novels. That woman knows what she’s doing and can even give evil characters sympathetic motives.

(Like the wounded troll woman in Shadows Rising who tried to assassinate Talajani. Whom you find out was a childhood friend of the Queen)


I’ve really enjoyed running around as a shirtless survival hunter dwarf with a mohawk and axe larger than him.

Really need to knuckle down and unlock Velves and Kul Tirans. I was going to do the former on my DH but I just can’t seem to find my rhytm with that class. I was actually starting to doubt myself before taking my Worgen for a spin and promptly getting top KB and flag recovers on the score board.

Plus I deliberately chose armor that looks different in worgen form and would ride up in human form on a horse.

Ya can do a lot with mogs if youre clever. My arena partner and I made our characters identical and you could see people getting turned around mid fight.

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I haven’t read that novel yet. What about major characters like Sylv and Nathanos?

Tbh I think Golden is fine as a limited instrument. I really enjoyed Terror By Torchlight for example. And the frustrating thing is parts of her novels are completely brillaint.

I was genuinely moved by a few scenes. Sylvanas and Nathanos having that “Where have you been all my life?” click when they both realize they’re anti social woodspeople was a nice meetcute. Sylvanas exploding at her sister because she let their brother play soldier felt real and personal. Her very patiently helping Nathanos recover will also strike a cord if you’ve ever had to walk a loved one back after a serious incident or disease.

A lot of stuff is really well done.

And then we get lava eel vore heaven and it feels like I’ve sat on a remote and changed the channel.


That’s an issue I have with her. There’s no real sense of consistency between one chapter and the next. Feels like she’s always floundering in ankle deep water and still manages to drown herself


Uh, I think it was pretty obvious which chapters were her “passion project”, and which chapters were only written to “get the job done”.


I dunno. I can honestly I’m not much of a fan of hers. The only Warcraft novel she wrote that I liked was the Arthas novel.

The sylvanas book deserved to be in a much better authors hands is all I’m saying

The Sylvanas Novel was kinda inherently doomed as it’s just a baffling product.

It really did feel like this was supposed to be used for a completely different story. Because we get a look at her life and it recontextualizes a lot of her pricklier moments.

And if this were in service to say an expansion where Sylvanas was a protagonist it would make sense. But she is actively a positively moustache twirling villain for most of two expansions. She did completely unforgivable ish to both the Horde and Alliance.

So finding out all of this betrayal, bedlam and bloodshed was because she was sad about her little brother comes off as completely asinine.

Ya know who else is sad about their family Sylvie? ALL THE PEOPLE YOU SENT SCREAMING TO HELL.


Blizz did a character assassination on Sylvanas, all because two dudebro devs couldn’t agree on where to take the character.

It’s one thing I’ll never forgive blizz for. She deserved better than what we got in BfA and SL.

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For me, it was the other way around. I thoroughly enjoyed the Sylvanas novel (or large parts of it), while the Arthas novel was just Arthas being a brat.

I don’t think that summary accurately reflects what was actually written in the novel.