Story Forum Community Lounge (Part 1)

Nah dude. I want people like you to be forced to play the Hello Kittified version of WoW. You’re all thinking you’re oh so “intellectual” and “concerned” about “muh Centaurs and their oilfields”. Time you play something else.

Bye bye :wave: :wave: :wave: :wave:

Dude looses his ish over racism and sexism and other issues that are glorified being in game

Love when people like you out themselves as being part of the problem in this community

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No, Micah, I’m sick and tired of people being pretentious. You’re all pretentious and you know it. Sure, the moral double standard ingame should be dealt with. Alliance and Horde should be on equal moral ground. But I’m sick of you pseudo intellectual arbiters of morality and social justice because SOME CENTAURS GOT KILLED OVER OIL.

It’s not just about some centaurs you absolute clown.

I guess my question is - how far do we try to idiot proof things?

Because a lot of stuff that are scathing satires of fascism; Verhoven’s Starship Troopers, New Vegas’s Cesar’s Legion, 40ks Imperium of Man, etc. are taken at face value by idiots. Hell Pink Floyd’s The Wall inspired an actual hate group called the Hammer Skins who saw the horrors of homegrown domestic terror in that film not as terrifying but as aspirational.

Obviously all those are fringe reactions. Most people are clever enough to understand it’s all just pretend. But idiots are going to think it’s cool.

So - where do we draw the line here? It’s a fantasy action game. Violence and slaughter are going to be glorified and presented as fun.

We need to start dealing with problematic people with sledgehammers, instead of kind words. I get it, we idiot proof stuff, and even put big bright letters saying THIS ISN’T REAL and there’s always going to be some uneducated idiot who thinks it is real.

We just need to stop catering to the morons in society and call them out for what they are

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Clownish? You want to know what’s clownish? To add a dragon race and then make “racism against dragons” part of an intro quest, with everyone nodding their head in unison “Oh yeah, WoW had a dragon killing problem for the past 17 years, glad that got FINALLY adressed”. That’s not odd to you? Is that “deep and meaningful”?

Oh I actually think we should deal with them with a lot more than sledgehammers. In fact, we should probably ██████████ ████████ ████████. Repeatedly and with extreme force.

But I’m not really sure what that has to do with Azeroth.


How is that satire?

Its run by a pseudo intellectual with a child’s understanding of the philosophy and history he preaches. Eddy Sallow is every 13 year old that read about Rome and figured hey they’re probably clever enough to do that too.

Only he never grew out of it. He’s every loser with a Roman statue PFP who calls their Discord server Alexandria to make themselves feel clever. And I enjoy wandering into that tent and blowing his head off very, very much.


I said the game glorifies torture. WoW was always a fantasy action game, but it didn’t have quests where you torture prisoners for information until Wrath and Cata. I’m supposed to feel bad for those Alleria and Turalyon tortured, but I’m supposed to torture prisoners for information in game without a second thought? Every time you try to talk about things like that, there’s always people trying to justify it in-universe too.


plays a Death Knight

likes comments about sledgehammering the evil fascists

I was 100% okay with killing Hillsbrad farmers, killing the pet dog crossed the line for me. I think I have more respect for animals, even fictional ones, than people. I’m sure that says a lot about me irl.

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Oh yeah I completely agree the game’s tone is outright schizophrenic. But that’s going to be a problem when you have enough writers to choke a sarlac on any given project who apparently work in different rooms on different days and possibly different planes of reality.

Cata is littered with poor communication. Hence a Garrosh in Stonetalon who’s suddenly really concerned about war crimes and a Sylvanas who mourns her fallen Forsaken and actively imperils herself leading charges.

This is also why Gilneas’s status changes everytime it’s brought up. Because somehow the person writing the Lordaeron reclamation quest wasnt told it actively contradicts the JUST RELEASED Sylvanas novel.

And I absolutely agree thats a problem but I’m not holding my breath it’ll be fixed. But who knows maybe it will be what with some of the worst elements of Blizzard being exposed. I used to ask myself “Man, what are they? Drunk?”. Well as a matter of fact….


I wouldn’t call him a pseudo-intelluctual. By Fallout standards, he has a big education and has more knowledge than much of the populace. It’s how he got to power in the first place, he put that knowledge to use over the vastly uneducated populations he conquered. His interpretation of the history he read about isn’t entirely correct, but that’s how history goes, no one can fully understand something they weren’t there to witness. Regardless, he became a conquerer just like the Romans he was inspired by.

It’s not much different than many real life dictators, especially those of the World War 2 era. They read and wrote books, espousing various intellectual topics and beliefs, then put them to use through force. That’s not something that should be written off as just silly. This doesn’t happen as blatantly today because the internet has created the Information Age. But it goes to show that those without knowledge are easily conquered.

This is the real problem of the game imo. I remember during BfA how everybody was hyped about the faction war, only for Blizzard to do a 180 and clamor about Sylvanas, only to do yet another 180, explaining how meaningless death in this universe actually is!


Not the only one. I loathe having to killing animals in game. Killing fictional NPCs don’t bother me nearly as much. I’m sure someone will blow a gasket over that though :cow2:


Yeah I was hyped man. I love PvP and WPvP in particular. Plus the Azerite set up the perfect groundwork for a morally gray story. A resource war would allow everyone to be paranoid and greedy. And Sylvanas’s speech about cycles of violence and our inability to coexist seemed to be setting that up.

We even had N’Zoth waiting in the wings as the perfect 3rd act villain. Say the Sword severed his chains and he’s been exacerbating everyone’s anxiety and anger to get the Horde and Alliance to wipe themselves out so his Black Empire can march across Azeroth unopposed.


Do Thousand Needles. There’s a quest chain based on trying to rip off a tribe of Centaurs with fake gold, then when they realize the ruse, you simply slaughter their tribe and oil drills get set up in their village. This one is available to both factions. It’s literally a miniature version of the Iraq War implemented into WoW.

Uh, the Forsaken are a race with darkness and edgyness as a core theme. Not really what I’m talking about all. I don’t want all evil to be purged from the game. And make everyone lawful good.

“Monster races that get slaughtered constantly” is a trope that Blizzard seems to be wanting to avoid from now on, because as Baal said, it’s racist. In universe, you’re told that the Kobolds are “infesting” the mine.

Well, I’d rather not glorify racism, torture, and colonialism. It can be in the story, but not glorified, just like in Shadow’s Rising.

Uh, you mean Tiragarde Sound I didn’t think I had any issue with that one when I did it.

Fixing the tone problem for me would be consistently portraying torture as a bad thing or something to be avoided, rather than going the opposite direction. I don’t have a problem with the Keleseth’s Persuaders quest, because again, I’m playing a DK.

If we’re just going to go the route of “Everything’s fine cause it’s a game,” then what’s the point of discussing the story at all? The entire point of the game is to murder and torture the planet, so nothing matters at all, right? Why even discuss themes like good and evil, or bringing Sylvanas to justice or not, for example?