are you just mad I unfriended you on bnet? because obviously we are not on the same page. Sorry. I just didn’t get good vibes from you. and you called me mentally ill in anger so I think I made the right choice for me.
well, then you will never have to talk to me again. it’s a win-win. Enjoy my blocklist
I think it is going overboard to say that someone is a follower of early 1940s Germany just because of where a dot lands on some goofy graph.
Ren you are being pretty dogmatic about what that says.
From a look at that graph Eve is just a smidge left of center.
I think you are taking it too seriously.
This is my problem with Ren. She doesn’t know nuance. It’s blatant. But it’s also kinda funny. She owns herself.
maybe, or maybe it was just another Evelyssa troll trap. I still think i made the best decision and I’m sticking to it.
I dont put too much stock in those parlor games. As you say, there is nuance that those silly online click bait games wil not pick up.
Like : “Which Beatle are you?”
The test says I am Paul, but I know I am George.
that’s not just a parlor game though. it’s a political compass test, have you not taken a political compass test before provided by your government? is this a new thing for you?
Sure. But they seem like dubious attempts to lable stuff that is not exactly quantifiable. I don’t put much stock in them.
Reminds me of those games teachers play in the first week of school.
No they are legit. I understand the criticism of this test but currently there is no alternative. The reason it doesn’t have a neutral option is so that people actually have to take a stance on each issue and not get centrist out of failure to select any stances.
I think there is an alternative.
How about not everyone fits into neat designations, and opinions can be nuanced and varied?
I am not so eager for labels just for the sake of them.
I think that’s a very wishy washy stance to take.
I think it’s important to at least get an idea where you stand on political compass and it’s not law, you don’t take the test once and that’s what you are forever, you can shift all over the political compass through the course of your life and the change of your values and opinions. And yes this test can be easily cheated on by not being honest, or avoiding questions or making mistakes.
I respect you a lot Curse, but to toss this aside as hogwash is a bit uncharacteristic of you. many people, including myself toss out terms like “radical left” or “extreemist right” without actually understanding where those stances are on the political compass. and if Evelyssa is just replying just to troll me you should be chastizing him and not me. i just wanted to share information that someone could find helpful.
Eh. I remember going to High School right after 9/11. Some kids on the Left made a case about sitting during the Pledge. I was almost always aligned with them on the issues, but not when it came to the Pledge. They asked me to join them, but I always stand out of respect. However, I respected their right not to.
During the daily pledge, they got heckled often. I would defend their right to sit in silence. It was kind of ironic that the now suddenly “patriotic” kids used that time to berate other students instead of actually reciting the pledge.
It was a crazy moment in history. The folks on the Left thought I should protest in ways I disagree with, and were disappointed I didnt join their protest. While the folks on the Right thought I was enabling traitors for respecting their right to sit quietly.
I feel how I feel, and it doesn’t always align with the dogmatic mantra of the day, on either side.
Eventually the ACLU came to our school and insisted that kids can not be punished for sitting during the pledge.
I mean, if one wants to have fun with those sorts of political tests, one will do what one will. But I would not take them too seriously. Hypotheticals sometimes fail when they meet reality. An anti-abortionist might change their mind if their daughter is assaulted. Someone might be against stem cell research, until they learn it can save them. Someone might want to defund the police until they need help.
I think the analogy here is you could give someone all the tools they need to help themselves and they still wont help themselves. That’s on personal accountibility, not social responsibility.
So I just took the test Eve linked. I am like even more Authorative/Left than Eve. I am like on -4X,4Y. Eh. I am not sorry. If that is what they want to call me, call me that.
Some of those questions are kind of bogus.
Like… I dont mind a mandatory ID but I think it should be free. If it is mandatory, it should be provided by the government. But that question reads more like a Right Wing talking point. It didnt seem to make room for the nuance of a government subsidy.
Or should animals have certain universal rights? Well, I dont think people should torture animals and abuse them… but I do want my steak. So “universal” is a bit nutty.
No I don’t. But one problem with you and Renautus is you two label those whose views don’t align with yours fanatics/zealots/religious nutcases/fundamentalists/'insert latest popular leftist snarl word here’.
I only called Renautus a Luciferian after she literally said she is one.
Don’t be a passive-aggressive coward, Cursewords. If you want to call me an extremist, just say it. I was surprised Smallioz sided with her despite her being disingenuous about him too, that was why I said that to him.
While there were problems with Trump, and better people who didn’t get the job (Trump was only better/less bad then Bernie, Hilary, Joe and several others), Trump was a sweetheart compared to Putin, Jinping and several others who don’t allow freedom of the press, force religious minorities into prison camps to try and make them apostatize or invade neighboring nations in wars of conquest.
Thanks; I took that test and got 1.67 on the left/right axis, 0.67 on the auth/lib axis and -0.94 on the Prog/con axis. Like I said, I’m more centrist than right-wing.
I took the sapplytest and got Authoratative left on the same axis as everyone else which makes me strongly believe this test is not as acurate as you claim it to be. Just to be sure I tried other compass tests which put me back in libertarian left so I think the Sapplytest just sucks. The wording of the questions were strange and it had a neutral option which defeats the actual purpose of the test. I chose neutral a lot more. It also asked zero economic questions. And no questions about race. It had very few conservative stance topics. No questions on free market economy, none on the regulation of corperations, taxing the rich ect.
I think the test I linked is the better and more accurate test. It’s the official test not off some quizhub site, made by a student.
I would call you anything I want to, even if it got me forum action. I have called you names before - if it fit the conversation. Like right now:
From reading that, I will call you a delusional paranoid who expects others to hold the same petty grudges you do. That is plain from your own words. If I wanted to call you an extremist, I would. But I don’t know that you are.
You may just be a person who is all talk, who does not actually participate in politics. That is why I did not call you an extremist. If you linked a picture of yourself storming the capitol or protesting at Planned Parenthood, then I might know you enough to call you that.
As if people must disagree on everything if they disagree on one thing. Not everyone holds the same petty grudges.
No, it means you’re AuthLeft. You claim to be a Marxist which is an AuthLeft ideology. Seems to fit.
Ren was making the Auth Left sound bad, but it can’t be that bad if I am in the group
I just am not a fan of unfettered business. On those questions, I went hard left. I think we need some regulations, or businesses would hold the workers in a worse position. I think Government can be the solution. Child Labor Laws and Overtime Pay Laws came about because businesses would do what they can to make a buck - and the people need protections.
I do not trust corporations to do the right thing without laws that force them. I do not think that businesses learned from the 19th century and would magically behave if all regulations were removed. And I do not think Charity is better than Government Aid - that question was laughable.
If that makes me Auth Left, so be it.
It is kinda bad. So thest measures four distict axis, right- left, lib-Auth The sapply test is not accurate. Retake the test I linked and see if your score is different. Authoritarianism is anti-progressive. I would wager Curse, that you are actually libertarian left.
Try taking this test just for hypotheticals, see if you score different. The test Evelyssa linked is not accurate. Just indulge me, please. I think you score with Bernie Sanders (who is centrist left libertarian) but that’s just my guess, I may be wrong.