Story Forum Community Lounge (Part 1)

That is strange. You act as if people who disagree on one thing must disagree on all things.

Despite their many disagreements on the lore of Warcraft, these two happen to agree on the IRL issue of climate change. Why is that a shocker? People can disagree on one thing and agree on a different thing. At least, reasonable people.

It is the extremists who demand purity on all issues.


I would like to point out political literacy and the irony of calling yourself a “centrist” as a right winger.

even if your views fall somewhere between Trump’s right and Biden’s “left” you are still in Authoritarian Right… you are a right winger. If you are right Libertarian you are still a right winger. There’s barely a “left” in American politics, they are outliers so no matter what most Americans have “right wing views.” The people who do have left wing views are labeled communists by the American political system. So, yes I am going to clash a lot politically, with Americans in this forum, that’s just how it is.

A “centrist” is someone close to the centre of the political compass, not inbetween Biden and Trump. I’m sharing this so people can have have some insight and gain some political literacy. Yes, Evelyssa you are a right winger, either a conservative Authoritarian Right or a Right Libertarian NOT a centrist. I doubt strongly that you voted for Hawkins in the last election, but prove me wrong. North Carolina is a red state, you probably think you did something different by voting for Biden, but to the rest of the world, and me a Libertarian Leftist you’d still be considered a “Conservative.” That’s rational thinking not black and white thinking, sorry.

I encourage anyone to take the political compass test to see where they fall on the compass. Don’t let me tell you what your politics are, define yourself… (and vote according to your political stance, that is your free right.)

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Yugioh creator died.

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I most definitely identify as a left wing nutcase tbh


I’m more libertarian left than I thought. Ok. I always just tell people that I despise both major parties equally as they are more like corporations than political entities.


Political literacy is so important. between voter turnout being so low and the uneducated/ignorant/partisan vote, I bet a lot of people are unhappy with thier own government, and have no idea they are politcally left trapped in a right wing country. America used to prioritize leftist ideals but it’s become more far right since the Bush admin. Shockingly so. But then again this shift is not isolated to the US, all the “progressive” countries are experiencing a rise in far right politics. Look at France, they almost voted it someone who was just like Trump, UK has Boris Blunderbus… this is a global political trend away from progressivism.


Yeah Le Pen getting 42% is pretty scary but that definitely doesn’t reflect how many people share her views, around half of them voted for her out of rejection of Macron. “Funnily” enough Macron is actually more right wing than her on economic matters overall

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There are multiple reasons for that. Some are actually understandable with the shifting economies of those progressive countries. But some are quite worrying if not terrifying. The rise of ignoring facts if it challenges someone’s world view even if those facts are in that person’s own interests worries me a great deal.

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it’s a huge misconception that leftists don’t care about the economy, I feel like its partially propaganda that the “lefit is bad with money” because we prioritize socialism and returning money back to the people. “Economic liberals commonly adhere to a political and economic philosophy which advocates a restrained fiscal policy and the balancing of budgets, through measures such as low taxes, reduced government spending, and minimized government debt.” the places we would cut money is in non essential spending like militirism, that’s the first thing to go is military spending. In this global tension I understand the shift, but I think it’s doing more harm than good.


The test on the official political compass site is skewed and doesn’t reflect current day issues. Most people who take that test, myself included, land in LibLeft which isn’t accurate. The Sapply Values test is much more accurate and is more diverse in the results people get. You rely on the outdated test because you’re politically illiterate.

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I see stickers on gas pumps that say show Trudeau with a caption “I did this” pointing to high gas, and then I the same stickers in the US with Biden saying “I did this.” doing the same thing. The right wing propaganda machine doesn’t even change it’s tactics based on country. I bet there’s a Marcon “I did this.” sticker too.

Gas isn’t even regulated by our federal governments, it’s regulated by our provincial governments and I’m sure in the US it’s regulated state to state. In my case it’s conservative Doug Ford who made gas prices so high, not Trudeau. But some people will be swayed by a sticker.

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Which is nonsensical for a lot of reasons the big one being that a President can’t accurately be responsible for the economy going into their first term in office. But politics like targets and people like to blame their problems on easily identified targets.


I don’t think I saw that, however there is a variety of other Macron stickers. People put the blame on him for many other things, justifiably so, but overall from my experience people are aware that high gas and fuel prices come from the international context and, above all, a whole lot of speculation. What governments can do however is temporarily freezing the prices ; that’s what the left is pushing for here

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our conservative provincial leader just gave us a 1.6% tax cut on gas lowering it back down to a “reasonable” 1.89/litre. But also rasied inflation on housing by 2.4% without raising the minimum wage. He pats himself on the back for saving us money on gas, but we are still facing a housing and living wage crisis and we are heading into a recession.


Since we’re talking about Macron

Try finding affordable housing in California sometime, :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

The good news is I can tell you that things are improving economically, though it will take time, and I can’t promise that things won’t get worse.

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We are actually comparable to California. It’s slightly cheaper to buy a house in LA than to buy a house in my city. My attached townhouse which I bought for 280K 10 years ago would go to market for at least 450k now. A detacthed townhome is between $500-$800. Rent for a studio apartment starts at 1700 -2K/m a small 1 bedroom is 2,500/m.


I actually live closer to the San Fransisco Bay area than LA but I get your point. Oh, before I forget, GO GIANTS!

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This sounds so terribly familiar… Here we were given a 18 centimes cut on the price per litre. The thing is despite that, it’s still 2.09/litre currently, and the government’s planning to remove that 18c cut. When it comes to housing, they announced they’d make sure prices “only go up by 3.5% instead of 6%”. Again, the left is advocating for a raise of the minimum wage, but Macron obviously won’t do that
I hope you guys will make it through without too much difficulty

LMAO I think I remember almost each one of those. Ty for that


It’s a .2/3 dot to AuthLeft. This is you, again, showing that you lack nuance. I am a centrist and I proved it. Even then, I proved that I’m not a conservative. You lose.