Story Forum Community Lounge (Part 1)

Bye Felicia.

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Have I ever mention to y’all how I really hate most of the WoW community? Most y’all are just so….sigh Most y’all just suck really


Is that so? :sunglasses:

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oh no! I tried to delete it again and it told me I was performing this action too much… well i guess it’s here to stay :rofl: don’t ban me

I’m not gonna read that post. What mistake did I make? Bringing this drama here? You’re right, but I need validation, though!!!

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For a good laugh.

I’ll fight anyone in the street for you.

now come play Heartstone BG’s with me!

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likewise. :slightly_smiling_face:

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I just unlocked the naga Tyrande portrait, I’m in the final stretch!

I bought party bartender Medivh.


Anyway, working on Highmountain questing on this toon. Forgot how much fun Legion was :wolf:


legion is hands down the best expansion to date.


Oh, by far. Dare I say, it’s better than Wrath in my opinion. Wraths problem is it dragged on for almost 4 yrs before blizz released Cata


cessty and zesty.

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The story forums has gone through a purge thanks to Steve Danuser and his crack team of writers.

Anyone with two good braincells to rub together is gone. Save yourself from this place and don’t look back :rofl:

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I have been playing the crap out of BattleTech lately. I might get back into painting models just waiting for another computer game.


People actually spent time to make a documentary glorifying a PvP griefer

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“Killing upwards of ten people a day”

So I went out last week to see a comedian and came home with covid. The one time I go out in months - years and I get covid.

I’ve recovered from it but gotta wait until wednesday my time before I can leave my home if I test negative.

Not to mention that Blizzard pulled the plug on Ulduar too soon for a filler raid with 5 bosses. Probably why blizzard revamped Onyxia for the 5th anniversary event.


Fingers crossed, homie.

Tbf that was kinda impressive.

And honestly having to deal with crap like that gave a much needed sense of danger to proceedings as otherwise questing gets kinda dull.

I think item level power creep is what ruined it. In Classic I was pleased to see 3 other 40+s and I took on an overconfident level 60 with at least some raid tier gear and won. Just kept the guy stunned and CC’ed long enough that we took him down.

Now though? I don’t think four fresh level 60s would have a chance against even a moderatly well geared one. I learned this the hard way when I jumped a warrior with my fresh level 120 after he ganked my mage. Caught the guy AFK and had a whole 10 seconds of smacking him reaction free. And I barely put a dent into his healthbar and was then immediately roflstommped.

Kinda kills the fun when there is no way to rally and overwhelm someone. And SL was particularly bad as we all shared questing hubs and zones so everything was Nessingway’s STV camp level of directionless killing.

For BFA’s faults I never shut off WM because outside Magni’s WQs we had our own Red and Blue ones and our own bases to book it back to. You could make it work.