I’m in the same boat. How this here huntard got my epix trinkets and rings was the simplest way possible; BGs and WQs, hoping for titan forged upgrades. I actually think all of them were just world quests, but I know my rogue got her’s in BGs.
But good news everyone! World quest gear goes back to scaling (past 320) when the raid comes out, or shortly after it.
Oh man, I missed this question. And I even have an answer for you!
If you don’t already have a demon hunter on the server, roll one. Get through the starter quests, then immediately go to Draenor via the Timeless Isle “secret” path. Hit up the town outside of Ashran and visit your engineering trainor. Learn engineering and draenor engi, you won’t need to worry about leveling anything to get to the patterns. Then either buy the mats or farm them up. Make all the gliders you want, drop the professions and pick the ones you actually want. An alternative is to have any level 90+ character drop a gathering profession to pick up engineering
Or you could buy them off the AH if you really want to do it that way. Depending on the server, that’s probably the cheaper route.
For me, I go through gliders too quickly for the AH to supply enough, so I end up making them. I’ve got twelve garrisons on this server and… Even more on my Alliance server, and all have trading posts. So whenever the ores and cloth are traded cheap through the trading posts, I just buy up mats and craft enough gliders to effectively supply the entire Horde army for a month of glider bombings… Or for me to level one single character from 110 to 120.
… Seriously, it’s bad. I even glider from the flight path to the boat in Dazar’alor. I might have a problem.
You can also kill rares in Arathi and Darkshore for a chance at the WF gear while your faction controls the zone and the other faction has the WF if you really wanna farm!
(Lore) “Ok, our next question is from… Pees… Pee-apsay… P-p-peepsayah? Yeah, Peepsayah wants to ask us 'we have learned much about the world of Azeroth over the years, but one question has eluded us. When the recently deceased King Varian Wrynn wanted to sit back and relax, what was his favorite beverage?”
(Ion) “Thank you Pepsi, that is a very interesting question. The developers and writers have put a lot of thought into that question. Does Varian like Kaja cola? A nice chilled moonberry juice? But we at Blizzard like to think when the former king would kick his feet up and relax, he enjoyed a nice Pepsi Cola. Which leads into an announcement I’d like to make about a new and, what we think will be interesting, method of attaining a new and unique mount that lets you fly anywhere, even in dungeons, in partnership with our friends at…”
Ended up getting a nice trinket from the Ivus WQ today, so I’m citing this as the luck that made it drop. Thank you!
I blow like five gliders per Darkshore Warfront floating from the base to the mine. Smart money, lemme tell ya.
I think I’ll give that a try soon, thank you!
I went and upvoted all the questions from people here I recognized ^.^
Also asked some inconsequential silly ones of my own~
Do feel better soon! <3
…oh, well then. Okay. Still fun to read people’s questions and ask my own, I guess. They should be well aware of the big questions and concerns the community has, at least… hopefully that inspires some lively discussion. Big RIP to my Dragonmaw and Menethil questions though, lol.
It’s too bad, because I absolutely loved your questions. Would have been great to hear those addressed.