Story Forum Community Lounge (Part 1)

Apparently it is all Copyrights being limited in duration now!

Tolkien & CS Lewis will be losing power in the US soon.

Someone quick get TV Show Companies to initiate plans to make TV Shows not following the LotR Plot yet featuring Gandalf, Tom Bombadil, Misty Mountains, Mirkwood, Lothlorien and Hobbits(while withholding Bree, Rivendell, Rohan, Gondor, Minas Morgul, Isengard and Mordor cause they are boring settings) in some world that’s obviously not Middle Earth but instead has Forest Gnomes resembling Kokiri, Fairies flying everywhere and Forest Sprites resembling WoW Forest Sprites!

Also get the Senators to pressure the US into leaving the Berne Convention so that the US can grab as many Foreign Works for TV Shows as it can!

This bill is non-constitutional and in retaliation of the “don’t say gay” bill. It’s not going to get any traction.

They just want to punish Disney for being ‘woke’ it’s a rather dumb thing they are trying to pass, they basically want to steal all Disney’s IP. (me currently watching The Owl House on Disney+… oh no it’s the :rainbow: gay panic :rainbow: )

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I love Everien.

So Mickey has been under copyright for far longer than our copyright laws ever intended. Disney is one of many huge coporations that benefit from this never-ending copyright privilege. The point of copyright is to encourage people to be creative, but the current version of copyright actually discourages creativity by making it so that the grandchild of a composer that wrote one song never has to make anything themselves because that song is used as a dogfood jingle.

Josh Hawley is a clown, and I am sure, were it not for some at Disney having an opinion different from his, he’d likely be on the other side of this issue, but the Mickey copyright sunset was coming up anyway and Disney was seeking another extension, lest there be rule 34 of mickey on the internet (as if there isnt already.)

The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen existed because those were all characters not protected by copyright. Sure, the movie wasnt that great, but thats the kind of creativity that can happen when we reign in the indefinite copyright on intellectual property.

I sincerely hope you can earn some money from your fan fiction in the future (and smut).


Smut is the highest form of literature.


Copyright laws are to protect the theft of intellectual property, and they are important. If someone (or the government) tried to steal my intellectual property, I would justifiably be really mad.

This isn’t a good thing, this is a bad thing. It would take away Disney’s creative license and give it to anyone. Disney is making progressive strides to make fairy tales more inclusive, plus with the princess series, empower little girls. What republican bill makers want to do is revoke Disney’s copyright, so they can make evangelical aligned Disney princesses (for example) hawking archaic gender roles to children. This is not justifiable, and this is why you guys need a clear separation of Church and State.

If Disney wants to be a progressive company with a progressive values, they should be able to, and not be penalized by the government for doing so. Your GoP is really overstepping and pushing its values on all Americans.

I respect that Blizzard’s IP doesn’t belong to me when I write FF. without their IP I wouldn’t have this world or these characters, and I would respect Blizzard’s right to own their own IP and not make it a public domain. I may disagree with a lot of their choices, but taking away their right to own their own IP is just wrong on so many levels.

Here’s all the benefits to copyright laws.

Revoking copyright laws is unconstitutional, anti-American and anti-capitialism.

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The GOP just wants things to go back to the good old racist days of Americas past. They hate that gay and trans people are more public now, hate that PoC people have a voice, etc. White Christian conservatives see all this as a threat to their dominance. Which is why they always complain that white people and Christianity is under attack.

It’s sad and pathetic


What’s worse, is Evangelicalism isn’t even Christanity, it’s “Christianity for profit”. It’s like the anti-thesis of Christianity. It’s religious capitalism on steroids, that wants oppresive religious rule, it’s super racist, super sexist, and they own the GoP.

It’s time for the USA to have more than a two party system. And you guys should probably put a stop to private corperations or churches being able to fund political campaigns. Seperate church and state now, or soon you all will be living in a totalitarian religious state dystopia, more than you already are.


On the surface, and without specifics, I feel creative property should be owned for a long time, perhaps even in perpetuity in some cases.

I guess it depends on a lot of factors, but I think the steward ship and current value should be taken into account. Many laws are ancient and don’t take into account the present circumstances.

Disney could go on for centuries, or it could go bankrupt and be forgotten in a century. But the mouse certainly has value.

I just don’t like the idea of taking people’s rights to creative property just because of time. If someone wants to secure the future for their great grandchildren with their art, then that is their business. As long as they pay appropriate taxes for the income - that should be the only thing the government is concerned with. Not stripping ownership.



“The First Congress implemented the copyright provision of the US Constitution in 1790. The Copyright Act of 1790, An Act for the Encouragement of Learning, by Securing the Copies of Maps, Charts, and Books to the Authors and Proprietors of Such Copies, was modeled on the Statute of Anne (1710). It granted American authors the right to print, re-print, or publish their work for a period of 14 years and to renew for another fourteen. The law was meant to provide an incentive to authors, artists, and scientists to create original works by providing creators with a monopoly. At the same time, the monopoly was limited in order to stimulate creativity and the advancement of “science and the useful arts” through wide public access to works in the “public domain.” Major revisions to the act were implemented in 1831, 1870, 1909, and 1976.”

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Yeah. I don’t think anyone would argue that Walt Disney could not have painted a picture of a mouse and retained ownership as long as he wished. He could have sold that painting and put that money in trust, and the only outside entity with a claim on that money would be the state. What is in question is, can a company founded by Walt Disney, stop someone from painting a picture of a similar or even identical mouse forever? Copyright ensures that Walt Disney has a monopoly on the production of works including that mouse for a limited time, and has always been intended to be a limited time. 54 years is very reasonable and with a good idea, one can make a lot of works and a lot of money in 54 years.

What extending copyright does is ensure that someone else can’t secure the future of their great grandchildren, with their idea, because their idea includes a 100 year old character.

Like, Saul Goodman shouldn’t have to take his commercials down because of the image of the Preamble behind his desk. Thomas Jefferson and James Madison are dead.

I could see it only if Disney was retaining the license rights to things that should be in the public domain like fairytales for example, but they are not. They are just retaining copyright of thier own branding, original stories and characters.

Plus this bill outright states this act was brought forth by Republicans, to punish Disney for being too progressive or “woke” relating to the “don’t say gay” bill in Florida. I think it boils down to florida state banning gay pride at the Florida Disney theme park, more than it has to do with copyright… Disney also has a few IP’s with LGBTQA rep, like The Owl House for example. The new Dr. strange movie has wlw rep. Disney is too gay for the GoP.

In essence this is censorship, and discrimination against the LGBTQA+ community and the left.

Article 1, Section 8, Clause 8-
“the Congress shall have power . . . to promote the progress of science and useful arts, by securing for limited times to authors and inventors the exclusive right to their respective writings and discoveries.”

Things should be in the public domain, after a limited time. Police should not be triggering the YouTube algorithm by blaring disney songs while they violate peoples rights. (Hasn’t worked yet, but police have been doing this in an attempt to keep videos of themselves off Youtube)

So, it doesnt state that. Though the bill’s authors may have said that. And it is probably true. What this bill does, is revise copyright law that had been punishing the public, reducing the terms of copyright to a still extremely generous period of time. Telling people you will only protect their intellectual monopoly for half a century is not a punishment.

The Reedy Creek thing is a punishment, and its stupid. And it will likely stall out, putting Reedy Creek back in the control of Disney.

A Character that someone else created and someone else should have the rights to.

I can’t even understand the sort of thinking that people should have a right to the intellectual property of others.

Wolverine is a Character that belongs to the owner. If some other company makes a Wolverine movie where he is racist and doing things the owners don’t want their Character portrayed as doing, they should have control over that. Even if it is 100 years later.


I don’t think the government should control how long copyrights are held.

I also don’t think Evangelical politicians, should have access to Disney branded characters or IP to offer an alternative “Cinderella” where she’s a 50’s subservient housewife to controll little girls. This is not just about copyrights, there’s a bigger play here, as there always is, and this is a threat to progressivism.

If you don’t think this threatens Disney’s pro-feminism Disney Princess and Marvel IP’s too, you are living in denial.

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Cinderella is public domain.


Yes it is but not Disney’s branded character, that’s what I’m saying. If Disney held ownership of public domain characters this would be different, but this bill attacks Disney’s IP, for being too progressive.

Exactly! Anyone can currently make a Cinderella movie, even one that is not progressive.

This bill goes after Disney’s brand, for being too popular and progressive. It makes no sense.

So Intellectual property is kind of made up.

It stems from copyright which stems from Map makers.

Map makers had a problem where they could go out and survey a city. They could draw a map of the city. They could sell that map. Then someone could come and copy that map, without doing the survey, and sell that copy. Map makers developed methods of proving that someone had copied their work, like making up fake streets. But they didnt really have much legal recourse, without the concept of copyright. I mean… if someone has a map, they should have the right to sell that map, right? I mean, they supplied the ink, and the paper, and they did the labor and the press… but reasonably, we know there is something wrong about it. Thats why we invented copyright. And we also understood that at some point, new mapmakers should be able to reference the work of previous mapmakers without fear of copyright infringement. Otherwise humans would be doing the same work over and over for no reason. That concept got extended to other art forms in ways that are not at all the same.

Coca Cola essentially invented the modern Santa Clause, but I doubt any of us would argue that people shouldnt be able to write stories or make art depicting fat santa in a red suit, with rosey cheeks, enjoying sweets. Few would argue that people shouldn’t continue to get credit for their work. But copyright prohibits others from getting credit for their work if it uses characters under copyright.

Tolkien invented Dwarves. I dont think he is entitled to compensation from every creator to use fantasy dwarves, or the spelling Tolkien specifically laid out in the preface of his novels.

Blizzard couldn’t even win the DOTA 2 case. I think most people would have agreed that DOTA the name might have been contentious, but Blizzard also wanted to argue that the gameplay was their intellectual property. Penny Arcade made the analogy that WotC could have exclusive rights to the mechanic of turning a card sideways to note a change in state. Just because you did it first, or came up with a good name for the thing, doesn’t make your version of it more important than someone elses.

And losing the DOTA case, was probably a win for everyone. HotS exists as an If you can’t beat em, join em and I enjoy it more than DOTA personally.

Anyway, the point is, intellectual property is poorly defined. It shouldnt include things to come out of someone elses mind. Characters shouldnt be exclusive indefinitely. Blues Traveller shouldnt be sued for using Cannon in D as the backbone of Hook. Hook makes the world a better place, because it is a fresh, and brilliant intellectual property, that uses someone else’s intellectual property in a new way.

The Reedy Creek thing does exactly that. You arent wrong.

But this bill isnt necessary to take the mouse from Disney. Disney was already looking at losing rights to Mickey. Assuming there is enough support for the bill, there would have been enough support to take Mickey.

This bill addresses (effectively or not) future mickey situations. Where corporations seek to extend copyright indefinitely to control how the intellectual property of dead people is used.

Interestingly I’ve found a few sexy art paintings scattered around the game still.

Did they roll back on their completely asinine and unhelpful mission to remove any thing risquĂŠ from the game?

I’ll never get over that Defias lady replaced with a bowl of fruit. Nice job Blizz you fought misogyny by literally objectifing a woman.