Regardless of how good the spoilers are, I might seriously consider quitting for a while. The state of the game and lore…really isn’t that good. I don’t know about anyone else, but I’m tired of the rare resources, everything being time gated or just releasing expansions in their beta states instead of a finished product.
I’m sick of being a beta tester instead of a player. I haven’t felt connected to WoW for a long time now.
One thing I want to add is they have got to stop tweaking/revamping classes every season for maximum M+ optimization. That only benefits the top 1% I’ve been playing these classes for almost 20 years and I no longer know how to play most classes on my alts because they have been changed so much and so often.
There should not be a situation where a class is garbage in the current meta. There should not be “current meta” at all. This current meta ladder system only works in pay to play hearthstone and it’s all about Blizzard’s bottom line, and this is directly the negative influence of Activision.
I blame it on Activision/Blizzs obession with Esports and these stupid Mythic Dungeon races they do every expansion. I sometimes sit and think to myself Why are they ignoring 99% of their playerbase?
No wonder the game has been bleeding subscriptions since end of Wrath/early Cata. Cata started their whole obession with getting everyone into end game content with the introduction of LFR.
I don’t know if I’ll ever quit WoW, but the new expansion will determine whether or not I transfer all my Alliance toons to Moon Guard. Shadowlands was a complete bust when it came to roleplaying.
Seriously. I’m NGL I don’t care for Mythics. Their difficultly curve spikes so absurdly. The Plague Halls dungeon comes to mind.
I really want to know who decided those plague tentacles should be pixel perfect instakills. Can’t tell you how many times I died because I was an inch off.
Plus it’s just highly coordinated team Simon says. I prefer PvP because I’ve the pathological need to dominate my fellow man, yeah, but also because it’s never the same thing twice. And you can really feel yourself improving, plus do weird tricks.
Players can be effected by confusion, misdirection, demoralization, etc. Like my partner, an undead mage and I, decided to make our characters identical and you’d be surprised how effective that sort of thing can be.
SL kind of killed RP on MG, like 90% of the people on the server consider the entire expansion non cannon and won’t even recognize anyone who mentions it IC. That’s how bad this expansion has been,
The Dragon based expac better have some amazing reveals to get me invested in game…but if they released another expansion that still in Beta….than I’m quitting for good. I’m tired of half baked expansions getting pushed to release.
My hunter here is a Beast Master and a worshipper of Goldrinn. Like he imagines he’ll go to Goldrinns hunting grounds when he dies. Imagine him visiting the shadowlands and find everything he did in life is irrelevant because some robot gods get to decide if he was a good person or not.
It would’ve ruined years of RP for Micah here and why I personally decided to ignore the expansion too.
I was kinda looking forward to learning about the origins of necromancy in Maldraxxus and the concept of sin in Revendreth.
Pretty interesting stuff for a DK and Priest. But if they ever got around to that I didn’t wait long enough to see.
I’d already stopped playing in late March because I wasn’t doing any more damn Torghast. So why bother playing my alts? And if more Maw content didn’t turn me off enough that Sylvanas soul cinematic did.
Because I presumed correctly this storyline was completely doomed then and there.
I knew the game was doomed the moment the convenant stories were time gated and you often had to wait a week or longer to get to the next chapter depending on where you were on the Renown scale. That was before they made Renown easier to get mind you.
I also thought the Sylvanas novel would’ve fixed some of the narrative problems Sylvanas had in SL…but it ended up making her look WORSE than blizz already made her look.
It’s depressing because…well as a Worgen fan, I want to love WoW again, I really do. It’s just the longer we go without getting any worgen content, the harder it gets for me to care.
Anduin, Jaina, Turalyon, etc I don’t give a damn about and never will. And I really want blizz to stop ramming them down my throat every expansion
Goldrinn had the power to move inbetween the veil to the Shadowlands. It was in Stormrage. It’s frustrating that he was not in Shadowlands at all. With his connection to Varian he should have been able to rescue Anduin. Anduin is “the son of the wolf” ffs.
This is why Shadowlands takes a big steaming crap on WoW lore.
Varian never should have been tied to Goldrinn,period. He’s not a worgen. That was the dumbest decision blizz made and one of the reasons I realized blizz hates us worgen players. They will piss on us every chance they get.
The whole “Loa/Wild God as food for the Jailer’s minions” Ardenweald quest, in hindsight was also really insulting. Especially when Loa and Wild Gods also died to cure the anima drought. Our Gods are not important at all.
That’s true. Not to mention they’re allied with literal wolf men
But yeah, as a furry/worgen fan, this game is really depressing to play if I’m being honest. The game and this community is not healthy and lacks respect for people like me, who are somewhere on the gay scale, just not sure where fully.
I only really stay because of talking with awesome people like you(Benedikt), Alysna, Ren, Doness, plus the few people I’m super close to in game, make it worth it. Without them and you guys, I definitely would’ve quit years ago.
That’s pretty much true for any character. Every Shadowlands zone had a character show up only to die or get corrupted in some way. Was true in several zones/class hall campaigns from Legion and during BfA as well now that I think about it.
Characters are just props for tragic shock value and, frankly, all it does is make me hesitant to like characters unless they tie them to a system since they won’t kill characters that the players “need” for non-story stuff.
I ADORED Ara’lon from Ardenweald questing…than blizz goes and kills him off. And that’s another issue I have with blizzs storytelling, characters we fall in love with don’t even make it out of the expansion they appear in anymore.
How am I supposed to care, when the characters I love I won’t ever see again, or they die for some sad attempt to make us feel bad? It has the opposite affect for people like me. It makes me care even less.
Above all else that was far and away it’s most hilarious flaw.
Because RPers are peak emergent gameplayers. Between contests, RPPVP campaigns and ongoing storylines we’re pretty damn good at doing our own thing with user created content.
BFA for all its faults certainly didn’t run low on interesting angles for a Forsaken player to tell their own story. My little revolutionary subplot was way more interesting than Blizz’s rebel idea.
But I knee capped myself there as silly me I thought they’d move the story forward. Instead of having us all jog in place while Sylvanas gets her groove back for 2 god damn years.
Well lesson learned Blizz I’m never writing a character that relies on you for anything.
Seriously this is weird to me. Vanilla through Wrath veered around a lot of topics but the factions had storylines at least. And while I had complaints Legion through BFA certainly had that. But between WoD and SL I guess Blizz likes to take scenic detours around irrelevant nonsense.
That’s why I’m going with a weird huckster technodemonic carnival barker for my Warlock. I don’t intend to have him attached to anything outside of the Darkmoon Fair and even that might be too much. They might decide to nuke that at random.