Story Forum Community Lounge (Part 1)

Honestly? I don’t think I’ve ever seen them that way. They only ever seemed competent in their own lands (which, duh) but outside of that they never seemed like they could pull off anything without help.

That’s a bit of an exaggeration but they’re very shoot first.

Idk I definitely never read them as relentlessly bubly.

Like I’m not conceptually against any of this its just a weird pairing.

Idk I’ve only had undead, orc and troll lady characters before.

And my only opinion is I love how both Forsaken models sketchily look around.

I don’t know, I’ve always seen Kaldorei women as graceful and powerful, like how you would imagine a matriarchal race of Amazon women. I agree they are not bouncy or giggly, more Stoic and contemplative, or hardened and indifferent.


The thing is I’m not like conceptually bothered by it.

The Belves kinda have a flirty if haughty vibe. But that works for them. And I didn’t specify sex because that describes either.

The the Nelf chicks it’s just distracting bubbly. Like we’re talking about a climate castrophe that wiped out a bunch of your countrymen you tried and failed to save. Weird they’re acting like the molly’s just kicking in.

Thisalee Crow fits the Night Elf model perfectly, with her bubbly and chipper demeanor. But that may be the point. Most of the female kaldorei lore characters I can think of are kind of grim and stoic, or at least serene.

Well, they are the children of the stars.

Celebrities can be bad parents, pawning off their brood on “the help”.

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I haven’t seen anyone mention this yet but it might also be old news, I thought I had heard about a black woman getting hired for such a position a month or two ago.

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I love how blizzard moved that “Anduin is 22 and no GF, he must be gay” thread into here (obvious that it was from GD beforehand) then they closed and “unlisted” the thread.

The Story Forums truly are the landfill of GD threads.

In Destiny 2 where he was the first and only successful attempt by Rhulk to place a parasite worm into a Scorn.


Atleast they closed that thread instead of leaving it open.


I just find it funny though that they moved it into the Story Forums and then closed it. Like why not just leave it in GD and close it there?


Blizzard is concerned that there will be a media backlash if they close topics about gay people in places where a lot of people can see it.

lol, I saw this too. I was like why not just delete it instead of moving and closing it? I guess if the thread is in the story forum it might as well be deleted.


If they wanted to do that, just move it to a random server forum lol

I feel like a ship without a rudder playing WoW now. I hate every single class or race. I’m bored. I don’t want to play any of my existing characters I’m just making new alts and playing them until I get bored. I started a void elf priest the other day. I feel like that’s an interesting combo, might main VE shadow priest next expansion.

I’m not interested in current content anymore.


I am struggling to enjoy current content at the moment as well. I basically log in for raid nights, get my daily chores done on my main to keep up with stuff and call it a day. I started finally leveling a random Horde alt for want of something to do.

I hope that there will be a new class in the next xpac and we get early access with a pre-order or some such so that we can level one before the next xpac.


I’m in the same boat, well that and blizz broke my video card again and I just lost all interest in playing. Doesn’t help that I don’t know when my video card is going to act up in a given day.

I just…lost all interest in rping and such. I don’t care about keeping up with Zerith Mortis stuff, because I refuse to grind super rare sandstone relics and cyphers to stay ahead. I hate how ZM and Korthia are set up with these rare resources you need to get anything done.


That’s the thing “staying current” makes the game feel like work. I missed having time to literally do nothing productive. If I log in anymore I run old raids. I sit in the main city it’s FUN. It’s fun to have no tasks.

I would rather go to my job and work an 18 hour shift than do Zereth Mortis Dailies and do M+


Tbh I’m only here because I’m terrible at monitoring my finances lol

Mainly I’m just seeing content I’ve never gotten to. Nelf stuff obviously but I’m also trapsing through Red Pandaria on an undead warlock.

Might get back into RP. Started those toons on WRA for the thrill of truly starting from square one. Not having all the bags and a few thousand gold at the start as I normally would adds some thrill.

ESO had a solid RP scene too but while I love TES it doesn’t have the same anarchic tone as WoW, which can just barely decide what genre it wants to be. So no undead cowboys or a DH that’s essentially just Snake Pliskin.

Toying around with ideas for my undead lock. Definitely shooting for more of a huckster showman vibe. Playing around with him having a 1920s radio broadcaster voice. I’ve a soft spot for that diction.

Also looking forward to using my demons to play wacky side characters. My Belf Blood Mage was a bit too serious for that sort of thing.

Idk I’ve it to July so, getting my money’s worth somehow


I’m currently taking a long hiatus from actual game play when it comes to WoW. It’s not the first time I’ve done it, nor will it be the last. The ennui is real. I’ve got a lot of projects left unfinished in WoW, most of which are fun and all, but the state of the story and the state of the game just don’t make me want to really dive into them. New expansion reveals have always changed that before, but right now 10.0 needs to just really sell me back on the game to have an effect.

I still pop in from time to time to check auctions, but that’s about my limit.


I feel like that too. 10.0 is a make it or break it situation. They have only one shot to sell me on the whole of World of Warcraft and they have the 19th to do it. I’ve never been here when it comes to World of Warcraft. I have taken hiatuses before, I skipped WoD but Legion reeled me back in big time. This is a Legion or bust situation.

I don’t know if Blizzard understands the make it or break it situation they are in right now. If 10.0 sucks or looks boring and uninspired, that’s it. We’ve had two crappy expansions back to back, can we hang through a third?

I was thinking about this yesterday in terms of spoilers. They have teased Galakronds return since Legion, we thought we were getting Galakrond in BFA, no Galakrond. We thought “surely they would bring back Galakrond in Shadowlands right?” still no Galakrond. If they don’t resurrect Galakrond in 10.0 I’m done. There’s absolutely no lore payoffs anymore, this game is pointless. Following lore is pointless.


Yeah that’s pretty much where I’m at. I want this to be good because genuinely I think the art design and class gameplay are the best in the business.

I couldn’t really adequately assess Legion as I was still relearning the ropes. BFA only became good like three months after the last patch when they stopped needlessly jerking you about. Also I liked Horrific Visions. An actual challenging single player mode that had a fail state and rewarded competitive gear was a good idea. I was having fun because gearing alts was no longer a nightmare.

SL’s Covenant system backfired in precisely the way everybody said it would. So, nice to see just suicidal stubbornness on the dev’s part. Crafting your own artifact was theoretically cool but making it a nightmare grind was dumb. And the Maw remains the worst thing I’ve seen in a MMO. Truly baffling decisions top to bottom.

The solutions seem so obvious. Screw borrowed power. Focus the story on Azeroth and this time not it’s wanton destruction. And hey Blizz, some of the best class design in the business.

So STOP making it a 30+ hour investment to get a toon finished for the patch. There are 11 classes. I have all of them at 50 and can say all of them are solid.

Mastering a class should be the 30+ hour investment. With 3 specs that typically play drastically different it’ll probably take a lot longer than that. Hell I mained Priest for 2 and 1/2 expansions and only really got Disc and Shadow down pat.