Story Forum Community Lounge (Part 1)

The ones to get some of the daily shroom treasures

Every single person in my real world life who has seen Euphoria and did not tell me about it is officially dead to me. Just finished watching both seasons and I feel like I need something light to come back down from this.

Tomorrow at work, the interrogations begin. I will learn the names of those who failed me so.


I drank all my rum awhile ago so I’ve returned to drinking whiskey. Feels kinda like I’m recovering from a soulsplit.

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I was told about it by highschool friends that said it reminded them of our highschool and I was very confused until I saw it lmao


I’ve got a nice new bottle of absinthe. This weekend is gonna be interesting.


Maddy is my fav

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If its the one show with Zendaya, than yeah, it was actually pretty good. Not my fav, but still good :wolf:

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It’s Jules for me. Jules is the one who keeps making me cry. Jules is the one who made me keep saying to the screen “no, no, no, no!! You’re growing up too fast, please stay away from Rue!! Just be a kid for a moment, please!!”

Side tangent, but I watched most of the movie Dune last night, fell asleep towards the end sadly, but from what I seen, it was a really great movie. Might watch it from the beginning again :stuck_out_tongue: :wolf:

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Ok. New game idea for the Warcraft franchise. Well, maybe not new, maybe more of a crossover, but hear me out people!!

The Sims. But all the worlds are Azerothian zones.

Imagine it. Being able to guild the Darkshire or Sepulcher of your dreams!! With Warcraft-themed Sims walking all around!! And the whole of Azeroth at your disposal!!

Think about it people!!


You hear a roar, the screen turns red, and suddenly the entire map is covered in flames and everybody is dead. It seems Deathwing was going on his rampage after you built up enough. Time to start over.


Yes!!! We need a WoW World Maker!

I would like nothing more than to create my own Deepholm, my own Firelands, my own Abyssal Maw, my own Frostlands, my own Skywall, my own Throne of Thunder, my own Maldraxxus, my own Ardenweald, my own Bastion, my own Revendreth(complete with Glowing Red Lakes) and my own Zereth Mortis(with Glowing Golden Lakes).


I would just make two WoW character sims and make them smooch…

I have no shame in saying I already do that in the Sims 4


Ren lowkey just admitted she too has made Sims for Malfurion and Alynsa so they would kiss for her. I know it.

I never have done this, nor did I build them a house. They definitely do not own a restaurant, and it is not named “The Cenarion”.

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Well now I have to! Lol.

I got the Vampire expansion pack just to have undeads smooch but sure. How hard can Malfurian be to make in the sims?! He has to be Makani’s goofy young Malfuran though. And he’s gonna be a homeless nature conservationist.

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There’s so much WoW themed CC out there, it’s easy as heck. If I could just model the overworld, I could fulfill my dreams of playing out Alynsa’s retirement in the Sims.

So I did try once to do a living Slythanos Sims thing and I look away in the first 5 minutes of play and Nathanos tried to make a grilled cheese sandwhich on a cheap stove, and caught himself on fire, and he died.

Before I could save.

That’s my personal karma for Teldrassil.


You know that Black Mirror Episode where the old ladies die and upload thier conciousness in VR. I hope that’s a real thing before I’m dead.

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I know what I’ve made my Sims do. To each other, to strangers, even to themselves.

I do not wish to be uploaded.


Storytelling in World of Warcraft - The Dire State of Shadowlands Might delete my thread but we all been waiting for a post addressing the issues of lore and CC member asked blizzard this very question. If no Cdev responds we can just assume the lore is not going get better