Story Forum Community Lounge (Part 1)

I have finally finished my Nightmare Picture with the Model Viewer. Had to use the Solo LFR of the Emerald Nightmare too.

Basically it uses a screenshot of the Core of the Nightmare(where Malfurion is trying to access Nightmare Moonglade’s Portal) then adds multiple models of various Emerald Nightmare-aligned Entities(the only ones not added are the Wild Gods Cenarius and Ursoc as well as the Nightmare Druid Cat form, Renferal’s Spider form, the Rotting Dragon at the start of the Raid and the parts of Il’gynoth) to the picture in the proper places.

It gives the scene a sense of urgency due to Xavius and his corrupted minions surrounding Malfurion as he tries to access Moonglade.

I also have made pictures of the Pool Gorefiend is in(picture has multiple Ghost Models), Thros the Blighted Lands(multiple Drustvar Models as well as a couple Ghost Models), Soul Ruin(filled with Fel Models), Telogrus Rift(filled with Void Models), Kypari Vor(filled with Sha of Fear/Mantid-aligned Models including Tsulong), Val’Sharah(filled with Nature Models) and the Wood of the Staves(filled with Pandarian Spirit Models).


I’d love to see the pictures you’ve made if you feel okay sharing them! It’s okay if not too, though. I’m just curious since they sound so interesting : )

Also, I installed my SSD today, and put WoW on it! Everything loads in six seconds, it’s so exciting~ :heart:

Edit to not doublepost: Getting kicked from a normal Island Expedition less than five minutes in with no communication or explanation feels kind of crummy. I must have been doing something wrong, but I’m not sure what. I stayed with the other two people, beat up lots of monsters with them, mined the little chunks around, all that jazz. Maybe it’s because I didn’t join voice chat? Or because I was max level and they were leveling?

Whatever it was, just being suddenly booted without reason makes me sad. The deserter debuff feels even worse. Not so much because I’m super into Island Expeditions and want to do another right away, but moreso that maybe it’ll make people think I was bad? I hope not. I’d never ever intentionally cause problems, and it’d be horrible if people thought that I did…

Ugh. I really wish I knew what I did wrong. Can’t fix mistakes without knowing them, you know? It’s driving me crazy.

Anyway, bleh. It’s enough discomfort that I’m switching games for the evening. Eorzea is less familiar but so far much friendlier than Azeroth. Or… possibly just some single player game. Feeling a bit too frazzled. Bleh bleh bleh.


I wouldn’t really put much stock into getting kicked unless they say something beforehand.

I’ve had people try to kick a party member purely because they were playing a specific race or “wow I didn’t think you guys would actually kick him!” trolling.

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Honestly? Whenever I see someone with the deserter debuff, I don’t assume they were the problem. I usually assume they were in a dungeon that went horribly, terribly bad.

And also, don’t assume you made any mistakes. I got kicked from a dungeon of my resto druid (who has picked all her talents for all four specs, thankyouverymuch) for… Not a reason on earth I could imagine. Nobody died on my watch, I knew and obeyed all the mechanics, never needed to so much as pause for mana, more than kept up, even managed to come in 4th on dps, beating out some hunter who did less than 1k.

Sometimes people are just jerks.


For this entire expansion I have had no motivation to fight the Alliance. The last two months I have barely played or even logged into the game. The story they have given us so far has depressed me.


Our Hanashi was wronged! Nobody messes with Hanashi and gets away with it! I will hunt them down to the ends of the earth! Do you hear me? To the ends of the earth!


Look on the bright side. Those people probably have horrible lives and will soon die.

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With post caps removed, is this going to be the final lounge? How far can we take it before it snaps?

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What is it with all of the male human paladins around here having the exact same transmog? The only reason Grandblade sticks out is because he’s wearing the helmet half the time.

Stop tormenting the blind you monsters!


I have no idea how to go about sharing them alas…

Ok, so. Leveling my druid has highlighted what I think my real issue is with BfA. This is the issue which trumps all other issues, the one which might break my enjoyment of this game forever. This issue is so large, Blizzard must devote all their remaining developers to resolving it ASAP. And what is that issue, you might ask?


Yes, this really is the biggest issue! Stop looking at me like that and just follow along.

In Legion with its four zones, we got a good amount of variety of stories; Val’sharah was all about the Nightmare and Xavius, which was old god related instead of Legion. Highmountain was all about, well, the Highmountain and their… Ok, I barely remember that zone, but there were tauren so it had to be good. Stormheim (which I can’t stop calling Storm Peaks) had vrykul, titan watchers and the AvH stuff, while Azsuna was all anti-naga propoganda.

I can only speak for the Horde, but in BfA we get: Voldune, where we help vulpira fight evil trolls, Nazmir where we help trolls fight evil trolls and Zuldazar where we help trolls fight evil trolls. So no matter where you go, you’re fighting evil trolls.

Ok, with some snake guys too, but they’re working with an evil troll.

Is this troll fatigue? Can it be troll fatigue? Will it officially become troll fatigue when my troll helps trolls go through troll history so I can unlock allied trolls?

I am tired of trolls and we’re not even a year in!

Blizzard, please, give us leveling content on the enemy continents! Too… Much… Troll!!!


Considering committing to Morrowind (the RPG not the MMO). I’m debating adding the mod that updates the graphics, though I was recommended to go vanilla the first play through.


When I got tired of the questing (you know, after one character since I leveled characters in beta as well) I just took my next two alts through island expeditions to level them with a few dungeons at 116 to replace my crappy gear so I could still help out on the islands.

I’ve got a few alts I’m leveling through islands/dungeons/incursions now. It’s slow but it doesn’t make me want to tear my hair out.

Oh, I’ve been doing that too. My druid got about half her levels through healing dungeons and noobing on islands.

But I used to like doing quests. Maybe it’s like you mentioned, a bit of beta burn-out. And probably the number of times I’ve gotten to level cap throughout the years in different expansions.

But the leveling this expansion just feels so dry to me. And… I’ve only gotten three of twelve Horde to go, and an ungodly number of Alliance to cap (unless I just don’t).

Three zones is too few.


Imagine using anything besides the Arathi plate transmog right now. Truly absurd.

Thanks so much for the kind replies, guys! I was definitely frazzled last night and probably made more a big deal of things than was warranted >.<

Knocking around Kirin a bit in Monster Hunter got me right back in good spirits, and reading y’all’s posts elevated them even higher. This forum’s the best!

Yeah, that could be the case for sure. After cooling down and pausing for reflection, I’ve concluded it’s either this, or because I was killing some trivial mobs that I picked up on my way to an Azerite node. In researching possible causes for the kick, I realized people apparently want to kill rares and only rares. Perhaps I was threatening their farm by collecting Azerite from the ground?

But… it’s probably the jerk thing, since they were both below level 120 anyway. I just do my best to never assume jerk-ness right off the bat. Always looking for ways to improve!

Haha yeah, ironically the enemy Mag’har team was nicer to me than my own teammates. They at least explained why they were hunting me! Something about interrupting meditation. Very sympathetic to a Pandaren Monk!

I hope their lives get lots better before they pass on! Everyone deserves a chance to stir some sugar into the bitter coffee of life~

Ahh I see. Well if you ever figure it out and want to share, I’ll be glad to take a look : )

Yes absolutely.

Modless is definitely the way to go at first. I’d especially not be tempted to use extensions like “distant land” or “faster base move speed”, because while the short view distances and glacially slow pace are very annoying issues at first, I think they’re integral to the Morrowind experience. Without them, the whole map will seem very small. Plus, you won’t have any motivation to make awesome traveling spells like jumping buffs, levitation, and the Boots of Blinding Speed!

However you decide to play it, though, you’re in for a great time. There’s no world as readily immersive as Morrowind. I’m a big fan of Oblivion and Skyrim too, for sure, but there’s just something about Morrowind that stands above the others. Maybe it’s how all the NPCs treat strange, bizarre happenings as normal. Giant squid ranches. Soul-powered magic fence. Ash blizzards. Heck, their primary delicacy is the eggs of giant horrible cave bugs. It all feels so alive, but alien enough that it doesn’t dip into the uncanny valley.

I freakin’ love Morrowind.


A big part of Morrowind’s appeal is its alien setting. Its refreshing to play somewhere that’s not a generic medieval Europe version #3984902309 which is as inevitable as the tide in the fantasy genre. Also because of its sci-fi edge.


Probably. People had demon fatigue in Legion only a few months in as well, since we fought the Legion in every zone as well.

Though you counting Vol’dun seems a tad odd. There was miminal hostile trolls, we didn’t really see Jakra’zet until the end (heck we probably saw more of him in the intro for Zuldazar). The most trolls we fought in Vol’dun would’ve been the skeleton trolls at the port, otherwise it was a few Sandfury and overwhelmingly Sethrak.

I mean, every Legion involved at least one quest chain were we fought demons, so it’s not surprising at least one quest chain in each Zandalar zone included fighting trolls.

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I mostly added it because you do fight some trolls, and as the last zone I do on each character, it feels like a brief reprieve from my trollpocalypse, only to end the zone with more troll slaughter.

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Fate/Grand Order’s first story arc ended last night.

“The time of parting hath come. I am he who surrenders the world…”
I cannot believe an anime phone game got me so emotional.

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I haven’t seen a single capped thread yet. If there’s no cap then it means I made the very last one!