Story Forum Community Lounge (Part 1)

That’s hilarious! I’ve definitely pulled some wacky mistakes like that before, too. Though, to be honest, I’d almost enjoy a way to revert to a “no talent” build for a bit, so I can slowly add them in bit by bit and see how each choice affects me in a vacuum. Not that I’m some super duper theorycrafter or math wiz, but I do enjoy tackling things at a very slow, granular level.

Hey hey, it’s Christmas now! At least on the east coast. Of course my illness’s symptoms have decided to act up, they have the worst timing. But I’ve been saving my best meds for today! Woo! I’ve already gotten a couple of gifts, including a DIY Dollhouse and Dragon Quest Builders for Switch. Very excited for both of them. The original Dragon Quest is one of my favorite games ever, so I’m eager to revisit that world in a whole new way. And the dollhouse has like, a million papercraft plants! And tiny wood furniture you can paint! I wish I’d known about this stuff sooner, it’s amaaaazing : D

Hope you’re all having a lovely day!


Merry Christmas Story Forum Lounge.


Merry Christmas to all in the Story Forum!

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I’m making of a list of the type of enemies that a spy would face, got any ideas?

I hope everyone has a Happy New Year, all be off spending time with family.

On another note, I lost to the Frizzies.:sob:

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All of you are so lucky with Christmas being in winter,here the summer is so f*ckng hot. : (


Finished Violet Evergarden over the weekend, that was nice. The animation was so pretty and emotional. There were a few minor areas it could have improved, but that’s kind of a minor complaint. Overall quite enjoyable.

Also got to 46 on my Elezen Monk. I’m annoyed because apparently there’s an intentional gap in the main story quest where I have to get from 46 to 49 to continue. So I’ll have to grind more Duty Roulette and FATE’s to get there, I guess. On the bright side, being close to fifty, I almost have the semi-alright looking gear that is the Monk armor set.

I’ve more strongly decided to go Samurai on this character as well. Still need to work on an RP backstory later once I actually understand the Samurai lore better. Part of the Monk storyline has already annoyed me. Spoiler if you intend to do it. The two characters I’m working with are both really annoying and I’ve had to do stuff that felt out of character for my own dude. One guy is super condescending, which is whatever, except I don’t think I’d keep working for him. The other guy is also a jerk and was just like, ‘let’s just lie to the other dude and say we did the work right’ and I just went along with it? Neither seems more right about what is the right way to pursue freedom for Ala Mihgo, but both do seem like jackasses I don’t want to be around.


It was prettiest anime I’ve seen this year. The animation and art was really astounding but the plot wasn’t the best. I’d say it’s a must watch for those who like slice of life genre. I also loved the OST!


So I just got this from an island expedition.

If my character goes insane and joins the Old Gods because he won’t stop shoving random trash in his pocket I’m going to be upset.

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The Black Goat with Seven Eyes is the Drowned God… In the Sunken City of Ny’alotha the Drowned Goat God lies dreaming… The Goat God’s heart is Black Ice.

Since his summoning heralds the end of the world clearly he is Sylvanas’s backer, archnemesis of the Void Lords(or at least the ones backing N’Zoth and Alleria) and the Final Boss of BfA!

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It is just me, or did Discord just take a dump?

Discord went down for everyone.

The kinder gentler version of Watership Down?

I know I’m supposed to hate the Darkshore warfront, but I got my hands on an essence of storms and I got to be a Banshee and it was really really fun.

I’m sure players will ruin the warfront for me in time, but for one brief shining moment I had a great time.

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Dark little secret? I enjoy Darkshore too.

Oh, I hate it from a story perspective. I hate Sira yelling at me all the time. I hate the disconnect between her saying Maiev will slaughter us all and Maiev simultaneously telling Sira to please just stop.

But, my rogue went from ilevel 320 to 350 in one day, and that was mostly spent fishing. Unlike Arathi, I don’t get lost in Darkshore (I get lost frequently). The battle feels quicker, even if it isn’t. And best of all? I get to sit in a ballista at the end and avoid the mob, while still doing my part.

Errr… But damn this Sira nonsense! How dare she?!? How dare Blizzard?!?

I’ve got most of the leather transmog set too! ^.^


I like the Rares in Darkshore since they add flavor to it.


Hohohoho… don´t let the envy overcome you. It´s a great set, why should I stop using it because other people uses it? That´s quite idiotic if you think about it (I mean, at the end of the day the one that has to like how it looks on my character is myself, the opinion of the rest of the playerbase or the fact they use it too is quite irrelevant)…


Oh hey I finally got around to fixing my post with your advice. Thank you so much : )

Also I love that picture so much!!! A very Bloodborne Christmas <3

Hired goons, mainly. Security guards, bodyguards, that sort of thing. Dumb muscle, easily thwarted with wit and gadgets! And then usually supergeniuses or other spies make for good primary villains.

Then again, you could be totally creative with it. Spies versus highly advanced AI drones? Spies versus faeries? Spies infiltrating a small rural Lovecraftian cult? All cool ideas, I think :3

Definitely the highlight of Violet Evergarden for me. While I’ll always tend to prefer less emotionally draining KyoAni shows, it’s undeniable how much of a visual feast it is. My favorite was the episode with the young princess and her long-distance betrothed. The plot itself was fine, but the gorgeous backgrounds with gardens and flowers and manors and lakes were on a whole other level. I actually complained to my SO during the episode that they were cutting away from the pretty scenery too fast!

Samurai is super fun from what I’ve tried! A very “balance the spinning plates” sort of character. And the animations are just wonderful. Flower, moon, and ice motifs? Sign me the heck up!

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