Story Forum Community Lounge (Part 1)

It does hurt.

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I use two Lightning Paws! The heal is awesome. As is the defensive CD. And we all match as gray foxes!

The first one was a pain, long ago. Took me a long time to get. But I didnā€™t know you could tame the same rare and have two of them!

I went for the second one recently, and he was right there on my first peek. I was flying over there, getting ready to set up my Vulpera camp, expecting to look all over for him, again, for days or weeks or longerā€¦ but he was right there on my first peek.

It was early in the morning, so I guess no one else had been around.


I went around one day in the final days of Legion, taming all the Spirit Beasts, and the only one that gave me trouble was that dang fox. Everything else was as easy as server hopping via group finder and a friend making trial mages. But that dang foxy boi was elusive (appropriate, I know). IIRC, my friend called it a night and I happened to just go fly over Duskwood and found him right as I gave up hoping.


Whatā€™s your favorite Spirit Beast out of the ones you have?

Mine was the Spectral Gryphon I tamed that was right next to the flight master in Stormwind. Having a staring contest with that mage while I waited for the tame to finish was nerve wracking.

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Oof. Hands down, my spirit owl.

Because of server hopping, most of my tames were done on low pop servers, meaning they were low effort, no competition tames. But my spirit owl was tamed during Cata. Iā€™d tried a dozen times to find the perfect taming spot to hit that bird with a concussion shot and land without dying. And all for naught, because as soon as Iā€™d land and the owl got in range, heā€™d do his big special attack moonfire crap, kill me and fly off.

I ended up attracting a nearby priest who flew up next to me, dismounted as I did to hit me with Levitate (and nearly died herself because she forgot to cast it on herself), threw a shield on me when we landed, nearly screw up the entire thing due to healing aggro (saved with a Fade), cheered when I got my ghosty bird, and even turned down the 500 gold I offered for her efforts.

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ā€¦Anyway, I think the most rewarding for me was N.U.T.Z. on my goblin hunter. Itā€™s stupid, but it makes my life better every time I see that squirrel.

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Hati by far. I canā€™t even tell you how many times his heal spell saved me while my self heal was on CD. :smiley:

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I wish Shern would check in daily, I need to know heā€™s okay now that his dictator has potentially started WW3 and is lying to the people of Russia.

Even though we donā€™t agree on anything politically the last thing I want for Shern is for him to get caught living in a Stalinist regime, under Putinā€™s new Soviet Union.


OK. Letā€™s make notifications. Somehow.
I do not think that something serious will happen in Ulan-Ude.

If an unsubscribed person edits a forum post, will it change?

Iā€™ll check tomorrow evening. Everything will be the way!

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Whatā€™s that?

Russia invaded Ukraine, has killed innocent civilians. Bombed hospitals and daycares. Russian military was lied to, they went into Ukraine thinking they were doing training. Putin is burning bodies if dead Russian soldiers and lying about the amount of casualties and these Russian soldiers are just kidsā€¦ teens. They have no food, no supplies, they were sent to die.

EU and Nato are cutting Russian citizens off from banks, to try snd stop Russian Ogliarchs from getting thier money. Switzerland isnā€™t neutral after 500 years of neutrality and US and Canada are preping for war with Russia. We are creating supply shortage to Russia, tanking itā€™s economy to stop WW3ā€¦

You are my friend Shern. No one wants war.


Worry aboutā€¦ mā€¦ representations? Transparency? Basic income? Universal health care? To your family?

Yes. Important things.

A laughing stock. Long stocking.
Is it a related phrase and surname?

I worry about a lot of things :pleading_face:


I just looked that up. It is interesting- definitely far from the current theater of war. Maybe the larger national and global economic stuff doesnā€™t impact one much? Or you are cushioned from what ever effects there may be?

Looking at the global map on Google, itā€™s near Mongolia, and also a big lake. Sounds pretty and peaceful. I donā€™t think the Mongolians have gone on a warpath in a while.

is that where Shern lives?

ooh he is Siberian, that was just a guess but yeah he wins with who has the worst winter.

He has a point though, what we know is currently affecting Russians, we see on the news will probably take a few weeks to impact him. like food and money shortages, the fall of the Russian economy. being blacklisted and closed off from trade. He wonā€™t experience food shortages for another few weeks when the reality of trade being stopped actually affects him.

what I worry about is the Russian propoganda machine telling the everyday Russian people that the West is starting a war with Russia and we are the villians, but we are trying to stop Putins European aggression. He wants to restore the Soviet Union.

There seems to be something going on with the political right, because there was guy holding a soviet flag in a local protest and I asked him what he thought was happening and he was convinced Putin was actually saving us from the ā€œNew World Order.ā€ Cognitive dissonance with these alt-right conspiracy theorists is reaching an all-time High if they think communist totalitarianism is the way to fight the Illuminati for world domination.

Likeā€¦ what has Covid and the internet done to peopleā€™s brains? They need to stay off the Darkcweb.

I canā€™t resist.

Stupid low quality trolling

Usually, to ā€œstop timeā€ do not turn to the enemies of the past for support, right?
In the US, there is no sentiment ā€œit used to be better, you need to become a colony of Great Britainā€?

Okay, I can. But I do not want. Embarrassing, but fun.

So one of my replies has 114 likes in a thread not sure how I feel about this


Not to get all political and possibly get this thread shut downā€¦ I should leave it at thatā€¦ butā€¦

I donā€™t think this is new. I think there has been a dangerous extreme and organized paramilitary right wing assault on the American Way going back to when Clinton won in ā€˜92. They took that loss rough - the OKC bombing and Waco come to mind.

Perhaps certain political actors have used COVID and the isolation that it caused, combined with the isolation the internet can sometimes ease as well as compound, for their nefarious purposes. But I donā€™t fault the internet or even a pandemic for the behavior of those folks. They were on this path for a while.

There is a lot to unpack in all that. This may not be the best venue.

Though, I thought it was telling that Trump was praising Putinā€™s actions, and thought to imagine an army like that at our southern border.

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You are Canadian too Cursewords?

That makes me so unbelieveably happy. You have no idea.

Iā€™ve noticed my likes got taken away when I started talking politics. Iā€™m walking a dangerous line. Iā€™ll stop.

The far right is supporting Russia because they are against NATO who they believe are ruled by the globohomos, AKA Jewish conspiracy NWO. They believe that NATO has been trying to recruit Ukraine which would threaten Russian sovereignty due to being a neighboring country. Putinā€™s reputation is dropping hard, heā€™s lost support of both the people and the oligarchs, hundreds (possibly thousands) of citizens have been arrested in Russia for protesting the war. Families have people in both Russia and Ukraine and are getting split apart because of this, itā€™s not a war they support regardless of whatever reason Putin gives. Putinā€™s best bet is probably to resign and seek asylum in Belarus or China.

Cold winter in the Abyss.
How have you been living the past five years with such unstable weather/events? River flood, tornado, river floodā€¦ Ottawa.

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