Story Forum Community Lounge (Part 1)

Clawful the Feathermane laughs at your Turtle. We got two survivability cooldowns, cuz he’s my bestest tank!! And with Clawful tanking, who needs Turtle?

Clawful’s so good at tanking, I’ve been taming boomkin players to heal him when we’re murdering rares. Four different druids on four different rares today. I swear, I tamed them.

I….I got nothing. Except Hati is best boi with his healing ability :smiley:

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I use my corehound for tanking since they made them better “dps tanks” with the pet update and it makes me so happy I get to use him without it causing problems.

I tamed The Beast back in Wrath so it was basically the first challenge tame I did (troll hunter + haste food + haste pot + lust drums to get tame beast fast enough to tame him) and was so crushed when they removed his skull level and dragon portrait : (

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I fondly remember back in the day, when there was a specific worgen rare that was glitched and made tameable briefly. Blizz sadly got rid of that

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Nope, it’s all about that Feathermane life. Keep your Beastmastery tanking pets, I got my MM hunter best boy Clawful. He’s got my back, whether it’s “Oh No I Barraged All Zereth Mortis Again” or “Oh No I Dismounted Over Stormwind Again and the Alliance are All Awake Again” or “I Need Druids to Help Me Kill Things, Maybe They’ll Think Clawful is One of Them Again”.

Clawful does not let you down.

For me it’s usually me getting yelled at by the tank because Hati is doing a better job than said tank is.

Be suprised what Spirit Beasts can tank when you keep them healed and the mob doesn’t hit insanely hard

I (very) briefly had a patch of untargetable fire as a pet before that got fixed for obvious reasons, lol.

Sometimes I really miss the whole pet aspect of being a hunter, but I just hate the changes they made to hunter and absolutely can’t stand playing them anymore. Much sad.

Corehound > Everything else

Wolves = All else.

Unless it’s Hati, because he’s best boi and was a ton of fun to level with in Legion

Nobody yells at me for my pet, because I’m usually sorta middle of the pack in DPS and turn Growl off when I see a tank so I don’t get kicked.


Until I’m tagging along with the same group three rares in. I’ve learned that I have an IRL ramp-up time (which again is why I hate needing to look up guides for content I’m actively doing).

First rare, I’m just… There. Mediocre, but not messing things up. Second rare, my brain starts waking up. But by the third rare, I’m like “pft, I got this. Y’all keep waiting for more people to show up, me and Clawful have this handled”.

Y’all just don’t know how amazing Clawful is. Best boy, he lets me do deeps while your boys make me go sleeps.

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me too! it’s a fire sign trait.

see, I forget to turn it back on and wonder why I pull aggro and die all the time.

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:laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

OMFG!!! This is literally me half of this morning!!! I’d turned it off when I was running around doing the rares thing. Go to finish my dailies. Why everything coming to murder me now?!?



Clicks on Growl at 5% health

That’s why.

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So many macros that @pet with misdirection. So. Many. Macros.

Almost every single one of my abilities has both an @pet macro for soloing and @focus macro for misdirecting to a tank in group content.


Fancy pants.

You are actually playing right. I just button mash.

Anelaan, you are officially a bestie. I mean, you were already a bestie, but it’s now official. It was official then too, but…

Anyway. I so live this life. But add on “@pet, dead” to the list of many, many macros.

Ugh, having another episode.


I got to ride General Draven today…:smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


I’m feeling exhausted and sleepy. I’ll have to respond to posts when I wake up.


Will go to bed soon, being miserable and ruminating on past events while I do it.

Sorry, this is my only place to vent when I feel awful.