Last time I raided when it was current was WoD and I ran LFR. It’s one of the reasons WoD is soft spot for me, despite all it’s flaws.
I have poor eyesight and bad reflexes. Any time I’ve tried a life-saving Disengage, I just found a new and more interesting place to corpse run too.
Except that time I Disengaged all the way off Teldrassil.
That was a less interesting place to die, and in fatigue water to boot.
I’m legitimately upset Bromero isn’t in my character list yet.
…My niche on Wyrmrest Accord is “Goober”.
I’ve been tempted to return to the Timeless Isle to get another Falling Flame and see where I land when I fling myself off of Teldrassil with it. If you want to talk about interesting corpse runs, give it a try and let me know where you end up.
I wanted to try using that thing to jump from Razor Hill to Origrmmar as my first use of the thing and overshot so much that I landed next to Bligewater Harbor.
Most players play like you, which is why elite players who look down on the rest of us are even more annoying.
I’ve spent more time in Pandaria this expansion than in Shadowlands. Zereth Mortis is the first zone I’ve actually spent a lot of time in outside of a few quick achievement hunts before heading off to whatever old zone I’m farming that day.
I was going to do the Cypher of the Ones research for the mounts, but of course blizz decided to make getting actual cyphers for the research difficult to get, I refuse to touch it now
This is why I can’t play a hunter… I would accidentally disengage off stuff.
When I switched from a mage and druid to a pally I forgot that I couldn’t just jump off cliffs…my pally bubble has saved my butt a few times from massive embarassment.
I got most of mine from doing the dailies for Firim and rare hunting for specific items.
Been hunting for decent mote farming spots so I can get the motes I need for mount synthesis once I figure out what I want to make first.
I’m easily turned off by content purposely made more difficult than it’s needs to be just so blizz can drag out a patch for a year or two.
It’s why I won’t touch the system, until they give more options to obtain cyphers or at least make the dailies give more than 10 or so. I was excited for the system too, but again blizz had to make it more difficult than it needs to be
It’s not as bad as the Monstrous Spineclaw and I’ll take it.
Plus, you know, mindless slaughter for fun and profit.
The special reagants to craft the mounts and pets are all needlessly complicated to get, and require a WoWhead guide.
I suppose. Most likely I’m going to do the finish the chapters as they unlock and likely never touch the zone again.
I just don’t like these complicated systems, they’re boring and not fun. I’ll probably spend my time in my garrison afterwards and mess around with WoD crafting
It’s why I absolutely loathe it and refuse to use it. I shouldn’t need to have read 13 different guides on how to acquire materials and where to get them
I was surprised they didn’t have a “drops from X” thing like they do for other profession UI things, but I don’t really mind using wowhead to find where they drop.
I’d love to see Blizz add a log book of some kind that lists where things drop like FF14 does for profession mats and fish.
No Falling Star (it has literally never dropped for me at all, and I lived on the Timeless Isle for a year, across 20+ alts), BUT!!!
Feathermane Slowfall + Disengage + Hyjal got me nearly to Uldum once!!
True story; any time I play an alt for more than five minutes, I have at least one “right, no Disengage” story. Way too early this morning I was using the thingy to bump my alts to 40 Renown and kept hitting totally random nonesense spells when I thought I was Disengaging.
All my toolbars have similar set-ups. Silences are all the same button, same for CCs and big cooldowns and defensives. But my Disengage button could be Spell Steal, it could be Rejuv, it could be Shadowform or it might even be LoH. No clue!!
I’ll probably give it a chance once I finish the last 3 chapters. I’m just annoyed and I tend to give up on things that annoy me easily.
Same. I got really good about Slow Fall when I mained a mage during cata prog and really good about Shadowstep when I was doing Rogue wpvp. My inner hunter kept going “LEAP OFF CLIFF” and I forgot I wasn’t a hunter at the moment.
Now I’m a demon hunter main and… well…
laughs in vengeance
Gah!!! Nope, I hate it!!! Like, this is a thing that has made me quit the game in the past. That kind of big hate.
When I’m playing, I start getting into a zone. Move from mob to mob, looking for ways to speed my kills per hour up, look for more efficient paths, look for others killing the same kills as me so I can force them into a team-up.
But the second I need to look at another monitor to look up where X thing drops, I’m out. Pulls me out 100%. I’ve gone from murdering the world to reading a novella, and I need to gear back up to do the fun part all over again. And once I’m in that killing spree state again, I’ve already forgotten the specific mobs I need for the specific drops.
If you need a secondary source to explain your new system, then it’s plain overcomplicated.
Pft, amateurs. Don’t know y’all know ya got Aspect of the Turtle?!
(Apparently it works, when I remember to use it )